Celebrimor Eledhwen

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Celebrimor Eledhwen
A.K.A. Prince Celebrimor, The Elf Prince
Age 160
Voice Actor Souichiro Houshi
Relatives Alatriel Eledhwen
Series Destiny's Gate
Player Sparda

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Blond


Athletic, lithe, well kept young man with the pointed ears of an Elf, and delicate features, making him almost pretty rather than handsome.


Open-minded. Ingenue. High-spirited. Devoted.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Leadership: Very Good
  • Empathy: Very Good
  • Survival: Incredible


Ranger: Celebrimor is a Ranger. He is highly skilled with the sword, the bow, and tracking. Moreover, he can blend in with the woods, and basically disappear when in nature, whatever the terrain is. He has a special link with animals that he can use to maximize his tracking and aiming abilities.
Elf: Celebrimor is an Elven Prince. As such, he has exceptional vision, the ability to see in the dark, an innate magical presence and ability to resist the elements when he activates it, and virtual immortality, in so far as he doesn't get killed. He is also naturally graceful and attuned with both magic and nature, able to instinctively understand many things with just a glance or a touch.


Cloak of Elvenkind: A magical cloak allowing Celebrimor to blend in with nature. When he wears this indoors, it looks like a regular, if finely made, cloak. Out in nature, it allows him to blend in almost 100% with his surroundings, as well as move about without a sound. It will protect him from weather conditions (rain, snow, sleet) without slowing him down or making him uncomfortable.


Inexperienced: Celebrimor is highly trained and very proficient at being a ranger, but he has no actual experience as a fighter or a hunter, everything he learned having been training and practice. A real situation could overwhelm him.