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A.K.A. The Archfiend of Earth, The Rotting Mountain
Age Unknown
Voice Actor Brad Grusnick/Chafurin
Relatives Unknown
Series Final Fantasy IV
Player Brandon
  • Name: Ciriatto
  • Age: Unknown
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Winning, destruction, power
  • Dislikes: Waiting, following someone weaker than he is

Physical Stats

  • Height: 12'9"
  • Weight: 7,000 lbs
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Gold


A giant of a man, towers over all around him. His rotund form belies incredible physical strength.


Is not too bright, but highly aggressive. He revels in using his power to crush his master's enemies.


Bullying, Coercion


Earthquake Punch: Slams his Golden Fist into the ground, releasing a powerful Quake spell.
Dead Rising: Slams his Golden Fist into the ground, forcing life into the lifeless and raising a number of zombies within the battlefield.
Iron Mountain: For a limited amount of time, his skin turns black and becomes hard like iron. While this is in effect, Ciriatto is given incredibly high physical defense but a weakness to fire and heating his iron skin makes it much easier to break.
Breath of the Foul: Releases a cloud of noxious gas with enough force for a blow back from his mouth.
Corpses are my Power: Can pick up zombies created by Dead Rising and hurl them at his enemies with incredible force.
Field Effect - Terra Destroyer: Ciriatto pounds the ground with fists and feat, forcefully reshaping the battlefield to his liking. Works best on earthen and stone floors.
Overdrive - Flesh Gone Foul: When Ciriatto goes into his overdrive mode, he takes on the properties of an undead. He becomes stronger and gains a giant, toothy mouth in his gut known as the Maw of the Devourer.
Maw of the Devourer: A giant mouth in his gut, used to do many of his attacks. Breath of the Foul is now emitted from here instead of the mouth on his face.
Creeping Death: Entrails snake out of the maw to entangle enemies or zombies, either to stop them, slam them or bring them into the maw for Feast on the Foul or Flesh of my Enemy.
Feast on the Foul: Can devour his zombies to heal while the Maw is active.
Flesh of my Enemy: Can swallow and spit as projectiles zombies or party members while the maw is active.


Golden Fist of Crushing Rock: A weapon imbued with powerful earth magics, this weapon throws the force of a rock slide into every punch. It also has an attached shield of formidable strength. The weapon's size and overall shape are reflections of it's user. It's inert form is a gauntlet with a buckler fixed to it.


Elemental weaknesses to Air, and when in under the effects of Flesh Gone Foul, holy and healing magics. Is not very smart. Is extremely arrogant. Due to his massive size, he is not very fast.