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A.K.A. Frost Tree Pokemon
Age N/A
Voice Actor N/A
Relatives Abomisnow
Series Pokemon
Player Sparda
  • Name: Frosty
  • Type: Ice and Grass
  • Sex: Female
  • Nature: Lax
  • Likes: Sour food.
  • Dislikes: Bitter food, heat.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 3'3"
  • Weight: 111.3lbs


Snover is a creature with a white upper body and brown lower body that resembles a snow-covered tree. It will be two-thirds brown if male and two-thirds white if female. It has green eyes and three points on top of its head. Its feet and green tail are stubby, and there are two green spikes that resemble pinecones on its back. Five cones form its hand: a large central cone with four smaller cones around it. Edible white berries grow along Snover's midsection.


Snover lives on snowy peaks in warm seasons, but migrates lower as the weather cools. A curious Pokémon, it often approaches people and can be found inspecting footprints in the snow.


As an Ice and Grass type Pokemon, Snover has the following resistances.

Resistances: As a Grass-type and Ice-type Pokemon, Frosty is resistant to the following attacks.

  • Ground Type: Frosty only takes half damage from Ground-type Moves.
  • Water Type: Frosty only takes half damage from Water-type Moves.
  • Electric Type: Frosty only takes half damage from Electric-type Moves.

Normal Moves

These Moves do Normal-type Damage, and are only resisted by Fighting Type Pokemon. They do no damage against Ghost-type Pokemon.

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Ice Moves

These moves do double damage against Grass, Dragon, Ground, and Flying-type, and half damage against Steel, Fire and Ice-type Pokemon.

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Grass Moves

These are Grass-type Moves, and are super effective against Ground, Rock and Water-type Pokemon. They are resisted by Grass, Bug, Dragon, Flying, Steel, Poison and Fire-type Pokemon.

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TM and HM Moves

Abilities learned from a TM (Technical Machine).

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None of Note.


As an Ice and Grass type Pokemon, Frosty is vulnerable to the following.
Fighting, Flying, Poison, Steel, Rock, Bug-types: These do double damage to Frosty.
Fire-type Damage: Fire-type moves do quadruple damage against Frosty.