Imperial Unification Army

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Imperial Unification Army
Also Known As The Dragons; Wakamoto's Pride.
Organization Type Imperial Invasion Force.
Leadership Emperor Wakamoto
Membership Engetsu Sappou; Mitsuhide Nokodame; Shuichi Tenjin.
Associated With Fukutsu Nation, Mitama Nation, Fubuki Nation.
Related To Rankai Lands

The Imperial Unification Army is Emperor Wakamoto's lifelong dream, to conquer and unify the Rankai Lands, and the means to make it happen.


Thirty five years ago, Emperor Wakamoto was born. He was raised as the Emperor of the Ryu Nation, born to the blood of the ancient rulers of Rankai. He learned of the lands' history, he learned of his family's heritage, and the current political climate. He was not happy about this. Constant strife, constant rebellion, ambition, pride, and worst of all, dissension. He was the Emperor, he should have more than a few lands. He decided at a young age that he would unify the Rankai Lands. From there, he began to work on allying with his allies, pushing his parents and counselors into discussing terms of peace with his neighboring lands, the young Emperor did everything to form a powerful, sturdy army, getting to know the men of all his allied nations, and building an army for the day where he would march and unify the rest of Rankai under him.


The Imperial Unification Army intends to force the Rankai Lands to unite under Emperor Wakamoto's rule, allowing his descendants to rule over them, bringing peace and strength to the realms. The Nations of Fubuki, Fukutsu and Mitama have joined in this, and occupy a powerful place in the Imperial Army. Their goal is to descend along the coast, pacifying the Yasha Dominion, which has been an unforeseen problem to their advance, and then move westward, conquering lands. They intend to use current unrest to form alliances and then maintain them with force, or simple crush opposing armies and force the lands against them to surrender.

Known Members

A list of noteworthy people in the organization's history and present as well as their role.


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