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A.K.A. Kurei Mori, Cursed Child
Age 45
Voice Actor
Relatives Neon, Wife;
Kamen, Son;
Recca, Brother;
Series Flame of Recca
Player Frank
  • Name: Kurei
  • Age: 45
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Family
  • Dislikes: Many, many things.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Black


Kurei sans the mask.

In contrast to Recca who resembles their father, Kurei bears more resemblance to his mother, Reina. Kurei's appearance stays generally the same throughout the series. His hair is black with a blue tint. As he recovers from his injuries at the hands of Renge, his hair grows longer. On each ear, he wears a spherical earring. He is always seen wearing a seal on his right arm to protect himself from his own powers. He is always seen wearing a black, cloak that falls to his knees. His fingernails are long and sharp, similar to claws. He is a tall, fit shinobi, and he almost always wears a white mask, with a few differences between them. He has worn three masks throughout the series. Under his mask he has a burn, which was inflicted by Kurenai on his right eye.


One of Kurei's most seen traits, is his willingness to be cruel, and sometimes even sadistic to both friend and foe. Kurei is able to inflict fear in many who either oppose or work with him, something he clearly knows and takes advantage of. However on another side, he also has a great capacity to love just as deeply. After the death of Kurenai, his primary motivation is to save his adopted mother by whatever he sees as necessary.
His love for his mother was apparent, as he was willing to kill a baby Recca to make his mother happy and end the suffering they endured. This marks the point where Recca serves as the primary source of Kurei's hatred, as he beliveved if Recca never existed, he and his mother would never have suffered. He also grew very attatched to his adoptive mother after she took him in when he arrived in the present time, and more or less, all of Kurei's actions are driven by his will to protect her.
Even as a child, Kurei has almost never shown his emotions. When about to be killed by a Hokage ninja at the age of five, Kurei never even flinched, and when his life was spared, he showed no relief. He has continued to hide his emotions as a adult, even to the point of telling blatant lies about neither wanting nor needing companions or friends. While it has not been revealed why Kurei wears his mask, it is implied by Joker that he does so to prevent people from seeing his emotions. He is described by Joker as being very dishonest, saying one thing, but thinking, and even doing another.
After Uruha disbanded, Kurei was left with very few allies. Even though he was mistreated by the Hokage for much of his early life, Kurei is regardless strongly loyal to the clan his mother held so dear. He even begins to proudly wear the Hokage symbol on his mask in a reverse fashion to affiliate it with Uruha, renaming his new team as Ura Hokage Uruha, showing his loyalty to both groups.


  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Leadership: Incredible


Hokage Flame Master: Kurei is a Flame Master of the Hokage. As such, he has superior physical capabilities, as well as incredibly resistance to fire. His flame manifests as the spirits of those he has consumed with his flame, known as the Phoenix. Both his flames are called Kurenai and Jishou, and each grant him different abilities and powers.
Ninja: Kurei is a ninja master, expert at hand to hand and weapons combat, as well as stealth and Ninjutsu techniques.




Deranged: Kurei is quite unwell. He is usually lucid and calm but when he loses it, he loses it.