Clyde Baldwin

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Clyde Baldwin
Age 25
Voice Actor
Relatives Morris Baldwin, Hugh Baldwin: Ancestors
Series Castlevania
Player Sparda
  • Name: Clyde Baldwin
  • Age: 25
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Heroism. Faith.
  • Dislikes: Vampires. Demons. Werewolves. Ghosts. Etc.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Black


Look at the pic.


Devoted. Faithful. Charismatic. Intense. Focused.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Alertness: Amazing


Claimh Solais, the Great Holy Sword.
The Flame Whip. A Whip inbued with Flames.
Valmanway, the Multi-Blade.

Vampire Slayer: Clyde has lifelong training in fighting and slaying Vampires, Werewolves, and other supernatural entities, as is the tradition in his family. Because of this, he has several special skills, such as Double Jump, Slide Kick, Tackle, Power Dash, Rising uppercut, and Roc Jump.
Sub-Weapons: Sub-Weapons are throwable weapons present in almost all battles against Vampires. Since fighting with melee weapons has been the usual form of attack throughout the war, sub-weapons allow for long range combat, sometimes giving a strategic advantage over enemies.

  • Dagger: The Dagger, sometimes referred to as Knife, is one of the five original throwable sub-weapons in the Castlevania series. In later games, it also appears as a primary weapon, and in some instances the "Dagger" (or "Knife") conforms a complete class of weaponry used mainly for stabbing.
    • Silver Dagger: The Silver Knife is a more powerful version of the Dagger, having a higher range and being able to pass through multiple enemies. This requires Clyde to expend magical power.
    • Gold Dagger: The Gold Knife is a more powerful version of the Silver Knife. It has the same attack power as the Flame Whip, consumes more magic per use, and bursts into a flame on contact, which remains in place for a brief moment, dealing constant damage until it consumes.
  • Throwing Axe: The Axe, also known as Battle Axe or Throwing Axe, is one of the five original sub-weapons in the Castlevania series. In later games, it also appears as a primary weapon that is swung in an arc, and in some instances, the "Axe" conforms a complete class of weaponry.
  • Cross: The Cross is one of the traditional sub-weapons. The cross Clyde uses is not thrown as a boomerang, but instead projects a series of holy crosses forward. He also uses it to banish evil spirits.
  • Holy Water: The Holy Water, also known Sacred Water, is a recurrent sub-weapon for Vampire Hunters. It is a flask containing blessed water purified at a church. It bursts and spreads a sacred flame when it lands.
  • Holy Book: The Bible, also known as the Holy Book, is a recurrent item in the Vampire Hunter's arsenal. It has appeared as a sub-weapon which releases an animated Bible moving around the screen, using words to exorcise evil.
  • Sacred Fist: The Sacred Fist is a sub-weapon that when used, Clyde will attack with a flurry of punches to strike enemies repeatedly.
  • Fire Boomerang: The Boomerang is a sub-weapon that appears in some games instead of the Cross, or in addition to it. In most of his appearances, the weapon returns back in an arc after being thrown. Clyde's Boomerang catches on fire while thrown.
  • Shuriken: The Shuriken is a throwing star weapon. Several varieties exist with different strengths, including a Fire Shuriken (also known as a Flame Star), and the Yagyu Shuriken. It would also be possible to throw them straight down when hanging from the ceiling. Clyde can fire 8 Shuriken at once, and ignite them on fire.
  • Sacred Flame: The Sacred Flame possesses a medium-range damage output. When thrown, it consumes 1 Heart and flies in a small arc to the ground. Once it lands, a gout of fire will slowly rise from the initial landing spot and then slowly trickle back down. Any enemy caught in the flame will get stunned in place and suffer successive damage during the gout's duration.
  • Medicinal Herb: Clyde can infuse healing herms with Holy power to heal himself or others.

Spell Fusion: Spell Fusion is the ability to infuse sub-weapons (Dagger, Axe, Sacred Fist, Holy Water, Holy Book and Cross) with the power of Spell Cards to unleash devastating magical attacks similar to the Item Crash ability. He uses this via magical cards culled from fallen monsters, as the DSS techniques come from the Baldwin clan, but he has refined them to apply to any weapon he has.

  • Fire Fusion: Gives the ability to cast various Fire spells via subweapon/magic combo. Mirage Knife, Soul of Hydra, Burning Cross, Bounding Flame, Heat Spiral, Shining Knuckle.
  • Water Fusion: Gives the ability to cast various Water spells via subweapon/magic combo. Magic Missle, Hail Stone, Squire of Ice, Ice Cubic, Water of Judgement, Icicle Knuckle.
  • Bolt Fusion: Gives the ability to cast various Lightning spells via subweapon/magic combo. Sparkling Rain, Lightning Bolt, Holy Cross, Grand Bolt, Shield, Homing Thunder.
  • Wind Fusion: Gives the ability to cast various Wind spells via subweapon/magic combo. Thousand Daggers, Axe Trap, Guardian Cross, Hydro Typhoon, Protector Bible, Spirit Fist.
  • Summon Fusion: Gives the ability to cast various Summons via subweapon/magic combo. God's Blessing, Summon Garuda, Evil Wing, Summon Warlock, Summon Aquarius, Summon Fairy, Summon Ashura.


Witchfire, the Slayer's Crossbow.

Claimh Solais: The Claimh Solais, also called Nuadha's Sword, is a greatsword. An indefatigable sword. Its blade glitters with light. In Irish mythology, Claíomh Solais (also known as the "Sword of Light") was a sword that came from Findias and belonged to Nuadha Airgeadlámh (Nuadha of the Silver Hand), who was leader of the Tuatha Dé Danann and King of Ireland. In legend, the sword glowed with a bright light, hence its name. It was non-resistible in battle and had the power to cut his enemies in half. It is one of the Four Treasures of Ireland (the others being the Spear of Lugh, The Dagda's Cauldron and the Stone of Fal).
Valmanway: Valmanway, also known as Crissaegrim, is a sword that means "Blessed Wind". The wind can create the illusion of many swords being swung at once. In all appearances, the wielder is able to slash several times with a single attack and walk while attacking. It is not the strongest sword, but it can land several hits and can be continuously swung. While its power comes from the wind, wind is not an elemental attribute that creatures can be strong or weak against in the games it appears in, so it just deals normal Slash damage.
Flame Whip: The Flame Whip is a whip that is engulfed in flames. It is a specific whip and not a "form" of the Vampire Killer. A whip imbued with the power of flames.
Witchfire: A bullpup crossbow that fires sharpened and blessed wooden stakes. It's specifically for use against vampires.. but, well, you'd be surprised how many things die from a stake through the heart, really.


Human: Clyde is a human. As such, he is vulnerable to anything that could kill a human. However, as a highly trained vampire slayer, he can take immensely more punishment than a normal human.