Marisa Du'Paige

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Marisa Du'Paige
A.K.A. ???
Age 21
Voice Actor ???
Relatives ???
Series Original
Player LocheEric
  • Name: Marisa Du'Paige
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Money, power, things that belong to other people
  • Dislikes: Taking responsibility for her actions

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'6"
  • Weight: 140lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Pink usually, varies


Marisa typically dresses in punk or goth lolita gear, depending on her mood. Her shades are the same, but typically are luminescent shades of blue.


An inimitable bitch, Marisa is sharp, cunning, and ultimately selfish to a fault, looking out for number one with a mercenary attitude. She always has her survival in mind, which is why she rarely deploys in person, often utilizing shades of herself across dimensions to do her dirty work.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Occult: Amazing


Magical Prodigy: Marisa can identify most magical spells and techniques very quickly, and has an encyclopedic knowledge that serves her (and therein, Gen) well.
Shade: Marisa can manifest several Shades to do her bidding - each shade is only partially vulnerable to physical assaults, sometimes acting entirely spectral - magical assaults will do damage and break the link, causing them to dissipate the more damage taken. Her spells, however, are very real.


Scythe: Marisa uses a scythe as a focal staff.


Small Shoe Size: Marisa's shoe size is a bit small, and hard to find in most stores.