Vanessa Valentine

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Vanessa Valentine
Doctor Vanessa Valentine in the center standing inside the infamous ShinRa Mansion.
A.K.A. Doctor Valentine
Age 26
Voice Actor Yuriko Yamaguchi
Relatives Vincent Valentine - Father
Lucrecia Crescent - Mother
Series Final Fantasy
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Vanessa Valentine
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Science
  • Dislikes: ignorance

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'8
  • Weight: 145 lbs
  • Eyes: Turquoise-blue (Makou tinged, but wears glasses usually to hide it)
  • Hair: Magenta


Tall, beautiful woman who usually wears glasses and a fashionable suit and almost always has her labcoat on. Vanessa keeps a calm, cool expression pretty much around the clock.


Calm, Collected.


Gunfighting - Specializes with Shotguns, but she knows how to aim and fire a gun.
Medicine - knowledgeable in surgery, first aid.. and general medical knowledge.


The typical three element Materia (Fire, Ice, Bolt). She also keeps the Comet Materia.

Limit Break

Vanessa holds some of the power of Chaos in her body and due to her genetic make up, it hasn't destroyed her. Because of this, she is able to use her limit break and transform into the same monsters her father was able to.

  • Galian Beast - A demon-like looking creature with two horns and a fiery red mane.
    • Berkserk Dance
    • Beast Flare
  • Death Gigas - A frankenstein-looking monster. Largely hulking in size.
    • Gigadunk - Melee attack, hitting the target with a powerful punch that has enough force to additionally damage nearby enemies.
    • Livewire - electrical blast that can damage a group of enemies.
  • Hellmasker - A psychopathic looking monster wearing a menacing mask and holding a chainsaw.
    • Splattercombo - slashing multiple times with the chainsaw.
    • Nightmare - Reddish blast that induces sleep/confuse/bio on a group of enemies.
  • Chaos - A bat-like monster, complete with large leathery wings.
    • Satan Slam - Skull appears beneath the enemies and a dark gust of wind explodes out of the skulls mouth which afflicts the enemies with dark damage.
    • Chaos Saber - A beam of dark energy forms from Chaos's hand (like a light saber) and Chaos slashes the enemy with the sword for damage.


Death Penalty MKII

Shotgun and Medical supplies

  • Death Penalty MKII - Based off of her father's rifle, the Death Penalty's power is also boosted after every enemy it kills. The gun is also further modified to switch between beam ammunition and bullets.


Berserker - If somehow Vanessa was to go into her limit break, chaos form.. she generally loses control and cannot distinguish between friend and foe.

Curiosity - She wants to know how -everything- works and ticks.. She'll do what she needs to in order to get information and study.

Makou taint - because of her mother and father's constant experimentation, her eyes definitely look 'odd'. She wears glasses to try to hide this.