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A.K.A. Dracula, The Dark Lord, Mathias Cronqvist, Vlad III, The Impaler.
Age Over 1000
Voice Actor Mamoru Miyano
Relatives Family: Alucard, Erzebet, Elizabeth.
Embraced: Alexander Vlado, Carmilla, Laura (3rd generation), Gilles De Rais.
Other: Soma Cruz, Lacroix, Jonathan Aensland.
Series Castlevania
Player Frank
  • Name: Malus
  • Age: Apparently 20ish
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Violin
  • Dislikes: Belmont

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Reddish Purple
  • Hair: Mauve


Devastatingly attractive young man. Well dressed, acting proper and with a dangerous undercurrent to him, just enough to be enticing.


Cunning. Clever. Inhuman. ...he's freaking Dracula, okay?


  • Performance: Amazing
  • Subterfuge: Amazing, with Ability Aptitude as a merit.
  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Occult: Amazing


Archery: Malus is quite proficient with a bow, able to use it while riding on horseback and able to hit what he wants to hit.
Magic User: Malus is an incredibly powerful magic user, belying his humble beginnings as a violinist. He is capable of several spells, such as summonings, fire balls, balls of destruction, teleportation, flame pillers, homing energy pyramids, lightning bolts, and a Dark Megiddo area of effect attack that causes massive damage. He can also summon a horned pegasus.
Glyph Magic: Malus's spells are actually tied to the Glyphs he carries on his back and both arms. He has three of them, but they are damaging to use.
Dominus Agony: Malus can DRAMATICALLY increase every physical part of him, but he seems wracked with pain the whole time he uses the Glyph.
Dominus Anger: Malus can cast the Dark Inferno spell, but he claims it costs him life force to use.
Dominus Hatred: Malus can summon a pillar of light from the skies, which then shines so bright all enemies around him take MASSIVE damage, regardless of their resistances to magic or dark elements. However, Malus claims he can only use it a few times, as it draws away about 1/4 (exactly 1/6) of his life force at a time.
Power of Dominance: When monsters are killed near Malus, he can steal their souls and gain their powers.
Dark Charisma: Malus can pour on the charm. He will release waves of energy which can be seen and must be avoided (roll Athletics diff 11 to dodge). If a man is hit by them, nothing happens. If a woman is, they will fight for Malus with all their might and do whatever he asks of them.


Violin: Malus carries a Stradivairus violin with him whenever he can. He is apparently paranoid about it being stolen.


Dracula: Malus is Dracula. He is reincarnated in the body of a young man, but he is Dracula. Anyone who could see his soul will immediately know who they are dealing with. Then again, he may very well react accordingly.
Human: An incredibly resilient and unbelievably lucky human. But Malus is still a human. He has none of the vampiric gifts of his origin for the moment.