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A.K.A. The Dark Knight Geraud
Age Over 1900
Voice Actor Akio Ohtsuka
Relatives None
Series Devil May Cry
Player Frank
  • Name: Geraud
  • Age: 1900+
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Honor, Duels
  • Dislikes: Life

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'3"
  • Weight: 250lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Black


Geraud's face.

Regal and intimidating looking, he has sharp, aristocratic features and an unmistakable devilish presence to him. His shadow shows his true self.


Honest. Lethal. Serious. Cold. Depraved. Death-Seeker.


Geraud among humans.
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Occult: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Amazing
  • Leadership: Amazing (Tactics)/Very Good (Leading)


Dark Knight: Geraud is a dark knight from the Underworld. He has devil powers, such as superhuman strength, speed, reflexes, and inhuman regeneration. He does not need to breathe, is immune to toxins, and has no heart. He is a being of massive magical power. He can hit incredibly hard, move so fast as to leave after images, and take quite the beating without slowing down.

  • Devil Trigger: Geraud can activate Devil Trigger and channel his full demonic power, making him exponentially stronger, faster and enhancing his regeneration to super-devil levels.

Weapons Master: Geraud is an incredibly adept weapons master, able to use practically any and all type of weapon as an expert. From polearms to hand knives, Geraud has mastered most forms of combat, both supernatural and human. This includes modern weapons like firearms and rocket launchers. (In Devil May Cry Terms, Geraud is adept at Swordmaster, Gunslinger, Royal Guard and Dark Slayer styles and all related abilities.)
Darkness Magic: Geraud is an adept spellcaster, but not a combat mage. As such, he cannot use mid-battle fireballs, but usually has counterspells and is able to perform powerful incantations and rituals, provided he has access to a grimoire or tome containing the information. He also knows how to summon various devilish entities like a Hellhound or a Nightmare, but again, these are rites and not instantly available to him.
Immortal: Geraud has been cursed to live forever. Which, as an honor bound knight of a now-defunct prince of the Underworld, is a bit of a curse. He has long since grown sick of living, but he has no actual way to end his own life, try as he might. Perhaps ironically, this has led him to all but abandon his formerly honorable demeanor and seek more and more unfair challenges, while giving himself the disadvantage just on the off chance maybe this time he won't get back up.



Discalibur: The Unholy Sword. A Devil Arm, given to him by a Prince of the Underworld, Geraud had sworn to follow him. It is an immensely powerful Dark Sword, and it critically damages Holy beings. The sword has a few rather nasty properties on its own. it is able to disrupt and protect from Holy Power, preventing Angels or Paladins from getting near him. The sword is also a phenomenally powerful magical focus, allowing Geraud to use it as a magic wand of sort, as a focus for his spells. Finally, any cut inflicted by Discalibur will curse the opponent to bleed, needing them to have the curse removed and then be healed magically. This supercedes almost any form of healing, including other demons.

  • Akashic Slasher: Geraud has the ability to slash several dozen times in a single swing with Discalibur. Treat as a bladed Amaguriken.
  • Crush Sword: Stabbing into the ground, a much larger version of the blade can erupt under his target and attempt to shred them with devil power.
  • Crimson Blade: Making the sword glow, any strike that Geraud makes drains magical power (or soul) from the opponent, and replenishes Geraud's magical power, or Devil Trigger.
  • Ley Buster: Geraud's ultimate attack. Cutting himself with the sword, he traces a magical circle on the way to or around his foe, then stabs the blade into the ground, causing an immense explosion, showing people images that are profoundly disturbing, and visions of the future, the past, and alternate worlds. This covers a GIANT area. He cannot do this technique without having stolen others' magical power from the Crimson Blade first. Upon casting, Ley Buster forms a magic field and then just explodes with whatever is caught in the blast.


Devil: Holy power, blessed weapons and any other divine power can cause serious damage.
Armor Limits: If his neckpiece is damaged and his head severed, the armor will not regenerate him.
Cannot Tell a Lie: Geraud cannot lie. Period. This is a Geas placed on him by his former master, and he is forever obliged to tell the Truth. However, he knows how to work around that, but on a direct yes or no question, or something black and white, his answer will always be the truth.
Death Seeker: Likely to get into incredibly dangerous situations just on the off chance that it will kill him.