Julian Blake

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Julian Blake
Father Blake. At the bottom.
A.K.A. Father Blake
Age 25
Voice Actor Christopher Eccleston
Relatives Cereza, distantly.
Series Bayonetta
Player Frank
  • Name: Julian Blake
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Jan 26th
  • Parents: Richard and Darlene Blake
    • Place of Birth: London, England.
    • Nationality: British, Vigridian.
    • Specialty: Listening.
    • Hobbies: Drinking, Study.
    • Likes: Learning. Women.
    • Dislikes: Suffering
    • Favorite Food: Alcohol
    • Least Favorite Food: Chips.
    • Favorite Music: None
    • Favorite Sport: Baseball
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Crucifix of the Lumen Sages
    • Level of Education: Seminary Graduate
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Christopher Eccleston
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'11"
    • Weight: 175lbs.
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Sandy Blonde


A classically handsome man, with slightly messy sandy blond hair and striking brown eyes. He wears a slightly modified priest' smock and seems ready for action. He has a rather well built frame, someone either genetically lucky or who works out regularly.


Julian is a rather friendly man with a slightly dark, though not TOO often inappropriate, sense of humour. He tries to not judge others and think of them before himself, though this does not always happen. He has a great fondness for women, and has a hard time not flirting with them, when he even tries to resist that impulse. Otherwise, he may come off as more friendly than wise, which is not necessarily what people look for in a priest.


Julian was born to a wealthy family in the United Kingdom. He was all set for an easy life. The first few years of his life were filled with privilege and wealth, but his education was strict and he was told as a noble (even though really he was just rich..), it was his responsibility to be curteous and helpful to the less fortunate. He tried to be as nice as he could, which sometimes was easy, and other times was hard, as with all things, really.
However, eventually his parents had to leave the UK. Julian did not know why at the time, but bad things had started to happen in his father's companies and holdings. Several accidents and deaths, which were rousing suspicion. Taking advantage of some political scandal or other, his father fled the country, and headed to the independent city-state of Vigrid, where things started picking up for them again. While there, Julian saw the deeply religious and poly-dogmatic city which seemed to live in absolute paradise.
There had recently been a renewal in the city. Many people were moving to more serious religious beliefs, and traditions and beliefs judged outdated by most other cultures were embraced and practiced here. By this point, Julian was a teenager, and his father approached him with a very odd suggestion. He should enter the Seminary and become a priest in Vigrid. Not really understanding why any of this was important.. but taking to heart his responsibility to help people, and his father's words, Julian entered the Seminary and continued his studies, with the eventual plan to enter the priesthood.
Religion in Vigrid was more omnipresent, so there was more liberty to being a member of the cloth there, but there was a lot more studying. For some reason, his family's fortune started peaking again when he was studying. This got him curious, and when he was ordained, at 18, he started researching his family's history in Vigrid. Tracking down his family tree, Julian learned that his father was a descendant of the Lumen Sages, one of the founding forces of Vigrid, which is why Julian was able to access the higher teachings of the Church, from Vigrid.
From there, he was invited to learn the Spheres of Divinity, and to join the newly reborn Illumina Guard. From priest to Holy Soldier was a bit of a stretch for Julian.. but it forced him to get in shape and develop a regular workout regimen. Days were spent physically working, evenings studying the Spheres of Divinity. Nights were for exhausted sleep. For quite some time he did this, having natural abilities to use the Spheres, but not much drive to be a soldier. However, years ago, Vigrid had been assaulted by a Witch, and the Illumina Guard was to stand proudly in case of a recurrence.
Finally, however, Julian learned what happened to his family and why they moved to Vigrid. As a descendant of the Lumen Sages, the Blake Family had a duty to become Sages themselves, but they had gone extinct a long time ago. The potential in Julian and his father, Richard, were very high to become a new Sage, and the Lumen Sisters had sent agents to try to awaken this potential in them, by summoning angels to force Richard to move back to Vigrid and fulfill his destiny. This revelation did not sit well with Julian, who immediately quit the Illumina Guard and began focusing on his time as a Priest, and eventually was contacted by PARADIGM.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise: Abysmal (-1)
  • Intimidation: Good (+2)
  • Leadership: Incredible (+4)
  • Expression: Incredible (+4)
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Medicine: Incredible (+4)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Technology: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good (+2)
  • Survival: Very Good (+3)
  • Empathy: Amazing (+5)
  • Animal Ken: Very Good (+3)

Special Abilities

Priest: Julian is primarily a member of the Church. He is well versed in Religions and holy magic, such as it may be, as well as chants and wards against evil in general and specifically, demons and the unholy. Being a priest allows him to use the following abilities.

  • Bless: Julian can empower his allies with divine might, infusing their weapons with the Light of God. This Blessing makes allies' force of will return, allows them to fight despite being wounded, and will make their weapons capable of harming even supernatural and mystical beings. All allies are affected.
  • Warding Circle: Julian can ward an area 20 feet around him and prevent evil spirits or creatures from entering. Those already in the area will begin to twist in pain and want to flee or at least hurry with what they're doing. This barrier however only lasts as long as Julian concentrates, and must be maintained. An area is affected.
  • Repel Death: With some effort, Julian can attempt to make any undead, or even dead-dead, turn back or simply crumble to dust. This is exponentially harder to do with more powerful undead, but zombies, skeletons and otherwise just animated dead can be repelled. NOTE: This only applies to mystical undead. T-Virus zombies are immune to this. Demons are likewise unaffected, as they are on a higher category than animated undead.

Exorcism: Julian is capable of performing Exorcisms. He can remove a demon.. or multiple demons.. from a body or item. This is, however, a ritual, and should not be performed alone. He requires the ability to contain the possessed individual, and then he will sing the chant in Latin to force the demon or spirit out of the host's body. This can take quite some time and energy, depending entirely on how powerful the demon is and how long the possession has lasted.
Combat: His time spent in the Illumina Guard did more than just give him a nice physique, it also taught him how to fight. Julian is quite adept at using maces and hand to hand combat against most types of opponents, though that is not his specialty. With blessed gloves, he is able to dish out more impressive damage against undead or unholy enemies.

Spheres of Divinity

Thaumaturgy: Also known as 'Miracle Making'. As a member of the Illumina Guard, and a descendant of the Lumen Sages, Julian is capable of praying with a direct line to the Creator, channeling the power of God through prayer. The power of God, if only to be harnessed or understood by humans, is divided into four Spheres, the Spheres of Divinity, which is the Divine gift to Lumen Sages. To cast these 'spells', Julian needs to pray and wish for it to happen, sacrificing a bit of his own inner strength to harness the power of God into his own will.
Sphere of Protection: The Sphere of Protection allows Julian to preserve life and keep his allies or his flock strong and healthy. This calls upon the Love of God for His creations and uses His power to allow them to mend their wounds and continue working for Him.

  • Healing: The most basic of abilities. Julian chants a small prayer, and infuses his target, usually within ten feet of himself, with a bit of divine energy, mending their wounds. This ability is to be used at rest, or to help those who need it. It can be used in combat, but it's not as effective there, as this is meant to cure only light wounds or small cuts, not battle damage. Cost: Low. Targets: Single.
  • Divine Shield: Julian can cast a holy barrier on all allies within 20 feet of him, which will last for a few minutes, protecting them from harm from any side. This is not a magical force field, but it will diminish almost any type of damage by half, as well as keep the body safe, generally preventing the severing or critical damage of limbs. This is a more direct protection than his natural ability. Cost: Medium. Targets: All Allies.
  • Fortitude: Combat Healing. A much more powerful version of the Healing ability listed above. This allows Julian to heal his allies in combat, or to mend even limb-severing wounds. The body is magically restored, even if there is not much logic to it, due to Divine intervention. The pain of the damage is also gone when this prayer is chanted. While this is not a 'Full Cure' spell, it is as close to it as it gets, and repeated chanting of Fortitude can stave off Death for quite some time. Cost: High. Target: Single or All allies, but at higher cost.
  • Barrier: A nullification spell. Chanting for God's protection, Julian can create an incredibly powerful magical barrier that can block a series of small attacks or a single super powerful attack. The barrier does not last very long, being an instant cast, but it can defend from almost any attack. Cost: High. Targets: Area in front of Julian.

Sphere of Purity: The Sphere of Purity cleanses both soul and body, bringing those closer to God.

  • Remove Curse: This allows Julian to chant and remove a curse from a person. More powerful or long-lasting curses can be hard to remove, but with proper time and effort, Julian may be able to cleanse anyone from evil magic. Cost: Varies relating to the curse itself. Target: Single.
  • Cleansing: Julian's chant allows him to remove negative elements and foreign substances from a body, object or area. Removing poisons, petrification, disease and any other negative effect (read: Status Effects) from the person or area he touches. Cost: Low (to Medium, if cleansing an area.) Target: Person or Area.
  • Dispel Magic: Julian can call upon Holy power to remove magical seals, traps or any other type of spell (that is not a curse, obviously), from anything he holds his hand out to. If the spell is too strong for Julian to break, the chant has no effect and Julian knows roughly how strong the spell he was attempting to dispel is/was. Cost: Low to High, varies. Target: Single.
  • Sanctuary: Julian can make an area Hallowed Ground. Cast outside, this chant will turn any area into a clean, easy to maintain and perfectly suitable for resting area. Cast inside, he will turn it into a Holy place, a bastion of light against the Darkness. This is a literal Godsend for siege purposes, or to rest when on the run. Cost: Varies, usually Low to Medium. Target: Area.

Sphere of Piety: This Sphere signifies tribute to God and the benefits of working in His name and His Glory. It invokes strength of the soul and the fortitude of spirit required to commune with God, and punishes those who stand against His allies. Note: All of these powers are MUCH more effective on demons and undead.

  • Divine Will: Julian's chant can infuse his allies with the blessing of the heavens, increasing their fervor and devotion, making their will harder to shake or disturb. Cost: Low. Targets: All allies.
  • Mysterious Ways: Julian can chant, and cause the enemies who stand against God's people to lose their way. Their arm misses more often, their aim is not true, their resolve shaken, and their awareness dimmed. Cost: Low Targets: All enemies in a 50' radius
  • Burning Light: Julian shines the light of God onto his allies, making them literally glow with holy power. Their strikes are true, their weapons shine with divine purpose, and their forces are bolstered. They can also see through illusions for the current battle. Cost: Medium. Target: All allies.
  • Fear of the Light: Julian's chant causes enemies opposing him and his allies to be blinded by the light they perceive from them. This will make coordination and cooperation very hard for them, and possibly break their ranks if their morale breaks. Cost: Medium. Target: All enemies in a 30' radius.

Sphere of Perfection: This is the most powerful of all Spheres. Using the Sphere of Perfection calls upon the Power and the Will of God directly. This is the most direct call of Divine power a human can do, and is more taxing and dangerous than any other Sphere. Julian himself tends to refuse to use this Sphere, mostly to not abuse or 'force' the Will of God upon the world. Any of these powers can only be cast once per day. Total. He cannot cast all four once a day. If he uses any at all, he needs to chant it, and that is it.

  • Light of Retribution: A powerful Holy Light from the heavens shines down onto the enemies, purifying them and striking them with Holy might. Targets: All enemies.
  • Light of Righteousness: A light shines from above, immediately restoring what damage of blasphemies were committed, undoing the horrors performed against God or His creatures. Target: Area.
  • Light of Life: Resurrection. Julian can invoke God's absolute Mercy and bring someone back from the dead, a true Miracle. There is no downside. They come back, fully healed and back to life. He can also use this power to heal the deathly ill or cure an epidemic. Target: Single or Area (for epidemic cures)
  • Light of Judgment: Sacrificing his own life, Julian can invoke an Angel, and with his bloodline, he can invoke even one of the Cardinal Virtues, if he does. He can only do this once. Ever. The cost is his life. Target: Self.

Powers & Merits

Lumen Sage: Julian is a descendant of the Lumen Sages. This grants him incredible Holy power, and the ability to perform Thaumaturgy. He can cast quite a few prayers before he is exhausted, and can handle the channeling of a LOT of Holy or Heavenly energy. This also makes him liked and respected by Angels or other Heavenly beings.


Iron Will: Julian's faith will carry him through and he can resist any temptation.. except women and alcohol.
Luck: Julian has survived on his own this long through sheer dumb luck. ...or he's looked after by a Guardian Angel.
Concentration: Julian can do many things while channeling the power of the Lord.
Ability Aptitude - Occult: Julian is quite adept at researching and knowledgeable about the Occult.

Unique Items

Charlemagne: A powerful mace in the shape of a cross, made of blessed silver inlaid into black steel, with reinforced guards and several cross-shaped patterns all over the weapon. This weapon is infused with the Holy element, but only when wielded by one with Faith. It is not exclusively bound to Julian, however, but undead and unholy beings cannot touch the weapon without starting to burn, or simply disappearing (with weaker undead or demons).

  • Divine Crash: Julian takes a full swing down onto a single enemy and crashes into them, often through defenses, and jams Charlemagne right into them, releasing the full burst of holy power directly into their bodies.
  • Holy Swing: Julian infuses holy energy into Charlemagne and swings it wide, a glowing aura encircling it and lashing out in a wide angle, aiming to knock back as many enemies as possible in one swing. This is more of an Area of Effect attack, which deals less damage than Divine Crash but might hurt more people, or those who are prone to dodging.

Items Of Note

Holy Books: Julian has copies of the Quran, Bible, Talmud, and most other Holy scriptures.
Holy Water: Julian carries vials of Holy Water.
Holy Cross: Julian's chief channel for his chants and prayers.. and his equivalent to a 'sidearm'. The cross is heavy and silver, and he uses it as a close range weapon like a mace or a dagger, against demonic or undead.. and the occasional grunt.
First Aid Kit: Julian carries a first aid kit almost anywhere. Magical healing is great, but sometimes you need this.
Exorcism Tools: Chalk, oils, incense, etc.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Human: Save for some military training, Julian is mostly a normal human, who can be killed by mundane means.
Lumen Sage: Julian sticks out to demons and other supernaturals, who may see him as exceptionally dangerous, and thus a prime target.


Addiction (1pt): Alcohol. Julian is actually quite the drinker, and really enjoys getting drunk. Any excuse, he will take to drink.
Compulsion - Women (1pt): Julian is unable to resist the carnal temptations. Any chance to 'get' with a woman, he will act on, even when/if he really shouldn't.
Soft-Hearted (1pt): Julian does not like to see people suffer.
Group Enmity - Lumen Sisters (2pts): The Lumen Sisters have not forgiven Julian for not living up to his duties, and are incredibly displeased with him.

NPC(s) to go with char

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