Maya Uzumaki

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Maya Uzumaki
Age 17
Voice Actor
Relatives Hitomi Uzumaki - Mother
Kuromi - Father
Series Naruto
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Maya Uzumaki
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: February 3rd
  • Parents: Hitomi Uzumaki and Kuromi
  • Place of Birth: Konoha
    • Nationality: Narutese
    • Speciality: Religion
    • Hobbies: Origami
    • Likes: food
    • Dislikes: shallow people
    • Favorite Food: Ramen
    • Least Favorite Food: anything from the Uchiha quarters
    • Most Valuable Possession: nothing
    • Level of Education/Rank: Chuunin
      • Additional Info: tattoo markings along her back. White eyes
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6
    • Weight: 125
    • Eyes: White
    • Hair: Light Purple
    • Special: Slight reddish tinge to her eyes


I'll get a pic done.


Sweet, polite, and blunt when she needs to be. She doesn't believe that someone who has a high standing in life shouldn't work hard for what they have.. so she's a very hard worker.


One of Hitomi and Kuromi's kids. Not really much to say there, Hitomi and Kuromi got married and eventually had kids, one of them being Maya. Maya grew up to be a very sweet girl, adoring her friends and her family. She often got to visit her mother's colleagues and team members.. and had a fascination with religions and stuff because of her father being a monk.

Being the more quiet and reserved of her family, Maya tries occasionally to be funny, which usually always backfires. Like horrible jokes that really aren't funny, plays on words that make no sense.. and so on. She usually ends up blue-flaming at the end of that.

Maya grew up having different ideas for goals throughout her life, but her mother strongly suggested against the idea of her becoming an Oi-nin. ...and also being Hokage really didn't interest her.. so instead she decided that one of her aspirations is to become a great Medical ninja for the village.

Usually hanging out with either the other Uzumaki/Hyuuga kids or even the Uchiha family, Maya is generally friendly.. however she is incredibly loyal to those close to her. She won't take any sort of backtalk to those she cares about.. although in the back of her mind she feels a bit inferior because despite all the things about working hard being a true value.... she's never really had a -real- obstacle come her way. Yet.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Amazing
  • Athletics - Incredible
  • Stealth - Incredible (+1 with Thief Stone)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge - Good
  • Intimidation - Very Good
  • Expression - Good
  • Etiquette - Good
  • Performance - Very Good

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation - Very Good
  • Medicine - Incredible

Other Skills:

  • Survival - Good
  • Empathy - Very Good
  • Animal Ken - Incredible

Special Abilities

Basic Jutsu

Kawarimi, Bunshin and Henge (..this includes Sexy no Jutsu but she rarely uses it.)


  • Hyuuga style -- ...except she fights with her back to the opponent. Yay.
  • Gentle Fist (Jyuken)


  • Chakra No Mesu: A Ninjutsu technique used, primarily for field surgery. The ninja concentrates a powerful aura of chakra around their hand, creating a blade capable of tearing through muscles and arteries, or breaking bone, without actually breaking the skin of the person they're using it on.
  • Chiyute no Jutsu: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses chakra into the palms of their hands, creating a small ball of healing chakra. This chakra, when concentrated, can repair physical damage to another person.
  • Shousen Jutsu - Mystical Hand Technique (Rank: A) - Shousen Jutsu is a Ninjutsu technique utilized by medical ninja. This technique allows the ninja to heal wounds by focusing their own chakra to their hands. If the ninja is highly skilled, they are able to heal more critical injuries. Highly skilled medical-Nins such as Tsunade can use their techniques to perform surgeries that otherwise would not be possible.
  • Delicate Illness Extraction Technique: When a person has been afflicted by a pathogen or toxin, this medical ninjutsu can be used to draw out the agent and heal the damage. The cause of the illness is first determined by perceiving disturbances in the patient's chakra. Then, using a chakra scalpel, an incision is made near the affected part. Using their chakra, the medical-nin pushes a large volume of a medicinal fluid through the incision. The fluid then draws the poison out of the affected part(s) and serves as a medium through which the poison is suspended and then forced out of the person's body. This technique thus removes the poison, while simultaneously repairing the damage caused by the poison. After the agent is drawn out, it can be used to create an antidote or medicine after it has been analysed. This can then be given to the patient to ensure a complete recovery. This technique requires the utmost care and ability in diagnosis, incising and unmatched chakra control. Therefore, it is considered an extremely difficult technique, even among medical ninjutsu.
  • Healing Resuscitation Regeneration Technique: This is a very difficult medical ninjutsu and as such the success rate of this type of treatment isn't very high. Teamwork between the users is more important than anything else for a successful treatment. To begin a large, square seal is drawn on the floor and the patient is placed at the centre. Four medical-nin sit at the corners and one at the head to lead the operation. A portion of an injured individual's body is used as a medium, and its cells are converted to regenerate a missing section of the body. As an agglomeration of cells, even hair is a useful medium. As the medium is converted the missing section of the body is filled up with new cells. Controlling the chakra into matching the proportion of cells is extremely hard, so the treatment requires extended periods of time. The medical-nin on hand actually have to trade places after tiring, indicating just how long it takes.
  • Fuuton: Atsugai - Pressure Damage: Fuuton • Atsugai is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Wind Element. After releasing his black Wind elemental from her body, Maya will use the spirit to release a large wind blast.
  • Fuuton: Daitoppa - Great Breakthrough: (Rank: C) - Fuuton • Daitoppa is a Ninjutsu techinque which utilizes the Wind Element. After bringing her hand to her mouth, Maya will blow a large blast of wind capable of leveling almost anything in its way. A variation of the technique involves a smaller blast of wind which gets ignited with flame.
  • Rasengan (Spiral Blast): A Ninjutsu technique incorporating the chakra control needed for both the tree climbing training and water walking training. With the type of chakra control needed for the tree climbing training, the ninja focuses a set amount of chakra into the palm of their hand. With the type of chakra control needed for the water walking training, the ninja continuously releases that set amount of chakra from the palm of their hand in the form of a constantly spinning ball.
  • Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Being a forbidden and advanced NinJutsu, few people know this technique perfectly. It is listed in the Scroll of Seals, but still some advanced ninjas (such as Kakashi) know this technique. It is similar to the Bunshin no Jutsu; the main function is to create clones.

Fuuinjutsu (Sealing)

  • Beast form: She get claws, enhanced senses, super fast, super strong, resistant, able to sniff people from a mile away.. and basically InuYasha it up hardcore.


  • Genjutsu Kai: A Ninjutsu technique where the ninja focuses their chakra and screams "kai" or "release." They can perform it on themselves or on others. It will effectively ward off most Genjutsu, unless extremely powerful or when used in conjunction with an advanced bloodline.

Powers & Merits

  • Byakugan - Maya has the ability to use Byakugan from her mother's side.
  • Kekkai Genkai bloodline - Maya, from her father's side, has also inherited the ability to use certain Kekkai Genkai jutsus due to her association with Gobi, the two-tailed beast.

Bloodline Jutsus

  • Yōton: Sekkaigyō no Jutsu - Lava Release: Quicklime Congealing Technique: This technique makes use of the Lava Release kekkei genkai where the user expels a large quantity of quicklime from her mouth, capable of inflicting damage to an opponent. This ability can also be manipulated in order to restrict the intended target's movements, as after the initial blast the remnants of the substance can act in a similar manner to quick-drying cement. However, the technique requires the addition of water to set off the necessary reaction to make the substance harden. This can be easily achieved through the use of a Water Release, which can also serve to increase the area covered by the substance, thus further increasing the potential range of the technique.
  • Yōton: Yōkai no Jutsu - Lava Release: Melting Apparition Technique: Maya releases a large amount of lava from her mouth, which spreads into a broad, thin sheet as it travels through the air. Since it is shot upwards in an arc so as to descend onto the targets from above, it prevents the intended individuals from jumping up to avoid the attack. A great deal of smoke is created afterwards by the effects of the lava, so should the targets still be alive, a follow-up attack can be conducted while their vision remains obscured.
  • Yōton: Lava Globs: The user releases several globs of lava of various sizes at the target. The technique can also be manipulated to block doors and narrow exits using the hardening process of lava to prevent a target from escaping.
  • Yōton: Shakugaryūgan no Jutsu - Lava Release: Scorching Stream Rock Technique: The user expels a large amount of lava from their mouth, which quickly solidifies into multiple boulders of molten rock that are fired towards the target with tremendous force. Due to their composition, the boulders can melt through most objects with ease, and because a considerable number are dispersed over a wide range in quick succession, they are also difficult to avoid.
  • Kakazan - Flower–Fruit Mountain: While in her transformed state, the user creates a small volcano that explodes violently, sending molten rock flying up in all directions like a giant flower. The heat of the lava is enough to burn tailed beasts as strong as Gyūki.

Soul Stone Ability (Thief)

  • Lockpick: able to open any locked chests or locked doors.
  • Hide: Allows the thief to hide underground. They cannot move.
  • Sprinkle Sand: thief is able to perform an attack that targets the offender's eyesight with a chance to blind them temporarily.


  • Acute Senses "Smell" (1): One of your five senses is incredibly sharp, and Alertness rolls involving this sense have a +1 Bonus. You must buy this merit separately for each sense.
  • Graceful (2): You are extremely agile and delicate in your movements. +1 Bonus on all Athletics rolls.
  • Animal Magnetism (1): You have the "WOA DUDE BANG ME" aura, and receive a +1 Bonus on seduction and similar rolls (though this may inspire jealousy in the people who view you as competition). This is a Merit seldom taken seriously in the Chat Rooms, as it's been too often used by players whose intent is seldom gaming...
  • Ability Aptitude "Medicine" (1): Pick a single skill, talent, or knowledge: you're a whiz at whatever this is. +1 Bonus to all rolls using this ability. (Does not count for Athletics/Alertness)
  • Reputation (2): You've built yourself an excellent reputation amongst your kind. Add +2 to Social rolls when dealing with the people in your guild/House/Domain/etc.

Unique Items


Items of Note

A paper fan and her basic jutsu gear (throwing knives, needles, first aid kit)...

Weaknesses & Flaws

Maya feels inferior for having an easy life and being the kid of a Hokage. She wants to be able to prove herself, which makes her bit of a risk-taker and thrill seeker. She's also still kind of young, so a bit rash and hot-blooded.


  • Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation. A very bad flaw to take with certain evil sadistic GMs. (Maya has a lot to learn now that she's not being sheltered.)
  • Sensation Junkie (2): You're addicted to sensation, and will do anything to find new means of stimulation. If the opportunity presents itself, you need something distracting you to resist the urge, and only by making a roll (Diff 6). (Maya is addicted to doing thrill-seeking activities.)
  • Bard's Tongue (1): What you say tends to come true; you can't control this prophetic ability, and the compulsion to speak an uncomfortable truth is often very hard to resist (difficulty 8). The GM should feed you the occasional line to say out loud.
  • Otherworldly Taint (2): You have a physical peculiarity (odd hair/eye color, glowing eyes, etc.) and/or just an odd aura about you which may make you stick out. Someone who suspects you're not "normal" may make an Alertness roll, difficulty 7, to determine what you are. (She has byakugan and odd markings on her shoulders)
  • Dark Secret (1): There's something about you which you don't want people to know, and it would be very bad if they did (or at least you think it would be). In this setting, the GMs will pick your Dark Secret with you, and it may be quite a bit of a problem if you're willing to roll with it.