Daniel Alexandre Depardieu

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Daniel Alexandre Depardieu
Daniel Alexandre Depardieu, Iron Master.
A.K.A. The Iron Master
Age 50
Voice Actor Gerard Depardieu
Relatives ???
Series Operation Darkness
  • Name: Daniel Alexandre Depardieu
  • Age: 50
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Power. Money.
  • Dislikes: Crass behavior.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: White


A distinguised older gentleman who walks the walk and talks the talk.


Cunning. Deceptive. Far-seeing. Good with money.


  • Athletics: Very Good
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Subterfuge: Amazing
  • Finance: Incredible


Daniel as a Werewolf. Artwork by Nightlyre.

Werewolf: Despite his appearance, Daniel is a werewolf, and a powerful one at that. Super strength, shape shifting, super speed and regeneration.
Urban Predator: A natural born hunter and warrior, Daniel acts the socialite but at the core, is a Werewolf Lord.
Blessings: As the Lord of the Iron Tribe, Daniel has a lot of powers and abilities.

  • Predator of the Streets: The Urban Predator can live up to his name, invoking this blessing lets him use any window or glass surface as an extra set of eyes around him, letting him plot out a course in advance to avoid humans. This power lets the Iron Tribe organize themselves and wage battle in urban areas with much less risk of discovery than other Tribes.
  • Predator's Advantage: The Iron Tribe's true power, this blessing allows the Urban Predator to become essentially invisible within the streets of his city. His body looks like the brick or cement around him, his feet make no sound against the concrete, and he can merge with the buildings to bypass doors. This can be invoked once a day.
  • Jam Technology: Daniel can cause technology to not function. Anything with any moving parts.. and some non moving parts. It'll refuse to function.
  • Reshape Object: Daniel can take anything that was once organic, and reshape it.
  • Assimilation: Daniel appears to fit perfectly in any setting. Ever. He can also learn many things from all of the city's spirits.
  • Sense Truth: Daniel can detect lies or disguises.
  • Machine Life: Daniel can diagnose and control any machine he looks at, though this takes a moment to do.
  • Elemental Favor: Daniel can force any urban spirit to act on his behalf. As well as cause electrical items or sockets to backfire.


Steel Glaive: The Glaive of the Iron Tribe, birthright of the Iron Master. This Glaive has been forced by powerful iron and steel spirits, used to enhance the power of silver used in its fabrication. It is unbreakable. The true power of the Glaive, however, is that it has the ability to affect cities and technology. It can control the power of electricity to enhance its range, it can cause buildings to move and garbage to assemble into a single spot, like an elemental, and most of all, it can give Daniel the strength of the city, letting him into every aspect of it, and giving him its strength.


Silver: The biggest weakness of them all. Silver destroys a werewolf. They cannot heal damage done by silver, and the mere touch of it burns them, which is why the Silver Bullet legend is accurate. If a bullet pierces the werewolf, it's presence in the body will kill him, even if it only hit the hand or foot, from it's sheer presences. A Werewolf struck by silver will need to get medical or magical attention immediately and will need rest to heal, like a normal person with the same type of wound. Any limb or organ damaged or severed by silver is gone forever.
Full Moon: Werewolves have to change during the full moon. More importantly, they also become FAR more bestial in that case, and a lot more dangerous. True werewolves can shapeshift any night of the month, but they have to change on the full moon. Only Lords can avoid transforming, but even they are influenced by it's presence.
Wolfsbane: In the presence of Wolfsbane, werewolves will flee. The smell and presence of it will drive them off. Nobles and Lords can stay in the same area, but only Lords can resist being poisoned by its contact with his blood. A Lord will be made sick if he ingests it, but otherwise, he will be fine. HOWEVER, wolfsbane will prevent any werewolf from transforming, no matter which.