Magnus MacMillan

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Magnus MacMillan
Age 24
Voice Actor Norio Wakamoto
Relatives Sir Taggert MacMillan - Father, Lady Amelia MacMillan - Mother, Sir Sean MacMillan - Brother, Lady Brenda MacMillan - Sister
Series Ragnarok Online
Player Wally aka Awesome aka H.P. Horschoker, aka Wally Escobar
  • Name: Magnus MacMillan
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: 4/23
  • Parents: Sir Taggert MacMillan - Father, Lady Amelia MacMillan - Mother
    • Place of Birth: Prontera
    • Nationality: A nationality akin to Scottish
    • Specialty: Animal Care
    • Hobbies: Carpentry
    • Likes: Fighting, his bear, God
    • Dislikes: Zombies, Lich Kings, Talking Negotiations.
    • Favorite Food: Steak, Grilled Peco Meat
    • Least Favorite Food: Doesn't have one
    • Favorite Music: Traditional Scottish Music
    • Favorite Sport: Doesn't have one, would probably like Rugby.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His sword, his armor, his wolf.
    • Level of Education: College Level Education
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Norio Wakamoto
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'5"
    • Weight: 250
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Hair
    • Special: One Eye with an eye-patch over it.


A muscular man with fiery red hair, a well chiseled jawline that is covered by short beard. Casual wears a knights tunic and pants or kilt depending on the weather and situation.

When in battle he wears armor much like this


Is your traditional Scotsman, loud, fiery, friendly and always ready to fight. Despite this he is a very devote believer of God and follower of the faith, because of this and his pride in his family and knightly traditions he has an iron will that is very hard to break and is someone you can always count on to have your back in battle.


Born into a family with a long history of knighthood. So much like his father, his brother, his mother, and even his sister he trained to be a knight. Once it was time for him to choose his future path of who he would pledge his knighthood to he chose the church and became a paladin as the growing number of attacks from dark lords, liches, vampires and zombies were increasing and no one could defend the lands from these forces of darkness.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness Incredible
  • Athletics Good
  • Stealth Novice

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge Abysmal
  • Streetwise Very Good
  • Intimidation Very Good
  • Leadership Amazing
  • Expression Amazing
  • Etiquette Incredible
  • Performance Amazing (can sing incredibly well!)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers Abyssmal
  • Investigation Novice
  • Medicine Good
  • Occult Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving Incredible
  • Survival Incredible
  • Empathy Incredible
  • Animal Ken Amazing
  • Manliness Amazing

Special Abilities

Passive Skills

  • Divine Protection - Has a spiritual aura that reduces damage dealt to him by demons and the undead.
  • Demon Bane - The same spiritual aura that protects him increases his base damage against demons and undead.
  • Auto Beserk - When he is near death he goes into a berserk state where all his physical stats increase. He will keep fighting and fighting until the enemy is defeated, ignoring his physical pain. A huge risk of this is that he could die fighting and end his life in battle.
  • Two-Handed Sword Mastery: Trained professionally in the use of a claymore.

Active Skills

  • Heal - Can heal a wounded party member.
  • Magnum Break - An incredibly powerful sword attack.
  • Shield Charge - Hits his enemy with his shield, however he doesn't have a shield. So he will charge his enemy with his armored shoulder!
  • Devotion - Protects the party members by taking the full damage they are receiving. Has to be close to the person that he is protecting for this to work.
  • Grand Cross - Releases a blast of holy energy from himself in the shape of a cross. The undead and demon type monsters will receive the blind status from this if caught in the attack.
  • Gospel - Will sing a holy gospel that leaves him open to attacks. However the holy hymn he signs heals his allies while dealing holy damage to his enemies for one round.
  • Pressure - His most powerful attack, he goes to his knees and prays calling upon the divine power of God to smite his enemies in the form of a huge cross of holy light from the heavens.

Powers & Merits

  • True Faith (7): You have a very deep, pure faith in whatever Divine Entity you believe in, and it helps you through times of need or protect you from creatures that defy the object of your faith's purpose. This Merit gives you one point of Faith; up to 10 points of Faith can be accrued, but beyond the first, you can gain Faith only through a lot of good role-playing. Faith points can be used to repel demonic and vampiric beasties, etc. This can get complicated–ask the OPs for more info.

Unique Items


  • His family Claymore blessed by the church.


  • Holy armor blessed by the church.

Items Of Note

His suit of armor and his sword (see above in unique items)

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Compulsive Speech (aka Big Mouth) (1): For whatever reason, you have difficulty sticking to the rule, "If you can't say anything nice, don't say it at all." 1 point makes you talkative and a bit blunt; 2 points makes you a complete prick.
  • One Eye (2): Has a mean scar across his left eye.

NPC(s) to go with char

His bear Senga

  • Everyone in his family raises bears as pets and as mode of transportation as they feel that Pecos are dumb birds that make for better eating than riding. She is slightly faster than a normal bear and large enough for him to ride. She is equipped with a saddle and helm armor for protection.