Bartholemew Hardestadt

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Bartholemew Hardestadt
A.K.A. Bart, Prince
Age 100
Voice Actor
Relatives Metropol Vampires
Series Castlevania
Player Sparda
  • Name: Bartholemew Hardestadt
  • Age: 100
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Women. Money. Power.
  • Dislikes: Poor people. Unambitious people.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 150lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Black and White


There's a picture.


Commanding. Direct. Cunning. Ponderous. Shrewd.


  • Finance: Amazing
  • Leadership: Incredible
  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Etiquette: Incredible


Vampire: Bartholemew is a Vampire. As such, he has certain powers.
Common Traits: All vampires will possess the following abilities, regardless of bloodline.

  • Undeath: Drinking the blood of mortals makes a vampire near immortal. Also, is dead.
  • Blood Healing: Contact with human blood makes a vampire heal immediately.
  • Supernatural Strength: Inhuman strength, far above even the mightiest of men.
  • Supernatural Reflexes: The ability to react and move at bullet*like speed, faster than any being.
  • Supernatural Resistance: Immunity to casual weapons.
  • Mesmerise: A vampire's gaze can entrance any mortal into being unable to move or think.
  • Silence of Death: Vampires no longer breathe, blink, twitch, or any such mortal tick. As such, all vampires have an eerie, relatively obvious lest they mask it, but utterly quiet presence. This may not seem like an advantage, but having a vampire right behind you with no way to hear him is a good way to die. Or join them.

Bloodline Gifts: As a member of the Metropol bloodline of vampires, Bartholemew has the following powers.

  • Mind Control: The ability to override a victim's willpower, and make them act according to the user's wishes. this creates a less than willing victim, but incredibly useful for servants or pests.
  • Seduction: The ability to influence a victim's emotions. Less direct than mind control, but often can be used with a subject's darkest nature, bringing out their sins and making them lust after the vampire.
  • Animal Control: The ability to summon or subdue animals, using them as spies, weapons or other such advantages. Vampires with this power never fight alone.
  • Extra Sensory Perception: The ability to see the invisible, read minds, use telepathy and other such powerful scrying belongs to the 'Modern' vampire bloodline, for dealing with rivals and mortals.


Nothing of note.


Vampires all share another thing. Weaknesses to certain things.

  • Sunlight: All vampires must rest during the day, for their powers are very low when the sun is up.
  • Stakes: A stake through the heart will kill a vampire.
  • Garlic: The purifying effect and the powerful smell will destabilise a vampire.
  • Holy Power: Any holy item will cause vampires massive and likely fatal pains.
  • Vampire Killer: Kills vampires dead. Period.
  • Victim of Fortune (Power depends on their influence and money).