Benedetto Alighieri

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Benedetto Alighieri
A.K.A. Devil Forgemaster
Age ???
Voice Actor Norio Wakamoto
Relatives ???
Series Castlevania
Player Brandon
  • Name: Benedetto Alighieri
  • Age: ???
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: The acquisition and jealous hoarding of knowledge
  • Dislikes: Being denied

Physical Stats

  • Height: 7'4"
  • Weight: 385lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Salt and Pepper


A hulking giant of a man with piercing blue eyes and salt and pepper hair. Has a well trimmed beard and wears black.


Morally ambiguous, nihilistic, pragmatic, ambitious. Will do anything, serve anyone and betray anyone to further his goals.


Polyglot (Modern): Speaks pretty much every major European language. Is working on Asian ones currently.
Polyglot (Ancient/Acrhaic/Dead): Speaks Latin, Aramaic, Elamite, and several other ancient languages his studies have required him to learn to speak/read/write.
Polyglot (Arcane/Fiendish): Has not encountered a spell book, demonic tome, grimoire or other esoteric text he could not decipher.
Efficient Research
Arcane/Fiendish Lore
Eidetic Memory


Devil Forging: Can summon, create, mutate, modify, etc a myriad of monsters, devils, demons etc. He can conjure them out of thin air, convert dead bodies, and everything in between.
Black Magic: Knows magic not intended for humankind, mostly that of demonkind and vampirekind.
Necormancy: An extension of his Devil Forging, can return life to dead bodies. While none of the original creature will remain normally, he can alter this, ranging from an almost perfect resurrection to a zombie thrall.
Belnades Magic: Versed in elemental magicks of the Belnades clan (stolen knowledge)
Travel Magic: Studies the use of portals, Distance Mirrors with travel functions, gating to and form Hell, and is currently researching the Infinite Corridor
Scrying: Has numerous arcane tools to find the knowledge he so hungrily seeks.
Alchemy: Is a master of alchemy and arcane crafting
Timeless: Living outside the mortal world and recent forays into time travel have his body more or less suspended in a single moment in time, stopping him from aging, needing food and rest, etc.
Brawler: Despite his studious nature, his madness, personality and bulk have allowed him to be a rather brutal hand to hand fighter when the need arises, though he prefers not to do this if he can help it.


Devil Forging Tools: Various tools and materials that gives him access to his art of Devil Forging. Basic monsters can be conjured without these tools, but nothing with too much power.
Time Watcher's Watch: A pocket that allows the user to slip through time like the Time Watchers do.
Infinite Corridor Key: A key to opening a door to the Infinite Corridor. The real problem is finding a door.
Hellwalker's Sigil: A Talisman that allows him relatively safe passage through hell.
Personal Library: A vast library of esoteric tomes on every arcane, alchemical, demonic or otherwise oddball subjects that Benedetto ahs been able to collect.


Beneath the powers and contingencies and magic and everything else, is an ostensibly mortal man.
Despite the fact that he is lucid, he is quite mad. His insatiable thirst for knowledge drives him forward with an inhuman tenacity.
He does not remember much of his past, his long years walking the planes of hell between his jumps between worlds has pushed such old things out of his mind. However, solid reminders of his past will give him pause, disrupt him.
If he's cut off form his magics or talismans, his method of traveling through Hell will be no longer viable until he can fix it.
While he generally goes out of his way to plan and set up his activities and works, many of his spells and powers are conditional and/or require time to prepare.