Revision Two

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Revision as of 07:28, 24 July 2012 by Locheeric (talk | contribs) (NOTABLE ITEMS)
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Revision Two
Revision Two.jpg
A.K.A. R2, Two, Rev
Age Varies
Voice Actor Eri Kitamura
Relatives Letty Carmichael (half-brother)
Jach Swiftblade (father/creator)
Iteration One (half-sister)
Series Original
Player Eric
  • Name: Revision Two
  • Age: Varies
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Breaking things, fighting, chaos, gratuitous affection
  • Dislikes: Behaving, staying still

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'8"
  • Weight: 140 lbs
  • Eyes: Red
  • Hair: Green


Check the picture! Varies with her age.


Revision Two varies wildly between over the top insane and snuggly. Deep down, she's still a good person for an AI...right?


  • Alertness - Amazing
  • Athletics - Amazing
  • Stealth - Good
  • Intimidation - Amazing
  • Etiquette - Novice
  • Computers - Incredible


Revision Two boasts incredible strength and speed, easily able to shatter bones without even thinking, though this requires her to get serious.

  • [Break Anything, Break Everything] - Revision Two's signature technique, the android adopts a cupped-hands fighting stance and charges forward with extreme velocity. This maneuver allows her to break through dense materials, armors, weapons, and bones with ease.
  • [Eye Beams] - From a distance, Revision Two can fire laser beams from her eyes.
  • [Incredible Speed, Impossible Strength] - Utilizing all of her talents at one, R2 becomes a blur, attempting to hit every single person she sees.
  • [Regenerative Nanomachines] - R2's body heals at an extremely accelerated rate.
  • [Ritual of the Machine] - A forbidden program created by Jach Swiftblade, Ritual of the Machine utilizes the most powerful weapon in existence - the sentient soul. This unlocks Revision Two's full power, and acts as an extreme limiter removal.


The Legacy Engine in her chest that powers her, great deal of flowers, and her personality chip stored in her neck.


Revision Two is chaotic and hard to predict; this does, however, make her easy to distract, and she will often charge directly into missile attacks, heedless of the pain (she kinda likes it).