Baki Sakazaki

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Baki Sakazaki
Age 21
Voice Actor Tomokazu Seki
Relatives Ryo Sakazaki (Father), King (Mother), Yuri Sakazaki (Aunt), Takuma Sakazaki (Grandfather)
Series King of Fighters
Player Wally
  • Name: Baki Sakazaki
  • Age: 19
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Drink Mixing, Bettering himself physically through martial arts, Justice
  • Dislikes: Unclean People

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'10"
  • Weight: 165
  • Eyes: Brown
  • Hair: Dirty Blonde


Short Dirty blonde hair, well built with a body made for martial arts. Usually wears causal clothes or his karate gi.


Laid back guy with a strong passion for Martial Arts.


Athletics - Incredible
Etiquette - Incredible
Acrobatics - Amazing
Alertness - Incredible


Kyokugenryu Karate: Kyokugen Karate is described as a deadly martial art that can only be taught with a mind that focuses on self-defense. It allows the user to polish and refine their strengths into a perfect combative technique. While called "karate", it is actually a free-form mixed martial art that roughly employs principles from the Sanchin and Saifa styles. Ideally, a user can excel at both offensive and defensive movements, making them an all-powerful being of strength. The style encourages the users to use their "ki" to extend throughout their body and precisely concentrate the force into their strikes, creating a powerful result with enough practice. Has been trained in this since he was very young and is the future successor.


His Karate Gi


Centipedes: They creep him out to no bounds.