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So, what crazy thing has Cinnie come up with now..!??!?!!

If you're reading this text, you've stumbled upon an idea for a Gen3 campaign. Not any ordinary Gen3 campaign! This one will be ran like a channel but will have a definite story "end". When the end of the story happens, channel is over... but this will probably take a -looooooong- time. There are a few new ideas that will be implemented and some slight modifications on how our sheets will go, along with merits and flaws.

Background for this game (WTF is going on?!)

A "Fire Emblem"/Fantasy-esque world has suddenly tugged your child hero into a mystical land! Your character doesn't know wtf is going on but for some reason the people around KNOW your character (depending on what flaws/merits you take... they can have a pretty good reputation). Your character has chosen to become an exalted Hero and bring peace.

  • Setting: It's fantasy. No cars, no guns, no computers. There are dragons, bunny-people, undead monsters, necromancers, magic users, and more. Luckilly, your character won't need to know much because they'll be ported in from wherever they were last. I know what you're thinking! You're probably saying, "Well, cinnie.. I don't know fire emblem! I CAN'T JOIN." It's fine! Your character will be seen by the locals as having amnesia, so this gives a chance for your character AND you (the player) to learn about the setting as the play sessions go on.
  • How to make the G3: These gen3s will all be fictional (especially since no one in mi2 has had a baby yet anyways). I don't mind whatever pairing you want to take but make sure you get the permission of the players who will be your gen3's parents. Clear the pairing with me and then go ahead and write up the character! The sheet will be on the bottom of this info-text.

Here are some important notes and FAQ about the game

  • You have no bonus merits in this game. Everyone has 0, so that means if you want merits you HAVE to take flaws. We have some of the old flaws in the Mi2 character list, but this time we've added and tweaked a few so that it will be attuned to the setting. For example, if you take "mistaken identity", one of the gms will take a character that looks like yours and start running amok. Dark Secret will be a little complicated, but I will explain that a bit further. In this game you get a max of 7 merits.
  • PC actions will matter HEAVILLY HERE. If you have your character act like a jerk to PCs OR NPCs they might bail on you (trust me, you don't want to be stuck alone in this setting!). If you please one npc, another npc might get mad at you. If you bring new "items" to this world... it might cause a backlash. Be prepared!
  • "How do people know my character?/What do you mean they have a reputation?" In this setting, some of the locals have heard of your PC and in some cases personally KNEW an incarnation of your PC... The incarnation of your PC that they knew could have been completely different from what your character is. (Ex: Your character's worldly incarnation was a priest. Your PC is now a ninja or something). A lot of the decisions of what your character used to be will rely on the flaws and merits your character takes.
    • "Where is the incarnation of my characters PC now?" - They disappeared many years ago.
  • Guilds. We'll be trying something new in this campaign.. a chance for your character to join a guild. Certain bonuses will apply when your character ICly joins a certain guild (Thief guild, Fighter Guild, Cleric Guild, etc etc.) This information will be listed later once your PC learns about it. This will also provide a method of how your character will grow ability-wise in this setting.
  • "Okay.. WHAT is dark secret in this setting?" If your character takes Dark Secret as a flaw, the GMs will pick the dark secret that your character has in this setting. It will be related to the setting somehow. Your character might have been a kingslayer, or maybe they were in an unsavory cult/group. Your character will have a dream/flashback of this "incident" before waking up in the real-time setting so they'll KNOW that this "dream" is related to this world. If your character's incident is known by the people, it would be bad news. This sort of flaw can be pretty intense, but it's a chance to have some very interesting roleplay and character growth!

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