Ivan Jackson

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Ivan Jackson
A.K.A. Jackson, Mace
Age 24
Voice Actor
Relatives Deadbeat dad
Series Final Fantasy 7
Player Nick
  • Name: Ivan Jackson
  • Age: 24
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Violence, his hair
  • Dislikes: Mouthy Punks, People Messing With His Hair

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 195 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Black


A young man with longish spiked black hair. Wears his suit crudely like a yakuza, often wears sunglasses and fingerless gloves. Has dragon tattoos on his forearms.


Excitable hotheaded brawler. Easily provoked. A sadist with a cruel streak and little tact or patience.


  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Excellent
  • Streetwise: Amazing
  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Intimidation: Excellent


Turk: Jackson is trained as an agent of Shinra Research and Development, and his rough fighting style and signature kanabo earned him the nickname Mace. He is versed in the usage of weapons and materia, and uses his contacts and connections, mostly within Midgar, to keep his fellow Turks appraised and informed.


Kanabo: The Oni-ni-Kanabo, an iron club fitted with steel studs with Materia slots in the hilt. A cruel weapon that can easily pulverize bone and compromise armor.
Shinra Alpha: Top of the line Shinra arm guard, for Turk use only. Helps diminish impact and redistribute it.
Materia: Like all Turks, Jackson has Materia. Bio, Fira, Berserk, DeBarrier


Turk: Jackson's first duty is to Shinra, and he is not allowed to leave the company. Badmouthing the Turks or Shinra in his presence WILL get under his skin.
Hothead: Always itching for a fight, Jackson is fairly easily provoked, and can be cajoled into a brawl fairly easily.