Astrid Blomgren

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Astrid Blomgren
A.K.A. The Azure Rose
Age 20
Voice Actor
Series CastleVania
Player Jade`
  • Name: Astrid Blomgren
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: female
  • Likes: Singing, shiny things
  • Dislikes: Anything her Lord wishs her to dislike

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'0"
  • Weight: 140
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Gray


Her hair has lost it's color even though she is still so young, the same with her skin tone, it has become pale and pasty, her eyes hold little light in them anymore as she appears rather dazed and out of it.

Astrid about to use Knife Sub-Weapon


Crazed, liked to sing


Alertness: Novice Athletics: Very good.

Weapons Lore:(Castlevania): Amazing
Occult: Very Good


(Sub Weapons): Oddly, she can use various sub weapons not unlike the hunter clans out there, she particularly favors the knives.

[Knife] : a divine throwing knife that seems to appear out of thin air.
[Holy Water]: A bottle of holy water that bursts into sacred flames!
[Stop watch]: Stops time for a very very short period.

(Unleash the Hidden Potential): Weapons in the hands of Astrid, because of her holy bloodline, will awaken and allow her access to various abilities through the weapon.

(Dark Charisma): This power allows her to gather the loyality of some monsters, demons and similiar creatures.


Text Goes Here - Special Weapons, gear or notable paraphenelia only, please.


None Discovered Yet