Hayate Uzumaki

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Hayate Uzumaki
Hayate Uzumaki, Artwork by Cinnie.
Age 16
Voice Actor Wataru Takagi
Relatives Naruto Uzumaki, Father;
Sakura Uzumaki, Mother;
Miyabi Uzumaki, Sister
Series Naruto
Player Frank
  • Name: Hayate Uzumaki
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: April 20th
  • Parents: Naruto and Sakura Uzumaki
    • Place of Birth: Konoha
    • Nationality: Fire Country
    • Specialty: Pranks, Jutsu
    • Hobbies: Pranks, Sneaking
    • Likes: Pranks, hard work, learning new jutsu
    • Dislikes: Studying, Discipline
    • Favorite Food: Ramen and Sushi
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything sweet
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Konoha Headband
    • Level of Education: Genin
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Wataru Takagi
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 145lbs
    • Eyes: Blue-Green
    • Hair: Red
  • PARADIGM Stats:
    • D Rank Missions:
    • C Rank Missions:
    • B Rank Missions:
    • A Rank Missions:
    • S Rank Missions:
    • Total Cash Rewards:
    • Non Cash Rewards:


I have a picture.


Cheerful and fun-loving, more than a little air-headed, Hayate is usually good at avoiding conflict by simply smiling through most situations.. but it's a vapid, dumbass smile. While a dedicated and hard-working ninja, Hayate is not very good at focussing, thinking, or doing anything else than kicking someone in the head.
However, Hayate also has a dark.. hidden side. One that comes out whenever temptation presents itself. He has a very hard time resisting it, though he does sometimes.. he inherited something from his mother, too.. the overwhelming personality of 'Inner Hayate'.


Hayate was born, the second child of the Rokudaime Hokage Uzumaki Naruto, and his wife, Uzumaki Sakura. Unlike the complications that came with his older sister, Miyabi, Hayate's conception was perfectly fine.. other than an unnatural chakra amount, inherited from the Kyuubi inside his father, AND the Uzumaki Bloodline.
Hayate had a pretty normal childhood, growing up and hoping to follow in his father's footsteps as a great ninja, if not maybe the Hokage. However.. Hayate was -EXCEPTIONALLY- poor at classwork and couldn't remember anything when it came time to exams. He spent many years on the academy bench, despite having been trained on how to use Chakra and Jutsu from a very young age by his parents, seemingly being a natural at that.
Finally, at age 12, Hayate FINALLY graduated and became a Genin. After that, he was put on a team, and within the first 6 months, they attempted to get the Chuunin exam. ...and Hayate failed. Horribly. Because of the written part. So, a little dejected, he went back to more advanced training, working hard until he became a lot stronger. ...and then failed the next time. And the next, all the way up to the present. Each failiure just making him more and more determined to excel, to the point where he asked for special training with his father.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing (+5)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5/+6 Graceful/+7 Balance)
  • Stealth: Amazing (+5)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Abysmal (-1)
  • Streetwise: Good (Konoha) (+2)Abysmal (Other) (-1)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Etiquette: Abysmal (-1)
  • Performance: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal (-1)
  • Investigation: Very Good (+3)
  • Science: Abysmal (-1)

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy: Very Good (+3)
  • Animal Ken: Incredible (+4)

Special Abilities

Basic Jutsu

These are the Jutsu all ninja must learn in order to graduate from the Ninja Academy and become Genin.
Bunshin no Jutsu - Art of Cloning: Rank E - This technique must be mastered by any ninja who has graduated from the Academy at the Hidden Leaf Village. It's the most basic technique a Genin must know, since it can be a real lifesaver. This ninjutsu creates a shadow clone of the caster.
Henge no Jutsu - Transformation Skill: Rank E - Henge no Jutsu is the basic skill a ninja must know to become a Genin. It is a very useful and widely used skill in the series, as it has many uses. It's mostly used as a decoy, to confuse the opponent by transforming into somebody that's an ally with the enemy.
Kawarimi no Jutsu - Art of Substitution: The Body Substitute skill is a widely used and very famous skill among shinobis. Put simply, the user uses speed to his/her advantage, and grabs an item from the environment and places it on his/her current position while moving out of the way.
Bikou Ninjutsu - Shadowing Stealth Technique: Bikou Ninjutsu is the technique ninjas use to follow their targets covertly. The manner in which the ninja shadows their target can differ, from the basic hiding under a nearby object, to using a jutsu to turn oneself invisible.
Nawanuke no Jutsu - Escaping Skill: Rank: E - Nawanuke no Jutsu is a very basic Ninjutsu technique that allows a ninja to escape from rope binds.
Shunshin no Jutsu - Body Flicker Technique: Rank: D - Shunshin no Jutsu is a basic Ninjutsu technique. The ninja will appear and disappear in an instant, allowing them to retreat or attack suddenly. To facilitate the movement the ninja will often use nearby elements such as mist, sand or leaves to mask their appearance or disappearance.


Art of the Body, the ninja fighting style. Any 'style' is considered Taijutsu (which is a catch-all term), and a ninja must know how to fight with his bare hands.
TaiJutsu Style: Personal style, mixed with Naruto and Sakura's training. Focuses mostly on his lean and wiry physique instead of powerful, destructive attacks, so Hayate tends to move incredibly fluidly, like he's playing with a music in his head.
Chakra Enhanced Strength: This is a technique where the user focuses chakra into their hands and feet using precise chakra control and releases it with pinpoint timing, which greatly enhances their strength. Tsunade created the concept of this technique to intimidate enemies and keep them at bay while she healed injured ninja. The training for this technique is quite arduous, as Tsunade repeatedly came at Sakura with full power to help her learn. Despite this, the outcome of this training is incredible, giving the user enough strength to easily make gigantic craters or kill opponents with single strikes.
Chi no Hayate - Gale From the Ground (Cherry Blossom Impact): While some may see it as "superhuman strength", this technique is actually an application of medical ninjutsu, that demands the ability to concentrate and minute chakra control. An immense amount of chakra is kneaded inside the body, and a moment later all of it it is gathered into the fist. That chakra is then released into the target, which does a great amount of damage. With the damage done dependent on the amount of chakra used, it is also possible for a skilled shinobi to amass it in their fingertip. When the ground is hit it is pulverised into minute pieces by the excess shock, which are then scattered like flower petals, giving rise to the name "Cherry Blossom Impact". Hayate has called his application of it 'Gale from the Ground', much like the original technique was named from his mother's name.
Bunshin Taiatari - Clone Ramming Suicide Attack: Rank: A - Bunshin Taiatari is a taijutsu technique used by Uzumaki Naruto against Gaara in his mini-Shukaku form. Naruto first used Kage Bunshin to create several clones. These clones launched themselves at Gaara. When Gaara's large sand arm went to grab the clones, another clone then landed on this hand and launched the following real Naruto at Gaara. This fast speed allowed Naruto to get in closer to Gaara. While flying towards Gaara, the Sand ninja used his other arm to grab at Naruto. The real Naruto formed another Bunshin to take the hit, while he maneuvered away into position behind Gaara.
Kage Shuriken no Jutsu: This is a really useful technique for ninjas who fight by tricking opponents. Shadow Shuriken, also known as Evil wind Shuriken Shadow Windmill, uses a Fuma Shuriken (a big, aerodynamically designed shuriken with curved blades).
Sennen Goroshi - One Thousand Years of Death: Rank: E - Though it is called "Leaf's Ancient Supreme Technique", Sennen Goroshi serves more as an insulting shock technique rather than a skilled Taijutsu technique. The ninja forms their hands into the seal of the tiger, and then jabs their fingers into the nether regions of their target. The result is shocking violation of the targets sanctity and often their launching in the air to stop the awkward feeling.
Shihou Hapou Shuriken no Maki: A Taijutsu technique where the ninja creates a quantity of Kage Bunshin (shadow clones). They collectively leap into the air and simultaneously hurl a multitude of shuriken and kunai at their opponent, raining steel upon them.
Uzumaki Naruto Bunshin Gachandou: Another of Naruto's personalized Taijutsu techniques. Like the Uzumaki Naruto Rendan (Uzumaki Naruto Combo), this technique involves Naruto himself and four clones. Three of them attack the opponent head on while the fourth clone picks Naruto himself up and hurls him at the opponent.


Arts of the Ninja, actual 'magical' spells or techniques. Hayate is especially gifted in Fire and Wind Jutsu.
Kage Bunshin no Jutsu: Being a forbidden and advanced NinJutsu, few people know this technique perfectly. It is listed in the Scroll of Seals, but still some advanced ninjas (such as Kakashi) know this technique. It is similar to the Bunshin no Jutsu; the main function is to create clones.
Harem no Jutsu: The combination of two Ninjutsu techniques: Oiroke no Jutsu (Sexy Technique) and Kage Bunshin no Jutsu (Shadow Clone Technique). Together, they create an army of beautiful naked women that can bring even the strongest perverted ninja to their knees.
Oiroke no Jutsu: This attack is probably the most famous technique in the series, since it is also one that is introduced first in the series. It's a variation of the Henge no Jutsu technique, but instead of copying a person, the user copies a nude babe.
Rasengan - Spiral Sphere: Rank: A - Rasengan was a ninjutsu technique developed over the span of three years by the Fourth Hokage. The technique was taught to his sensei Jiraiya, who then passed it on to the young ninja Naruto years later. Like Kage Bunshin, Naruto would adopt the technique as a signature move and make it all his own. The technique is unlike other jutsu in that it does not require any handseals, it just relied on the ninja's ability to mold chakra. The ninja concentrates a contained, fast, rotating sphere of chakra in the palm of their hand which can cause much destructive impact.
Oodama Rasengan - Big Ball Spiral Sphere: Rank: Unknown (Potential S) - Oodama Rasengan is an advanced Ninjutsu technique developed by Uzumaki Naruto. This larger Rasengan uses a Kage Bunshin to form a more powerful version of the technique.
Rasengan Overload - Spiral Sphere Overload: Rank: S - Rasengan Overload is Hayate's variation on the classic Rasengan technique. Before learning more dangerous variations like Rasenshuriken and the Sage Mode Rasengan, Hayate developed a technique that uses the Big Ball Rasengan and extra clones, using their own Rasengans to propel Hayate at the enemy like a missile, with Rasengan leading the way, adding more and more spirals to the attack, causing the final impact to be much more potent than the original. At the same time, clones perform the Bunshin Gadanchou to launch themselves at the opponent, pinning their arms and legs in place with chakra so Hayate can nail them dead center while they can't move with the attack's impact.
Uzumaki Naruto Rendan - Uzumaki Naruto Combo: Rank: B - The Naruto Rendan is a Ninjutsu technique developed by Uzumaki Naruto after he saw Uchiha Sasuke's Shishi Rendan technique. To begin the technique Naruto first creates four Kage Bunshin clones. After Naruto and his clones surround his target, they begin to charge at the opponent. Next one clone punches the opponent and Naruto himself jumps off this clone's back into the air. The three remaining clones slide in and kick the opponent into the air. Naruto, who gained altitude from jumping, comes spinning down and kicks the opponent in the head, making them smash into the ground.

Elemental NinJutsu

These ninjutsu use the five elements (Fire, Wind, Water, Earth, Thunder). Hayate's elemental specialties are in Wind and Fire jutsu.
Katon: Haisekishou - Burning Ash Accumulation: Katon • Haisekishou is a Ninjutsu technique utilizing the Fire Element. After forming the needed handseals, Hayate will expel an ash from his mouth. This large cloud begin to envelope his foe and when Hayate clicks his teeth, the cloud will ignite in an explosion.

Kuchiyose Jutsu - Summoning Jutsu

These Jutsu allow the Ninja to summon help from animals or other items.
Kuchiyose no Jutsu - Spiritualism Technique: Rank: C - A powerful jutsu, Ninpo Kuchiyose allows a ninja to summon animals, objects and the dead to fight on their behalf. The ninja normally signs a blood contract with the animal species, which allows him to summon different size and skill levels of creature.
Kuchiyose no Jutsu: Gama: Hayate has signed the Toad contract, like his father and grandfather before him. As such, he has the ability to summon a little toad, called Gamakaiba.

Powers & Merits

Extraordinary Chakra: The Uzumaki line, and Hayate and Naruto in particular, are known for their inexhaustible chakra reserves. It will take a VERY long time for Hayate to get tired and he has basically endless stamina for Jutsu and combat purposes. This said, this also makes him incredibly easy to notice for any sensor types, and the Chakra is easily identifiable for those so inclined.

Genbu Shichi Seishi
Hayate has accepted the role of being the Genbu Shichi Seishi Tomite. On his chest appears the symbol of 虛 (Xū) meaning Emptiness. When he draws on her deep emotional power he has the following abilities:
  • Ice Manipulation - Hayate is capable of manifesting and manipulating ice.

Innocent (2pt Merit): Hayate has an earnest and child-like demeanor that makes it very hard to not see him as innocent and sweet.
Cat-Like Balance (2pt Merit): Hayate's agility, even among ninja, is exceptional.
Luck (3pt Merit): Hayate loves taking risks and will try his hand at anything once at least, and usually comes out on top.
Graceful (2pt Merit): Hayate has a natural fluid movement, like the wind, which makes all he does look planned and well executed.
Light Sleeper (1pt Merit): Hayate can basically train all day, nap for 3 hours and be up and at'em for the rest of the day.

Unique Items


Items Of Note

Ninja Gear: Kunai, shuriken, bandages, soldier pills, rope, eggshell bombs, etc.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Book Dumb: Hayate hates studying, math and other written and/or mental problems. He tends to over complicate them in his head and will usually default to letting someone else do it for him.

Airhead (1pt Flaw): Hayate is a classic case. He doesn't pay attention and he cannot be made to listen to anything not fight related.
Curiosity (2pt Flaw): Hayate is insatiably curious and will often push things or poke his nose where he should not.
Sensation Junkie (2pt Flaw): As mentioned before, Hayate loves to try new things, and experience new sensations. If he enjoys something he will want more.

NPC(s) to go with char

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