Black Mamba

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Black Mamba
A.K.A. James Hazel; Max Hunter; John Jackson.
Age 29
Voice Actor Akio Ohtsuka/David Hayter
Relatives Saladin; Serpent; Anton Zmeyavich; David; Elijah; George.
Series Metal Gear
Player Sparda
  • Name: Black Mamba
  • Age: 29
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: September 8
  • Parents: Alice Hazel (adopted mother).
    • Place of Birth: United States of America
    • Nationality: British (renounced); French; American.
    • Specialty: Picks up sports almost instantly. Also can recognize a gun from the sound it makes, shot or loading.
    • Hobbies: Guns. Movies. Various Sports.
    • Likes: Drinking. Cigars. Guns. Discussing movies.
    • Dislikes: Idiots. Cowards. B.O.W.
    • Favorite Food: Calorie Mate
    • Least Favorite Food: Russian Rations.
    • Favorite Music: None.
    • Favorite Sport: Rugby.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Samurai armor.
    • Level of Education: Special Air Service College Equivalency.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Akio Ohtsuka/David Hayter
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 177lbs
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: Black with white streaks.
    • Special: Wears an eyepatch.


Mamba usually dresses professionally. He tends to wear a suit and tie on when not at ease, and wears gloves all the time. He has an eyepatch over his right eye. He generally carries himself like a disciplined soldier, and his appearance reflects a lot more conflict than his age would reveal. He is a tall, imposing man in great physical shape, generally imposing in stature and presence. When at ease, he usually wears cargo pants or jeans and a varsity jacket of his own design, or a leather jacket. He tends to favor long sleeved shirts regardless of the weather. He tends to shave, but while on missions or during training periods, he can grow a full beard.
When on official business, he wears a dress uniform from the French Foreign Legion, complete with beret.


Professional and generally very duty minded. Black Mamba tends to analyse a situation and react appropriately. He doesn't like to rush into situations and prefers to look for another way to get in and out without issues, both in missions and in real life. He is generally polite enough, but is blunt and gruff when he speaks to others. He relates better to warriors and soldiers than he does to civilians, but tends to think favorably of anyone who isn't a giant ass. He can be quite personable when he wants to be, but is a bit cold and seems difficult to approach.


Adopted by Alice Hazel. Ran away from home at 15. Enlisted in the British S.A.S.. First deployment against rogue MI6 Agent turns sour. Sole Survivor. Tracked down the agent, took him down, had his eye damaged. Reputation made. Scouted by intelligence agencies (including ICPA and the DGSE). Quits, enlists in the French Foreign Legion. Encouters a Biohazard Situation, follows BSAA agents to quarantine site. Encounters with BOW, sole survivor. Wanders world, joining various PMCs in the post-War Economy world. Gains a fierce reputation, dissatisfied with work. Settles in Japan for a year. Hired by Fourth Echelon. Encounter with Templar Counter-Agents, ends in critical victory. Becomes Fourth Echelon's top agent. 29th Birthday hits.


  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth: Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Etiquette: Very Good (he is British)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Good
  • Politics: Good
  • Science: Novice
  • Technology: Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible (+2 for Crack Driver)
  • Survival: Amazing
  • Empathy: Novice
  • Animal Ken: Incredible


  • French, English, Japanese, German, Mandarin Chinese, Spanish, Russian.

Special Abilities

Close Quarters Combat: Mamba is an adept practitioner and even master of several forms of hand to hand combat, but all of them have only been used to refine his personal style of combat, CQC. CQC stands for Close-Quarters Combat, hand to hand techniques based on outmaneuvering, destabilizing and incapacitating even groups of opponents with takedowns, the use of guns and knives, and counterstrikes. Using a mix of Jiujitsu, Krav Maga and Aikido, as well as other Mixed Martial Arts disciplines, Mamba is able to take on highly trained combat professionals such as Navy SEALs, MMA competitors and trained assassins alike with an almost 99% chance of victory. He is able to take on multiple highly trained opponents at once, and can even fight against superhuman foes with counters and takedowns applied accurately.
Military Weapons Mastery: His storied military career has given Black Mamba a familiarity with several types of firearms and explosives. He is highly skilled as a marksman, having a 96% accuracy rating with everything from small arms to mounted machine guns, as well as experiences with grenades, demolitions, and unconventional weaponry, such as grenade launchers, rocket launchers, et al. He is highly skilled with all weapons, though he favors Submachineguns, and most of all, handguns, if given a choice.
World-Class Sniper: Black Mamba is a highly skilled sniper. He's so good he doesn't need a spotter. Combined with his talents for Stealth and his unrelenting will, Black Mamba is a dangerous opponent and assassin if handed a long range rifle and a target.

Powers & Merits

Body Language Reading: An almost esoteric ability, Black Mamba does not 'read' people the way others do. He can real body movements the way people can read a book. This, combined with his combat mastery, gives him a preternatural combat sense, where he can anticipate how an opponent, or multiple opponents, are going to move, in what order, and how they're going to be coming at him. This allows him to fight on near equal footing with superhuman opponents, and to even come out on top of a one vs many brawl. Treat this like Batman's 'danger sense' in the Arkham Series, or like Sherlock Holmes' bullet time analysis of combat in the movie of the same name. Mamba still needs to react properly, but with this ability, he has borderline superhuman reflexes and can counter or avoid most attacks of a hand to hand or gun-related nature.
Lie Detection: A side effect of his body language reading, Black Mamba can tell with a very high percentile when a human is lying to him. Note, this is ONLY applicable to humans, or entities which look, act, think and feel like humans (such as clones or humans with purple skin from Purple Earth). By analyzing people's body language, Mamba is usually able to notice all the tells of someone who is lying. This isn't unerring, but against anyone who isn't a practiced liar, it's almost impossible for him to be fooled. Against a professional, the odds are slightly askew, but he's still going to be confident of a lie most times. This ability is absolutely useless against an actual psychopath or delusional person.


Iron Will (5pts): Black Mamba has absolutely unrelenting will, able to power through almost anything in his way, and unwilling to bend down to mental or magical commands that go against his mission. Loyalty to the End.
Ability Aptitude - Stealth (1pt): Black Mamba was already gifted for Stealth, and then trained by the best in the business.
Danger Sense (3pts): Combined with his training in youth, his years of experience, and his ability to read people and situations, Black Mamba is incredibly hard to surprise or ambush.
Crack Driver (1pt): Black Mamba is able to drive a car, a tank, or a horse on two wheels/legs/one tread and keep going while shooting. One eyed.

Unique Items

The Patriot: The Patriot was a modified version of the XM16E1, with a shortened barrel and the stock removed. It was designed in order to create a carbine that combined the feel and quick handling of a handgun with the force of a rifle. The relatively light weight meant that the Patriot had a strong recoil, and was notoriously difficult to aim. It used 5.56x45mm ammunition and was fitted with a hundred-round drum magazine, with the internal feed mechanism shaped like an infinity symbol (∞). The blast of the muzzle was said to resemble the sound of a threatened rattlesnake, and that no one who heard the sound would live to tell the tale. The bullets didn't leave the gun straight; they flip and twist upon leaving the gun.

Solid Eye: The Solid Eye combined ENVG (Enhanced Night Vision Goggles) light amplification and imaging technology, and also allowed for binocular functionality (though not simultaneously). In addition, the NV capability could also reveal things that normally wouldn't be seen, such as footprints, thus allowing Mamba an easier time predicting enemy route patterns and reacting accordingly. When heavy artillery such as tanks enter the field of view it displayed their specifications and armaments. It also takes in body temperature, heart rate and sweat secretion to calculate a soldier's physical and emotional state. Its camera vision utilized the fish-eye perception. Varied success on alien technology. Likely to analyze components ('this would discharge an energy shot') but less likely to analyze potential effects ('Estimated Range: ???').

OctoCamo: OctoCamo was a form of smart camouflage that could, within moments of coming into contact with almost any surface, replicate both its pattern and texture. It applied thermal technology to regulate the temperature of the disguised subject to better blend with the surrounding environment and to evade thermal imaging. Multiple surfaces could be mimicked at the same time, and preset camouflage patterns stored for later use. It was inspired by the mimicking abilities of the octopus, hence its name. Works much better when the user is static, revealing a slight pattern of motion otherwise. This also acts as a Sneaking Suit and Muscle Suit, working to take some of the load off Mamba's body while active. While it doesn't enhance his strength, it certainly allows him to perform better, harder and longer.

Cybernetic Arm: After a mishap with a B.O.W., Black Mamba's arm had to be replaced with a Synthetic Nanomachine Attach-Technology Cybernetic-Humanoid Enhanced Replacement Arm. His bones have been reinforced to withstand the arm. It sends signals to his brain giving him tactile information, but is resistant to pain signals. The arm has massive grip strength, up to 100kg PSI, and can lock when he doesn't want to let go. It is highly resistant to damage, and can be used as a shield in a firefight. Its main advantage, however, is that the entire forearm can be launched and targeted at an enemy target, flying at them like a missile and punching them hard before reattaching. This is Black Mamba's trump card. The arm allows him to perform CQC even against superhuman opponents, but does not grant him any actual super strength, save for the aforementioned grip strength, and being punched with hard metal in the face.

Codec System: Using cochlear implants, Black Mamba's Codec system allows for unheard communication. Allowing him to transmit information to allies or home base without ever saying a word or being heard, somehow. He can use this in any circumstance. The Codec is not able to be hacked, and cannot have its systems interrupted by any known technology. This silent communication allows Black Mamba to deliver vital information exceptionally fast and without giving away his position. He can also respond to that voice in his ear whenever he wants, even in mid combat.

Items Of Note

Columbia River 2210 FE9 CQC Knife: A combat knife which can be used both for assassination and stunning via an electrical discharge. This kind of weapon is optimal and necessary for CQC.
Ontario Gen II SP45 Spec Plus Carbon Steel Blade: More of a combat knife. Just as useful for CQC, but without the stunning effect, and can be used to block with the flat edge of the knife.
Karambit: The karambit is a curved knife that is both unique in look and function, as it is meant to operate as an 'extension' of the user's hand. It is non-retractable and features a small ring on the bottom of the hand, allowing the user to slip their finger through it. In the right hands, it can be a very deadly weapon that can be used in both combat situations when enemies are close as well as in stealth-based sections where the user can eliminate enemies quietly.
Hidden Blade: A trophy from one of his most recent missions, an assassin was using it during one of his mission. After the assassin took good stab at him, Black Mamba disarmed him and stole his weapon. It's a blade hidden in a protective bracer, easily pulled back or slid out with just a flick of the wrist. He hasn't mastered using it yet.
Cardboard Box: Black Mamba never goes anywhere without a collapsible cardboard box. He will often do O.S.P. for them if he can, allowing for accurate stealth and other uses.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Regular Human: Despite endless willpower and military training and hardiness, Black Mamba is a regular human, and shooting or stabbing him will eventually kill him. This isn't a weakness so much as a reminder than he isn't in any way shape or form a 'Heavy', and can be taken down by skills or numbers.
Directed EMP: His cybernetic arm is entirely mechanical. It has a built in power supply and other self-defense mechanisms, but a directed or close range EMP will shut it down. If shut down, the bones and nerves connected to the arm will become incredibly painful and Mamba will need to carry the arm in his other hand, as well as making the device useless.


One Eye (2pts): Black Mamba has One Eye. While he's gotten used to it, and uses the Solid Eye to compensate, if it's shut down or otherwise inoperable (or removed), his right eye is almost entirely useless, as it's practically blind without the Solid Eye
Sterile (1pt): Black Mamba is a clone of a Legendary Soldier, and as such is Sterile.
Addiction - Cigars (1pt): Black Mamba is an avid smoker.
Nightmares (1pt): Black Mamba's dismembering at the hands of a B.O.W. often hit him at night, as well as his botched first SAS mission.
Sensation Junkie (2pts): Black Mamba is, like many other career soldiers, an adrenaline junkie, and only truly feels alive on the battlefield.
Vengeance (1pt): Black Mamba is incredibly vengeful towards specific types of B.O.W. and will attempt to kill them if possible.

NPC(s) to go with char

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