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Dead Soldier.
A.K.A. Totenkoi, Super Soldiers.
Age N/A
Voice Actor N/A
Relatives N/A
Series Operation Darkness
Player Frank
  • Name: Not Applicable
  • Age: Not Applicable
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Nothing
  • Dislikes: The Living.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'1"
  • Weight: 350lbs
  • Eyes: Unknown
  • Hair: Unknown


Nazi Supersoldier, wearing battle gear at all times.


Nazi super soldier.


  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Alertness: Excellent
  • Athletics: Excellent


Super Soldier: Totenkampfer are basically, super soldiers no longer limited by the frailties of human life. They possess superhuman strength, reflexes, resistance, thought processes and are unable to know fatigue, boredom or any other ill effect of war. They are trained to fight like the most competent soldiers alive, and use that to their full advantage.
Undead: With vampire magics, the Totenkampfer are basically immune to all ravages of life, and can take massive amounts of punishment. Provided they have access to human flesh or their regenerative gas (explaining the military gas mask), they can take massive amounts of punishment and keep fighting. They don't know pain, fear, weariness or breaks of morale.


Military Gear: Totenkampfer have top of the line military gear, including body armour, IR sensors and other high tech devices, as well as comm devices.


Holy Power: This will wreck them.
Gas: They are dependent on their gas for their special abilities and regeneration. Removing the tanks makes them have to retreat.. or die.