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Snake Clan Assassin, Spice
A.K.A. Black Mamba Spice
Age 15
Voice Actor
Relatives None worth mentionning.
Series Ranma 1/2
  • Name: Spice
  • Age: 15
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Women, stalking.
  • Dislikes: Bright light.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'3"
  • Weight: 130lbs
  • Eyes: Gold.
  • Hair: Green.


Greasy haired, slimy looking and unkempt, wearing lin kuei outfits. However, if he washes up and stops being slimy, is bishounen as hell.


Sneaky, creepy, devious, loyal, poisonous friend.


  • Stealth: Amazing
  • Poison Use: Amazing.
  • Strategy: Very Good.
  • Assassin Style: Incredible.


Snake: Spice is part snake, one of the Musk Dynasty's assassins, master of poisons and sneak attacks. His body can also bend from attacks to diminish damage.
Superhuman Speed: Not on par with the Wolf clan, Spice's attacks and natural boneless grace lets him avoid attacks and counter incredibly fast.
Venom: Spice's bite and nails are venomous. The nails are a potent neurotoxin which causes agonising pain and paralysis of the struck area. The bite is fatal like asp venom. He needs to generate the venom to actually cause those effects, and it shows.

  • Venom Spit: Spice can spit venom at his enemies, usually aimed for the eyes. Unless injested, it's not fatal, but will blind someone until it's cleaned out and healed.
  • Cobra Strike: A super fast single strike, usually aimed at a point on the body, with fingers like hooks, aimed to rend flesh.

Entrancing Stare: If Spice catches his opponent's eye, he can paralyze them with an hypnotic gaze.
Snake Style: Spice fights like a master of this style. He has several joint locks and grappling techniques, and his strikes mean to paralyse, via Dim Mak.


Snake: The various snakes that cover his body can be used as wires and whips to immobilise his enemies.


Socially Inept: Does not know how not to be a creepy stalker.
Women: Is fascinated by women and everything about them. To the point of being a creepy stalker.