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A.K.A. Kuma III
Age I dunno bear years.. but something teenager like. He's trying to avoid temptations.
Voice Actor Smokey the Bear
Relatives Kuma II - Father
Panda - Mother
Series Tekken
Player Cinnie
  • Name: Bear or Kuma III
  • Age: teenager bear
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: fresh salmon
  • Dislikes: being told he is a bad bear. He tries to be good sometimes.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'5"
  • Weight: 600 lbs
  • Eyes: brown
  • Hair: brown with some white spots.


He looks like a Grizzly bear with some white patches of fur. He has been told that he has his mothers eyes.


Bear training and demonstrating his athletic prowess and flexibility.
Bear is a pretty nice guy. He doesn't hold the harsh feelings his father does to his master... he's more laid back. He prefers to go fishing, he likes to train. He also loves to watch hip new cartoons on some downtime. He has dreams of one day becoming the CEO of the Mishima Zaibatsu.


Bear practicing driving. This is not one of his main skills, unfortunately.
  • Alertness - Amazing
  • Athletics - Incredible
  • Etiquette - Very Good (when he wants to. ...other times he'll pass gas and not give a damn.)
  • Law - Good


  • Bear Hug - Bear hugs the opponent to his chest and delivers two powerful back-cracking hugs. It hurts. A lot.
  • Bear's Bite - Bear will grab the opponent and bite them four times, throwing them down to the ground afterwards.
  • Demon Bear - Bear throws a powerful back fist at the opponent's midsection (generally) ...the force is enough to knock them backwards a few feet if it connects.
  • Demon Uppercut - Bear hits an opponent with a powerful uppercut, the opponent is then launched VERY high in the air ...generally making them vulnerable to other hits. Good combo starter.
  • Stonehead - is a throw used in Mishima Style Fighting Karate. Bear will headbutt you. ..and you will fly far, far away.
  • Grappling - Bear will grab the opponent, wrassling them ...and then pass gas. A terrifying move.

Mishima Style Fighting Karate - Bear is able to throw punches, kicks, swipes and so forth.


He has a cute red bandana around his neck.


Bear loves fish. ...especially Fresh Salmon. He's also a teenager so he gets distracted pretty easily.