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"If your ass get cracked, bitch, shut your trap." - L to a panel of criminal suspects
A.K.A. "L", "S"
Age 16~24?
Voice Actor
Series Death Note
Player Tony

  • Name: "L" or "S"
  • Age: 16-24?
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Unknown
  • Parents: Orphaned
    • Place of Birth: Unknown
    • Nationality: English
    • Speciality: Investigation and Cryptology
    • Hobbies: Unknown
    • Likes: Unknown
    • Dislikes: Unknown
    • Favorite Food: Unknown
    • Least Favorite Food: Unknown
    • Favorite Music: Unknown
    • Favorite Sport: Unknown
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Unknown
    • Level of Education: Unknown
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: N/A

Physical Stats

  • Height: Unknown
  • Weight: Uknown
  • Eyes: Unknown
  • Hair: Unknown
  • Special: Unknown


No public group has seen the true "L"'s face after his apparent death at the hands of Light Yagami years ago.


"L" is quiet. Very, very quiet; however, he is by no means shy. He is infact the opposite; very blunt, to the point, honest, even condescending, arrogant, and murderously truthful. He is also very clever and studious -- his silence is hardly a lack of things to say, but rather a choice medium for him to observe and understand others. He is exceptionally brilliant, trained from a young age to have outrageous intellect, cognitive, and critical abilities, and he flexes these often.

"L", however, is not without his ... shortcomings. He suffers from personality disorders rather heavily, most namely Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder. This makes him rather perfectionist and obsessive, but assists him with detail-oriented tasks or studies. However, things that are not in perfect symmetry or a designated order will steal "L"'s attention rather obtusely, and make him think about them constantly until he determines a way to resolve them.


Orphaned at birth, "L" was taken in by the Wammy House in Winchester, England, at a very young age. Along with all the other children of the house, "L" was raised to be the successor of the original "L" that solved so many unsolvable cases and died at the hands of the first Kira. After the next "L" was able to solve the Kira case, he went on to continue "L"'s work, until it became necessary for another "L" to replace him.

This iteration of "L", molded since childhood, is expected to continue the tradition of his namesake, and has already cracked several difficult cases throughout North America and Western Europe. He typically communicates in the traditional "L" fashion -- via computer conference with a splash screen of an inked "L" symbol, with a synthesizer. The only one known to have seen his face so far is his keeper, an elderly man named "Watari," who is also the gatekeeper to communication with "L".


(Abyssmal (-1), Novice (+1), Good (+2), Very Good (+3), Incredible (+4), Amazing (+5))

Physical Skills:
  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Novice
  • Stealth:

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Streetwise: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Good
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Expression: Novice
  • Ettiquette: Very Good
  • Performance:


  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Amazing
  • Medicine: Good
  • Law: Amazing
  • Occult: Novice
  • Politics: Very Good
  • Science: Good
Other Skills:
  • Driving: Novice
  • Survival: Abysmal
  • Empathy:
  • Animal Ken:


  • English: Very Good.
  • Japanese: Very Good.

Special Abilities




Unique Items


Items Of Note



Obsessive-Compulsive Disorder: "L" suffers from a unique case of O.C.D. that makes him very detail-oriented. Things must be in their proper place at all times, which requires that an organization be created for them so that a proper place can be found, which requires that effort must be spent in both creating this organization and maintaining it... which can all become very time-consuming and attention-grabbing. This applies to almost every aspect of "L"'s life, from his personal hygiene to his environment, and even the tendencies of those he works around. If his "demands" are not met, he will either remove himself from the offending thing or force the offense away, which has particularly negative connotations if the offense is, say ... a person.

Clean Freak: In addition to requiring that things be organized and in their prpoer places, "L" requires a very high level of hygiene and cleanliness for himself, his environment, and those around him. He is not above combing someone else's hair, straightening their clothes, or adjusting other minor details about them -- even during conversation, as it's just second nature and a compulsion for him.

Blunt: "L" suffers from a lack of tact; unless a situation desperately requires it, he will not hold back his opinion (as it is usually regarded in a high fashion) on matters pertaining to ... almost anything. While this may make him seem obtuse, aloof, cold, and downright mean sometimes, "L" maintains that he does this from a very objective standpoint, and he offers praise just as equally as he does criticism.

NPC(s) to go with char

INTERPOL - the INTERnational POLice organization, governed by the United Nations.

"Watari" - "L"'s keeper; a middle-aged man who takes care of and watches over "L".