Ringo Kuchiki

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Ringo Kuchiki
Age Appears to be around 17
Voice Actor Olivia Ong
Relatives Renji Abarai (father)

Rukia Kuchiki (mother)
Byakuya Kuchiki (uncle)
Hisana Kuchiki (aunt, deceased)

Series Bleach (original character)
Player Ichigo/Tommy
  • Name: Ringo Kuchiki
  • Age: Appears to be around 17 years of age
  • Sex: Female
  • Birth date: Feb 13
  • Likes: Drawing, listening to music, singing, climbing to very high points, reading, soccer, cute animals
  • Dislikes: Dumb people, annoying people, people insulting her "master" artworks
  • Favorite Food: Gyoza, dumplings, most fruits, dim sum (especially shumai), chocolate (zomg<3333)

Physical Stats

  • Height: 4'10" (147 cm)
  • Weight: 75 lbs (34 kg)
  • Eyes: Greyish Blue
  • Hair: Black




Outwardly cold demeanor to strangers, seems to always have an unimpressed expression. But having Renji as a father, she was raised to greatly value friendship and morals. She is willing to self-sacrifice to protect her friends, much like her father. Her attitude will vary, even into the comical bickering when provoked by friends. Her mother taught her to be graceful as well.


Renji's's and Rukia's awkward relationship finally tipped over into love territory. During a heated battle with the usual I'm-going-to-destroy-Soul-Society threat, they declared their love for one another when one of them nearly fell in battle. A promise was made that they would wait for each other until peace returned back to Soul Society or until they were no longer needed on the front lines for emergencies.

It would be a few years until that happened. Renji refused to take any Captain class position due in part to his pursuit in honing his skills to Byakuya's level. Rukia had moved up in rank in her squad but she too refused to take any position close to Captain or Vice-captain seats. They had a lot of free time to see each other, following their Shinigami duties when obligated. Captain Byakuya saw the joy in Rukia's eyes whenever she sees Renji, feeling a heavy burden being lifted in knowing that Rukia is truly happy and that he will continue protecting Rukia in honor of his wife's wishes.

Years passed, and then a nervous Renji in formal attire would approach Byakuya to ask for Rukia's hand in marriage. Byakuya would mull over the question for days, causing much anxiety to Renji while waiting for Byakuya's permission. Finally, one fateful day, Byakuya decides to allow Renji to have Rukia's hand in marriage.

The overwhelming joy Renji and Rukia felt that day could not be put into words. A massive and expensive wedding was planned. Everyone was invited, especially Ichigo and gang from the Karakura town. A year would pass after the wondrous event and Rukia's belly would grow larger. Nine months of eager anticipation and anxiety passed by. Rukia and Renji would be blessed with Ringo's birth.


  • Drawing: Abyssmal
  • Hand-to-Hand combat: Very Good
  • Cooking: Average
  • First Aid: Good
  • Computer Use: Average
  • Medical knowledge: Average
  • Singing: Amazing


  • Kido Knowledge: Excellent
  • Flash Step: Very Good
  • Zanjutsu (Swordsmanship with zanpakutou): Incredible


  • Shikai
    • Command Phrase: "Sora wo terase!" (Light/illuminate the sky!)
    • Shikai Abilities:
      • Hoshizora Kiseki (Starry Sky Miracle):
        Ringo's katana turns into pure light, then she will raise it towards the sky as light spheres shoot off from the end of the light sword, just like a Roman candle firecracker. After the spheres travel some distant they will explode into smaller light particles, behaving like miniature stars, hanging in the sky. She can also use this as a projective against enemies or to annoy and distract opponents. She can force the light particles to explode with the phrase, "Sakero! (Burst!)"
      • Mikazuki no Mai (Dance of the Crescent Moon):
        Using Shunpo, Ringo will move so fast that when she does reappear, it will seem like that there are two of her coming from the front and back of the opponent as they perform a wide-arc slash at the same time, resembling two crescent moons touching back to back.
      • Hikari Ryuuga (Shining Dragon Fang):
        A projectile attack produced from a slashing motion of Ringo's zanpakutou when the blade has turn into light, it can bounce off reflective surfaces to catch enemies by surprise.
  • Bankai
    • Command Phrase: "Bankai! Tennou Ryuuza." (Heavenly King Ryuuza)
    • Bankai Effect - Cosmos Void:
      The bankai release of Ringo's zanpakutou will let loose a portion of Ryuuza's inner world, where the true form of the serpent-like Dragon resides. A black circle spreads out in all direction instantly in a giant circumference, engulfing everyone into the void. Their surrounding change drastically to that of space, complete with the Sun, moon, planets, stars, nebulas and any other celestial bodies frequently seen. Loss of gravity is prevalent inside this fake universe, but the air is still normal and breathable. If enough damage is done to Ringo and/or to the zanpakutou then this effect will be nulled.
    • Bankai Abilities:
      • Gesshoku (Lunar Eclipse):
        Ringo's attacks gets further augmented by the fake moon's lunar phase. Depending on the direction of the crescent at the time, Ringo's clothing and the color of her zanpakutou are affected. When the moon's crescent "horns" are pointing to the east (moon is waxing), all of Ringo's shinigami clothes turns pure white as well as her zanpakutou (outer edge, hilt, guard, chain and pendant). Her attacks become more ice-like in nature, and her reiatsu exudes a cold aura. In this form, her attacks are more ice elemental and range-based. When the "horns" point westward (moon is waning), her clothing changes to more of a black, sleeveless. Chinese dress with side slits up to her hips (see pic). The outline of her zanpakutou also changes to black, along with the dragon-head guard, hilt and chain+pendant. Her attacks will be more close-quartered, with more emphasis with sword play. Her reiatsu will change to a darker color as well, with a slight hint of malice.
        Ringo can force the lunar phase to change by yelling out the incantation, "Michiru!" (Wax) or "Kakeru!" (Wane).
      • Ryusongoku (literally Dragon Awakened to Emptiness):
        Ringo will rotate her zanpakutou in front of her as the blade turns into pure light. Then with a slash to the space in front of her, the light shoots out in a straight line then splits up rapidly to instantly form/draw a large, serpentlike dragon (seen in Chinese mythology) that turns to life and attacks Ringo's opponent on its own.
      • Ryuhisho Zettai Zetsumei (lit. Dragon Flight [to] Absolute End of Life):
        Ringo will use this command phrase to instruct the current dragon or quickly manifest another one instantly and command it to shoot forward and grab her opponent between its jaws to ram headfirst into a conveniently passing-by meteor.
      • Hyakyuryu Zettai Unmei Mokushiroku (Hundred Dragon Absolute Destiny Apocalypse):
        Ringo's trump ability, she has used this ability very rarely. She must first summon a massive amount of reiatsu to allow the next part to execute successfully. Her zanpakutou's blade turns into pure light again but this time instead of a single slash, Ringo will do a series of rapid swipes (a hundred in total) of her zanpakutou in front of her, unleashing streams of white light into the cosmos which all form/draw into a legion of serpentine dragons surrounding her opponent. The swarm of dragons will all rush forward to grasp the victim's body and limbs and rams it through various meteors and random planets before reaching towards the end by ramming straight through the moon. Their final destination is the sun. The final impact to the victim is like caught between two violently-surging, explosive reiatsu. Ringo's bankai effect is ultimately dispelled when the fake sun is destroyed, and all remaining spiritual power is exhausted.

Unique Items

  • Skull glove (belonged to her mother)
  • Soul Candy dispenser
  • Zanpakutou, named Ryuuza (Dragon Constellation)
    • Sealed form - Mostly a standard zanpakutou. Black saya with a white star motif embedded along the entire length to the very end. At the saya tip, there is an engraved image of a white, serpent-like dragon coiled around it. A white sageo (thread/cord) wraps around the saya close to the guard. The cord is wrapped about the length of Ringo's hand, with an extra length hanging away from the saya with a crescent moon pendant attached at the end. A white silk ito (braid) forms a logenze pattern down the hilt. The guard is in the shape of a large star.
    • Shikai form - The blade of the katana changes to a blackish steel, with a white engraving of the Sun being caught in the jaws of a dragon, a planet, an eclipsing moon, and a couple of stars. The star-shaped guard is still retained as well the logenze pattern down the hilt. Inside the logenze pattern is random stars and crescent moons motif. Attached to the pommel is a short, beaded ribbon ending with a star-shaped pendant.
    • Bankai form - Ringo will hold the sheathed zanpakutou in front of her by the hilt. When the command phrase "Bankai!" is used, a large amount of reiatsu is released. The dragon at the end of the saya will become 'alive', moving and spiralling along the saya's length, rapidly devouring each star it runs into as it progresses towards the guard. Each star devoured will cause Ringo's reiatsu to intensify even more. Once the dragon hits the star-shaped guard, the sheath and blade itself turns into a explosive beam of light. The guard will be re-molded into the shape of a dragon's head, with its jaws spread apart as the rest of the katana re-materialize into a translucent blade with the outer edges being solid. Glancing at the broad side of the katana, bystanders can see a miniature universe revolving independently from the fake cosmos created from the bankai release. The short white ribbon attached at the pommel transforms into a metal chain, the star-shaped pendant is still retained at the end.


  • Soul Society cell phone / hollow tracker


Gigai form has the usual weaknesses of a human being but in Shinigami form, strength and endurance are augmented by her high spiritual power.