Kimiko Yukioka

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Kimiko Yukioka
Face portrait of Kimiko
Age 39
Voice Actor
Series Original (Ranma 1/2 universe)
Player Drew
  • Name: Kimiko Yukioka
  • Age: Thirties
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: 4/25/20xx
  • Parents: Unknown
    • Place of Birth: China
    • Nationality: Chinese
    • Specialty: Martial Arts / Assassination
    • Hobbies: Caligraphy
    • Likes: Dominating others, power, the beach, rain, birds
    • Dislikes: Weakness (in all forms), worms, spiders
    • Favorite Food: Tea
    • Least Favorite Food: Shellfish
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport: Cricket
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Family geneology chart stretching back hundreds of years.
    • Level of Education: Collegiate
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'8"
    • Weight:
    • Eyes: Ice blue
    • Hair: Black/midnight purple
    • Special:


Kimiko can usually be found wearing a series of elaborate kimonos, largely traditional in design but adjusted to her tastes, with more room in the shoulders and slits up the knees in the skirt. The pattern of her clothes typically features thorned vines and roses, perhaps a metaphor for herself. She has a slender build, appearing delicate, with narrow wrists and ankles, but don't let that fool you - underneath the soft, pale skin and youthful features is nothing but powerfully honed muscles. It's speculated that Kimiko uses a special technique or form of ki enhancement in order to reduce the size of her muscles while retaining their destructive power, bypassing the usual drawbacks of extreme musculature.


Reserved, Kimiko prefers to be left alone. She has little tolerance for things she considers 'small' or irrelevant. Even among friends, Kimiko can seem cold and distant; often, her attention appears to be on something else, just staring off in apparent boredom. The only things that appear to gain her interest are displays of power.

This lack of focus disappears during combat. As a fighter, Kimiko is ruthless and swift, having no qualms with breaking a helpless foe. In a battle with her son, Kimiko did not hesitate to snap his elbow and compound it by bending his arm the wrong way, an injury that would normally end a fighter's career, as well as attempting to use the Fourth Layer technique, which, if successful, would have killed him.


Kimiko was born the member of a clan of amazons living in the highlands of China. Living mostly secluded from the world, the Yukioka clan is comprised of a host of powerful individuals, and promotes a culture with a relentless obsession with strength. In the clan, men are little more than breeding stock and facilitators of contact with the outside world, used to manage the various properties that the clan has access to. Relatively wealthy, the clan has managed to maintain their secluded lifestyle and focus on the training of its young women in their various monasteries. The training itself is brutal, it not being uncommon for deaths to occur during the later stages. Despite being born from a weak mother, something that had earned her intial scorn, Kimiko succeeded wildly in her training, radidly ascending far beyond her peers, and earning a reputation for herself as a demon in combat. She was prideful, and used her strength to humiliate her peers who had once mocked her lineage. It seemed nothing could go wrong for her.

It was in the spring of her twenty-first year that she met Ryoga Hibiki. Having completed her training some years before, Kimiko was embarking on her first solo scouting mission out into the world. She had crossed the Himalayas, making east for the coast, when she ran across the fighter training in the forest. Although he had clearly been injured by something, the man insisted on pummeling himself with immense stones. To Kimiko's amazement, he appeared to take these blows without much effect, and was even able to shatter large ones with just a touch. He was, in her estimation, incredibly strong - a fact that intrigued and annoyed her. Instead of continuing with her journey, she paused for a few days to observe Ryoga's training, introducing herself and gathering what intelligence she could on the outside world, occasionally criticizing him for what was, to her, futile effort to gain strength, to which he could only reply that he had "a reason that he needed to be strong." After grasping the trick behind the odd stone-shattering technique he was using, she left to continue her journey. She spent a year making her way up and down the coast, making a name for herself as an infamous destroyer of dojos. She sometimes thought about the strange man with the tiger-striped bandana that she had met, and wondered if his reason to be 'strong' was the same as the other men she had met - pride and ego that presumed to think they were better than women.

At the end of her year, she made her way back the way she came. To her surprise, the man was still there, only this time in much worse shape, bandaged and bleeding, yet still continuing to train. There was evidence of the remains of several campsites strewn about, and Kimiko realized that he must have kept returning to this place. She felt something strange in her as she watched him beat his knuckles bloody against an unearthed boulders, an emotion she hadn't felt before: pity. As Ryoga collapsed, exhausted, she caught him and dragged him back to his camp. As a graduate of her clan's training regimen, she was well-versed in tending injuries - though mostly of herself. Using her skill, she nursed him back to health, knowing what she must do. On the day she deemed his recovery complete, she challenged him to a duel. It was not her concern if the man died in his quest, of course, but his constant effort and striving against the impossible angered her. It was an embarrassment, and one which she would not allow to continue. To her great shock, however, Ryoga turned out to be even stronger than he appeared. Despite refusing to strike her, he was able to take each of her blows without so much as flinching, only moving to the offensive when she attempted a lethal attack, knocking her against a tree and tying her to it. Unable to perform the man's own technique with her arms pinned, she raged as he packed up his things and headed off to relocate his camp. She eventually escaped from the bonds, but only after hours had passed. Instead of returning home, her pride bruised, she pursued Ryoga across the continent, constantly challenging and rechallenging him. Over time the two began to form a kind of rapport, which slowly blossomed into friendship, then romance. She respected his strength, even though he was an inferior gender, and felt that he would have to be respected in her clan.

On returning with Ryoga to her homeland, however, she arrived to find nothing but scorn awaiting her. She had taken far longer in her mission than she should have, which might have been acceptable if the purpose had been revenge. However, allowing herself to be seduced by the temptations of an outsider was seen as nothing but soft-hearted weakness. Instead of being welcomed, she was ridiculed by those of her age whom she had once humiliated, and when it was discovered that she was pregnant with Ryoga's child, things only got worse. She had gone from the most promising member of her clan to an example for all to avoid, a proof that only weak came from the weak. The final humiliation came at the time of the baby's premature birth. Without doctors, it was unlikely that the child would have survived. Premature births were rare in Kimiko's clan, with medical aid being mostly a formality. Not only had she given birth to a weakling, but the child was a boy.

Realizing that she would never regain her status if she kept on her path, she handed the child over to Ryoga and sent him away, declaring that she had no son. She soon left the clan homeland and set off into the world, spending the next several years honing her skills, working out of some of the many residences her clan kept as property closer to civilization. Over the next several years she began to earn back some of her previous respect, but those who had once been her targets never missed a chance to remind her of her failings. It is for this reason that she has never ascended very far in her clan. It is only in recent years that she has been allowed to train the clan's young. With the position of matriarch still far from her grasp, she harbors a deep resentment for the mistake that foiled her ambitions...


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Incredible (+4)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible (+4)
  • Streetwise: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Leadership: Very Good (+3)
  • Expression
  • Etiquette: Incredible (+4)
  • Performance: Incredible (+4)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Medicine: Very Good (+3)
  • Law: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Good (+2)
  • Politics: Novice (+1)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Abysmal

Special Abilities

  • Bakusai Tenketsu - The ability to 'break' inanimate objects with a precisely timed touch. Can be used to either make the target crumble, shatter, or even explode. Does not work against organic/living creatures.
    • Second Layer: The ability to 'break' liquids with the same effect as the normal technique. Typically limited to explosions.
    • Third Layer: The ability to 'break' air with the same effect as the normal technique. Limited to explosions.
    • Fourth Layer: The ultimate evolution of Bakusai Tenketsu, also known as 'Life Break.' Through incredibly enhanced perception and grueling years of practice, Kimiko is able to ascertain the 'weak point' on living creatures. Properly executed, a touch can cause catastrophic internal damage and hemorrhaging. The technique is even capable of partial hits - Belle Hibiki was able to avoid being struck exactly on the killing point, but still had his ribs broken into a dozen pieces. Needless to say, this is a killing technique.

  • Ki Control - Sometimes called 'chakra' or 'energy,' Kimiko has mastered the use of her body's spiritual force to generate attacks.
    • Lotus Lance - An extremely fast, straight beam attack. Has high piercing power. Typically aimed at the heart.
    • One Hundred Blossoms - A hundred-strong flurry of homing, low strength blasts. Easy to withstand individually, the sheer mass of them is enough to overwhelm the defenses of any opponent.
    • Wilting - A vampiric attack in nature, Kimiko is able to siphon the energy out of an opponent by clasping her hand around their mouths.
    • Winter's Frost - Extending her ki into the ground, Kimiko is able to generate short-range blasts of energy through the earth in the shape of spikes that rip from the soil under her target.

  • Substance Use - Kimiko has weapons and other applications that feature poison and drugs. Among the more standard effects (accumulating damage over time), she has others, most notably:
    • Paralytic - A powerful poison applied to shuriken and kunai she keeps concealed within the folds of her kimono. This is capable of affecting even meta-humans, though wears off quickly for those with a strong constitution.
    • Hallucinagenic - Laced into Kimiko's perfume is a potent drug that subtly alters the brain chemistry of those exposed to it. Those under the influence of the perfume experience time a fraction of a second later than what is actually occuring. Combined with her extreme speed, this allows Kimiko to seem as if she's teleporting across the battlefield. Kimiko has spent enough time around the substance to gain a resistance to its effects.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
Clear Sighted (3) Time Sense (1) Acute Senses (Sight, Smell, Hearing) (3) Graceful (2)

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
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Items Of Note

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Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key!

Intolerance (1) - Hates weakness. And men. Twisted Upbringing (1) - Strength is the only thing that matters. More than family. More than your child. Personal ascension is the #1 goal, always - no matter who you have to step on to get it. Vengeance (1) - Whether logical or not, she sees the existence of her son, Belle Hibiki, as a mistake that, with his turn to Inspiratio, must be corrected, as he is no longer merely a blight on her personal history impeding her way upwards in her society, but is an active danger to the world.

NPC(s) to go with char

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