Joachim Armster

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Joachim Armster
Joachim Armster, the Nobleman of the Water Prison.
A.K.A. Nobleman of the Water Prison
Age Over 1000
Voice Actor Hiroshi Kamiya
Relatives Walter Bernard
Series Castlevania
Player Frank
  • Name: Joachim Armster
  • Age: Over 1000
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Freedom, Power.
  • Dislikes: Walter, Water, Belmont.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: White


Regal, handsome nobleman with flowing clothes and a sharp look to him. Eyes are utterly devoid of humanity and practically bestial in their callousness.


Inhuman. Condescending. Arrogant. Well-mannered. Borderline insane.


  • Occult: Very Good
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Etiquette: Amazing


Vampire: Joachim is a vampire. He has superhuman strength, speed, endurance, and immunity to most forms of damage, as well as undeath and all other advantages vampires tend to have.
Dark Gifts: Joachim was Walter's lieutenant, and as such has powerful Vampiric Gifts.
Telekinesis: Joachim has incredibly precise control over telekinesis, able to use multiple weapons at once and lift huge weights, as well as himself, with his mind.
Charm: Joachim can mind-control people by looking at them.
Telepathy: Joachim can read people's minds and speak to them without words.


Spectral Swords: Joachim fights with five specially made swords, able to sword duel multiple opponents at once or use them against a single opponent, without touching them.


Vampire: Traditional vampiric banes apply to Joachim. Sunlight, garlic, holy power, etc.
Water: Water is like acid to Joachim, and he is quite terrified of it due to his time in the water prison.