Elizabeth Fontaine

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Elizabeth Nightingale Armstrong-Fontaine
A.K.A. Elizabeth Hawthorne Mansgrave, Demeter Argeades
Age 21
Voice Actor
Relatives Faustlin Fontaine, father

Wilhelmina Elowyn Armstrong, mother Alistair Armstrong-Fontaine, brother

  • Name: Elizabeth Nightingale Armstrong-Fontaine
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Januray 30th
  • Parents: Faustlin Fontaine, Wilhelmina Armstrong
    • Place of Birth: The Inn, Japan
    • Nationality: Emestrian, Terran
    • Specialty: White Mage
    • Hobbies: Medicine, violin, horseback riding
    • Likes: Helping people, picnics, flowers
    • Dislikes: Suffering, war, overbearing people
    • Favorite Food: Vegetable stew
    • Least Favorite Food: Fatty meats
    • Favorite Music: String quartet
    • Favorite Sport: Equestian, archery
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Sword of Light
    • Level of Education: College Equivalent, White Mage
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Yui Horie
    • Preferred Weapon: Longbow, quarterstaff
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 125 lbs.
    • Eyes: blue
    • Hair: strawberry blonde
    • Special:


Liz on the battlefield

A demure woman with gentle curves and a soft demeanor. Has vivid blue eyes and long strawberry blonde hair, usually tied into a long braid at the back and two forebraids on the sides. Usually wears flowing white Cleric's Robes, or long skirted, long sleeved dressed in peach, yellow or light grey.


A gentle young woman who tends to avoid conflict, can be very passionate when dealing with the injured or speaking up about what she believes in. Inheirited most of the quiet and gentle aspects of her parents, and from both of them developed a strong sense of lyalty and justice.


Elizabeth was born at the Inn to noble parents. Being raised primarily in Emestris and in the Colorado Territories, she showed a natural affinity for White Magic and was instructed by her aunt Artemisia Argeades and her paternal grandmother, the Lady Sylph of the Silver Crescent, learning rapidly and showing a strong willingness to help those in need and heal the sick.

Eschewing the military path of her mother and only second in line for her father's Crown of Swords, Elizabeth travelled extensively in both realms, often under an assumed name, helping the poor and healing the wounded as her grandmother and aunt did before her.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: +3
  • Athletics: +2
  • Stealth: +3

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: 0
  • Streetwise: 0
  • Intimidation: 0
  • Leadership: +1
  • Expression: +2
  • Etiquette: +4
  • Performance: +2

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: +3
  • Investigation: +3
  • Medicine: +4 (+1)
  • Law: +2
  • Occult: +3
  • Politics: +1
  • Science: +1
  • Technology: 0

Other Skills:

  • Driving: +2
  • Survival: +3
  • Empathy: +4
  • Animal Ken: +3

Special Abilities


Fire Shamanistic Magic (Slayers)
Flare Arrow - This spell causes several arrows to appear in the air in front of the caster, and advance toward their target(s) immediately. In this case, the number of arrows depend on the skill of the caster and the amount of magic power put into the spell. (See bucket capacity.) Although the spell is indeed simple, a Flare Arrow can still cause serious damage to a human on a direct hit. However, like many low-level fire spells, the caster can 'pull punches' with it, only putting enough energy into it to singe their target without any real damage.
Astral Shamanistic Magic (Slayers)
Elmekia Lance - The weakest of the spells which solely affect astral targets, the lance of light created by this spell can knock an opponent out on a direct hit, but does not deliver serious astral damage, although the target's mental strength (and so his ability to concentrate on spells) might be weakened for a while. Elmekia Lance is significantly more lethal against mazoku, especially against low-ranking ones or lesser demons.
Shadow Snap - The spell is usually cast on a small object, which then can be thrown at the opponent's shadow. If the object lands on it, it causes the shadow to be frozen in place, preventing its owner from moving. The target can still breathe, speak (and therefore cast spells), but is otherwise held completely rigid and motionless. Despite this, the spell cannot be used to stop a person from falling because it only affects the astral plane and not the physical world. In other words, the person is unable to move because they believe they can't.[2] Any magical or natural phenomena, which causes the target's shadow to disappear, if only for a moment, dispels Shadow Snap. (The spell Lighting is commonly used to achieve this.)
White Magic (Slayers)

:Awaken - This spell is usually used to wake up those who cannot be woken up by normal means, such as the targets of a Sleeping spell.

:Chaos String - Originally created for the purpose of construction work, this spell creates several energy strings which move according to the caster's will. They aren't strong enough by themselves to lift heavy objects or entangle opponents, but the strings are able to adhere to ordinary strings such as metal wire. Once joined in such a way, the ordinary strings can be controlled mentally as well.

:Dicleary - It removes all kinds of poisons from the body of the target, even if several types of poison are present at the same time. This spell is nearly as popular as Recovery among clerics. The range of toxins seems broad, not limited to traditional poisons but including medical agents.

:Flow Break - The spell negates the effects of all spells within the area, except for white magic, as all other spells take their strength from the energy created by altering the natural flow of energy; this spell negates them by returning the flow of energy to normal. It can be also used to break magic barriers.

:Lighting - The spell creates a ball of light which is about as bright as a street lamp. Normally the duration of this spell is 2-3 hours, but by shortening the duration the spell can be made brighter. A blinding flash of light, for example, can be made by decreasing the duration to a split-second.

:Lock - This spell magically locks things such as doors or windows. Even doors without locks are shut so tightly as though the door was nailed shut. This spell doesn't increase the actual strength of the door, so entry is still possible by simply breaking it down.

:Megido Flare - The spell purifies the target area; all undead within it take damage. It affects living beings as well, but differently: Megiddo Flare calms the subjects' mind, depleting their anger and hatred.

:Moth Varim - A stronger version of Extball, this spell produces several balls of light which draw fire into themselves, extinguishing them in the process. It can be also used as a counterspell against fire shamanistic magic, as it puts out magical flames as well. Caution is necessary, however, because the spell can also affect fire spells cast by other party members.

:Protection Barrier - A powerful protection barrier that can protect the caster from almost any kind of attack, even the Blast Bomb, for instance. It drains the caster's pool capacity considerably, however, so it cannot be cast repeatedly in a battle.

:Recovery - A single-target sustained healing spell. This draws upon the target's own innate natural healing ability and makes it work harder to heal wounds faster than normal. This in turn can cause the target to become tired or worn out just from the healing process, if sustained for a heavy injury.

:Resurrection - A more powerful version of Recovery, using energy from nearby life forms, and thus safer to use on a weakened subject. Requires more energy and a longer ritual, but in extreme cases can even restore lost limbs.

:Sleep - A spell that puts someone to sleep upon physical touch and casting.

:Unlock - The spell can be used to open mechanically locked doors or windows. Even objects sealed magically with Lock can be opened. The spell itself is incredibly simple because anyone who can memorize the incantation is able to cast it. This also makes the spell a formidable threat to private property; therefore, it is not taught at the Sorcerer's Guild.

:Vas Grood - The spell creates a very small magical barrier which can be used just like a buckler. Aside of giving some protection against physical attacks, the shield is effective against most offensive magic as well. The incantation is rather short, which makes Vas Grood a valuable spell in battle.

Cleric Abilities

:Heal - A ranged Healing spell, requires a staff to use

:Miracle - Cleric has a 50 percent chance to survive a lethal attack. GM will give you the chance to roll.

:Ruwatch - A 10 second burst of light that swirls around the cleric to reveal cloaked or magically hidden enemies.

Command Skills

  • Bonus: +500 DEF
  • Special: Recovery - So long as Elizabeth is in the battle, her army regains +250HP a turn.
  • Super: Resurrection - Elizabeth can restore 1500 HP to her army in a single turn, even if the army has just otherwise lost entirely. Elizabeth is then out of the fight.

Powers & Merits

Reputation (2): You've built yourself an excellent reputation amongst your kind. Add +2 to Social rolls when dealing with the people in your guild/House/Domain/etc.

Unique Items

Items Of Note

Quiver of arrows
Walking stick/staff
White robes
Grey Ylisstol travelling clothes

Weaknesses & Flaws

Soft Hearted (1): You can't stand to witness suffering, and if you do, all your rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour. Black and White (1): You see all situations in black and white, good and evil, etc. In situations where this limited, judgmental way of thinking may hinder your reaction to something or cause you to act socially inappropriate, your Social rolls are at -1 Penalty.

NPC(s) to go with char

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