Aimi Komori

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Aimi Komori
A.K.A. Shadow Lady
Age 17
Voice Actor
Relatives ...
Series Shadow Lady
Player Soul
  • Name: Aimi Komori
  • Character Tier: 1
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: ---
    • Place of Birth: Gray City
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Thief
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Shadow Lady Compact
  • Physical Stats
    • Height:
    • Weight:
    • Eyes: Brown (Purple as Shadow Lady)
    • Hair: Silver White
    • Special:


She dresses in what looks like bizzare, out of date, outfits. Old dresses... weird vests with striped socks.
Sometimes she dresses more fashionably, but her sense of fashion is out the window for the most part.
As Shadow Lady, she dresses for fanservice, and somehow her rather subtle body seems to be more curvy and bouncy.


As Aimi, she is timid and extremely shy to the point of stuttering due to being nervous.
She's usually a real sweet girl that will be happy to talk to anyone (aside from De-Mo) in a fair and proper manner.
As Shadow Lady, she is wild and unpredictable. Most of all, she loves excitement and flirting.
Despite her drastic change in attitude, she knows how to be serious at times and stays true to what she feels is right.


Aimi has been on her own since the young age of thirteen. She lived in a simple apartment and worked as a waitress at a local store in Gray City. Life was very simple for her.
One day, Aimi was walking home when the strangest thing happened to her! A demon came out of nowhere and jumped her, forcing makeup on her face. Not knowing what was going on, she suddenly transformed into the magical thief, SHADOW LADY! Her timidness and shyness went out the window and she became a thrillseeking catburglar. Even though she was a burglar, she never stole anything highly of use, though she did enrage the local police department quite a bit.
After a series of antics, some other demons showed up and made her deal with their problem in order to protect her friend, De-Mo. She saved the day, supposedly using up the last of her Shadow Makeup in order to do so. But one day.. Shadow Lady was seen yet again. She returned to her silly antics!
Some months later, she found a missive in her mailbox from PARADIGM, with an explanation that they know who she is. After panicking, she contacted them and was hired to work under the Nakatomi Division, since they saw her potential to do good instead of bad.


Legend: Aimi - Shadow Lady - Crimson Cat - Saffron Bunny - Sapphire Bird
Note: All Shadow Lady forms share the same base Shadow Lady stats. Only special forms have a boost.

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Novice (+1) - Good (+2) - Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Abyssmal (-1) - Very Good (+3) - Amazing (+5) - Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Normal - Very Good (+3) - Amazing (+5)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Novice (+1) - Very Good (+3)
  • Streetwise: Abyssmal (-1) - Good (+2)
  • Expression: Good (+2) - Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Good (+2) - Abyssmal (-1)
  • Performance: Normal - Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Investigation: Good (+2)
  • Law: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Empathy Good (+2)
  • Animal Ken: Good (+2)

Special Abilities

As a normal person, Aimi really has no skills to speak of. She's a simple human girl.

Powers & Merits

The Shadow Compact comes with a whole list of abilities that makes it special, including the Expert Forms.
There are seven shades of Shadow Makeup in the compact. The main makeup is for turning into Shadow Lady.
The other six are called Expert Mode, and only last five minutes. (Only three expert modes are documented.)
Midnight Black Shadow
This is the black makeup in the Shadow Compact. This is the primary makeup of Shadow Lady, and it has no time duration. With this, she gains:
  • Improved Strength: She gains enhanced strength that she can use to fight with in melee.
  • Improved Agility: Her agility also goes up, granting her the ability to perform athletic stunts she otherwise couldn't.
  • Shadow Wings: The wings on her back to not allow her to fly or glide. Instead, it makes her light on her feet, giving her the ability to jump great distances and run faster.
  • Freshen Up: If her outfit becomes damaged, she can 'Freshen Up', which causes her outfit to remake itself to cover her body, ending up more scantily clad than before.
Crimson Cat Shadow
This form uses the red makeup in the Shadow Compact. With this makeup, Shadow Lady gains the abilities of a cat. This includes:
  • Super Stealth: She does not make a sound while moving.
  • Improved Vision: She can see in different spectrums of light, such as infra-red.
  • Razor Claws: Her nails become claws, allowing her to cut glass or fight.
Saffron Bunny Shadow
This form uses the yellow makeup in the Shadow Compact. With this makeup, Shadow Lady gains the abilities of a bunny. This includes:
  • Improved Speed: She is able to run really fast with this.
  • Super Jump: She gains the ability to jump even further than normal Shadow Lady.
Sapphire Bird Shadow
This form uses the blue makeup in the Shadow Compact. With this makeup, she gains the abilities of a bird. This includes:
  • Flight: She gains the ability to fly, instead of mere jumping.

Unique Items

  • Shadow Compact: This item contains her magic shadow makeup. Without this, she can not become Shadow Lady.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Low Self Esteem: She feels like she is unable to do anything as Aimi. When it comes to getting the job done, she believes only Shadow Lady can pull it off, as she is usually too scared and shy as herself.
  • Shadow Compact: The Shadow Compact can turn anyone into Shadow Lady, so the fact that she can lose the compact can be a problem.
  • Water: Her makeup isn't resistant to water. When water forces her makeup off, the transformation back to Aimi is painful.

NPC(s) to go with char


De-Mo is a goofy, perverted demon from the demon world. He is the creator of the Shadow Compact, which used to be famous in the underworld in the years past.
As time went on, people used it less and less, and he felt unwanted. He came to the human world to find someone to enjoy the Shadow Compact to make him feel needed again.
