Gods of Rankai

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Rankai Pantheon
Also Known As The gods of Rankai
Organization Type Divine Pantheon
Leadership Kami-Sama, Ostensibly.
Associated With
Related To Rankai Lands

The Gods of the Rankai Lands were legendary figures that created the realm. They have been legends for as long as writing has existed.


In the beginning, it is said that the lands of Rankai were united and peaceful. The spirits (or Kami, the legends vary) that oversaw the lands were in balance with each other, and each of them gifted the lands with their domain. The children of the spirits grew, with the spirit of wind creating birds, the spirit of earth creating the animals, and so on and so forth. However, three of the spirits created things that caused problems. The spirit of darkness created youkai, evil beings, unbalanced with the world, that he claimed would challenge other denizels. The spirit of dragons' children were clearly the most powerful creatures in Rankai, as by his own pride, he could do no less, and they interfered onto other spirits' domains. And all of the spirits claimed some part of the humans as theirs, as their presence reinforced the spirits and gave them praise. A war of the gods began, from which there could be no victor.
After the war, each spirit claimed a piece of land as its own, and settled there. Their presence allowed for a particular type of terrain or element to flourish, regardless of weather patterns or geography. The lands associated to a particular spirit became the Rankai Lands, causing nations to grow around these elements or terrains. During these times, men crafted stories of the war of the gods, and began to worship them.. until it became simpler to consider them legends. Real or not, the gods of Rankai were no longer awake and prayer to them was tradition more than anything else.


If they exist, they are currently dormant.

Known Members

  • Rekkazen: The god of fire and passion, another god whose touch was felt everywhere. It is said that he was so destructive, the nations forced him to stay where he was, but he always sent his children to talk to his family. The most vicious fighter in the war of the gods, but never bore any ill will. The Nation of Kaen is attributed to him.
  • Dobushi: The god of the earth, a calm and ponderous deity, who nevertheless fought with all his might in the war of the gods. The lands of Kigan and Daichi are attributed to him, but all gods know every land feels his touch, except perhaps Tsubasa.
  • Tetsujin: The god of steel and industry, the most martial of the gods. While he created no life, it is said that his hand is behind the creation of war, but the god himself is one of labor and strength, not one of violence. The Nations attributed to this god were Kobushi and Fukutsu.
  • Shinki: The god of life and nature. He laid his creation everywhere that wasn't overrun by another element, and was responsible for the verdant Nation of Aoba, where it is said he rests to this day, waking in the spring and comatose in the winter.
  • Mizushin: The god of water, an incredibly powerful goddess of fertility, life, and bounty, who is as merciless and callous as she is motherly. The lands of Fubuki and Izumi were her favorites, but she was the first struck in the war of the gods, and her blood flooded the sea, isolating the Rankai Lands from their neighbors.
  • Kazejin: The god of wind, who has had a hand in many lands, such as Hajime, Fubuki and Tsubasa, the most easy going of the gods, until her ire was raised. However, it is said that she long went into hiding to avoid the war.
  • Raiden: The god of thunder. Despite his boisterous temper, he is the god allowed to travel all of the lands, for rain and thunder mean vitality.. or destruction. He has long since abandoned the storms to their own devices, however. The Nation of Shiden is supposedly his residence.
  • Hiryu: The most prideful of the gods, who created Dragons, the strongest creatures in Rankai. It was his arrogance that led to the war of the gods, but he blames all of them for it, according to legend. He is responsible for the Ryu nation.
  • Yamisha: The god of darkness. It was she who brought youkai to the realms, and inflicted their predation upon humanity. This god is responsible for the lands of Genmu, Mitama, Yasha and Dokuga, and the spreading of magic among humans.
  • Shijun: The ultimate judge. This god presides over the realm of the dead, assigning mortals to the rewards of Heaven or the pains of Hell. His was the first 'gift' given to all creatures in Rankai, and the only god without a Nation to call his own. Supposedly defeated by Yamijou Tenpouin.
  • Kami-Sama: The leader of the gods, whose aspects are reflected everywhere in the Rankai Lands and the other gods. It is said it used to have a name, or be more than a single god, such as Amaterasu and Izanami, but those facts were lost to time even before the Rankai Lands were divided.


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