Mireya Moreno

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Mireya Moreno
Age 22
Voice Actor
  • Name: Mireya Moreno
  • Age: 22
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: December 5th
  • Parents: Marie and Antonio Moreno
    • Place of Birth: Ibiza, Spain
    • Nationality: Spanish
    • Specialty: Occult, Ghosts
    • Hobbies: TBD
    • Likes: TBD
    • Dislikes: TBD
    • Favorite Food: Empanadas
    • Least Favorite Food: Anything with a slimy feel: Mushrooms, squid, etc.
    • Favorite Music: TBD
    • Favorite Sport: TBD
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Her ruby pendant necklace. To a lesser extent, her collection of mementos.
    • Level of Education: College Freshman
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'6"
    • Weight: 148lb
    • Eyes: Green
    • Hair: Brunette
    • Special: TBD


Mireya is a very well put-together young woman. She stands 5'6" tall, with her long, chocolate brown hair scuttling down her back in shiny waves. Her skin is a pale bronze color. No matter what else she wears, a ruby red pendant hangs just beneath her collar-bone.


Adventerous. Mireya loves seeking out new adventures, and loves learning about the new experiences just as much. She is generally encouraging to others when it comes to the adventures, but vastly prefers the research be left to her.


The daughter of a Catholic pastor on a small Spanish Island, Mireya grew up memorizing all of the Catholic stories. That's why, whenever young Mireya would see things, people from the past, hanging around her island, she would just think it was her imagination, bringing her history and bible lessons to life.

As she grew older, she learned differently. In her middle years, she would tell her mother what she saw, and while her mother wasn't as devout as her father was, she did not like hearing the stories her daughter was telling and would often pass it off as a wild imagination. The things she saw around the island were never harmful, just relics of a time gone by, so she never felt the need to claim they were dangerous... and she never mentioned them to her father, who never had much of a tolerance for different things (other than his wife- who was not spanish) in the first place.

Mireya eventually learned to keep her sightings to herself.

Unfortunately, the inability to relate her true experiences with her parents caused a rift.

As she grew in age, and was trusted to be out more, Mireya would wander the island, mostly the town and surrounding land where she lived. Many of the visions of the past she saw always stayed the same, like the old man fishing by the rocks. Others would come and go, as if drawn by date or weather, like the children climbing a tree, in the middle of the port. Occasionally, and Mireya didn't realize this until she was in her mid-teens, the visions of the past would change, and would notice her presence as well. Still swayed by her Catholic household, and schoolmates, she continued to keep it all to herself.

Ibiza is a tourist island, though, and when Mireya hit 18, she went out with some friends and hit up some of the local clubs. In one of the clubs, she didn't party or dance like her friends were- there was a murder happening in the middle of the dance floor.. and everyone was dancing around it! She just stared, unable to say a word. Someone whispered into her ear, "I see it, too."

That night, Mireya found a kindred spirit, another man who was able to see ghosts and spirits just like her. He was some retail shop owner from the mainland, out with his friends for a bachelor party weekend, but, like her, he was able to see the spirits of the dead left behind. The two went off to the side, and discussed her abilities- she had no one else to ask, so she picked his brain all night long. He didn't have very many answers, but he was more than happy to share his theories, and the two swapped stories about the different encounters, or visions, they had had.

Following that evening, Mireya tried to devote more time to studying the local spirits, as she now called them. She started with some of the more prominent spirits, and attempted to research them in local libraries and registrars. Some of the spirits, she was able to research, and others remained a mystery.

By doing this, she also accidentally learned how to coax some spirits to the world beyond. It happened when she found the fisherman-ghost's name, and went down to the rocks to meet him. She asked, "Why are you still here, Pablo?" He looked at her, with a confused look on his face, and faded away. That was the last time she saw him.

That was also her last year in Ibiza.

She moved to Madrid to begin college. Officially, she went to school for teaching, but since she didn't need to report all of her classes to her parents, she also took what few classes in the paranormal the school had.

Most classes were the typical case studies, nothing much to learn but theories and incident reports. One of her teachers, Vidal Gonzalez, caught her eye. There was something about him that attracted her toward him. When she approached him one day, he revealed to her that he was a ghost hunter. After several more meetings, he invited her to go with him to go hunting one day.

They, along with other hunters, went to a small little village in a rural area outside of Madrid. There wasn't much, farms, a couple small shops, and an inn for visitors on their way between cities. Their stop was the inn.

While there, they investigated a paranormal occurence of people seeing sightings of an odd woman manifesting in one of the guest bedrooms. It was determined that the woman was not a hostile spirit, and the inn's guests shouldn't worry, so long as they are not nervous around spirits. As a thank-you, the innkeepers decided to reward the ghost hunters with not only the reward payment, but also a box of jewels that was kept in the room where the spirit had been seen. Mireya was given a ruby pendant from that box. Oddly enough, since their work there, the ghost had never been seen again.

Since then, Mireya had been bitten. She dove further into the paranormal than before, and soon found herself researching the occult, ghosts, and other supernatural beings. With Vidal as her mentor, she had more doors and oppurtunities to explore her newfound passion than before.

It was so prominent that her parents couldn't ignore it any longer, and gave her the ultimatum- give it up, or be disowned. Mireya couldn't discount the things she had learned, the things she had witnessed... and, so, she let her parents go. As well as her academic career.

She now hunts the paranormal- sometimes with Vidal, or a different group, or sometimes on her own as she gets tips. She's not just interested in sitting in haunted houses, either. She will go rock climbing, spelunking, or hiking, if she thinks its worth it for some mystery she's working on- although she often has accompaniment on the more physical excusions. Over time, she has accumulated a collection of other items from her journeys. Some useful, some just mementos.

Throughout her journeys, she would come to learn some basic methods of "handling" the spirits she was dealing with, from items, to spells, and other tactics as learned by her partners, or through self-learned lessons. On one particularly harrowing investigation, she learned that her ruby pendant actually was the host of a spirit itself!

One of her more recent tips has her exploring the foothills of Japan.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

YOU DO NOT HAVE TO PUT A RANK FOR -EVERY- SKILL. Just fill out the stuff you think your character would have! Feel free to add other skills that you think your character should be noted for. (Ex: Speaking French)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good
  • Athletics: Good

Social Skills:

  • Streetwise: Good
  • Leadership: Good
  • Expression: Very Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good
  • Performance: Good

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Very Good
  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Occult: Incredible
  • Science: Good
  • Theology: Very Good

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Good
  • Survival: Good
  • Empathy: Good
  • Weapon(Handgun): Novice
  • Fluent Languages: Spanish, English, Latin
  • Learning Languages: Japanese, French, Italian, German
  • Barely Learned Languages: Draconian, Demonic

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)


Warding Circle - Although it takes some time to set up, Mireya can create a protective circle that does not allow ghosts of any type to cross over.

Flash of Light - After reciting a Latin Phrase, Mireya will become engulfed in a flash of light bright enough to light the darkest cavern. It only lasts for a few seconds- long enough to drive back anything attacking.

Compulsion - Works on demons only. When a certain demonic phrase is uttered, the demon is beheld to do as Mireya says. As Mireya's willpower is not too strong, any distractions will break the compulsion- she generally orders demons to go back to their plane of existence.

Astral Walking - While asleep, Mireya leaves her body and goes on a walk in the astral plane. While there, she can interact with other creatures in other planes, regardless of language. Usually does this to seek information on a current investigation. Not always safe.

Binding - When a hostile spirit refuses to move on, she will bind it to any number of random items she may be carrying- even a button on her own coat pocket. Later, she will deposit the item into a location no one will casually venture across. However, she is still a novice at this particular magic, and cannot bind any strong-willed spirits yet. And, in case it comes up, can only bind one at a time.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)

Ghost Communication

Coax - Not all ghosts belong, or are comfortable, in this plane. So, sometimes Mireya will try and coax a ghost into moving on to the afterlife. Sometimes it works. Sometimes, it prompts ghosts to enrage and attack her.

Request - Mireya doesn't like the word "Command." However, should she be in an area with more than one type of paranormal entity, she can usually request a nearby ghost to assist her in escaping any danger she may be in. Doesn't always work.


Clear Sighted (3): She is not easily fooled by illusions, and she gets an Alertness roll to see through illusions, Difficulty 7, any time she faces one.

Medium (2): Mireya has the ability to see and interact with ghosts. Sometimes, the Restless may seek her out for favors. Depending on the ghosts, this could be a very good or very bad thing.

Natural Channel (3): She has a natural connection to the spirit world. Spirits are also more likely to act favorably toward her.

Occult Library (2): She owns a decent collection of works on arcane lore, and if she has access to it, can lower difficulties/add dice when trying to solve an occult mystery and/or generally learn more about the occult. Having this library doesn't automatically mean she's an occult expert; it just means she has convenient access to some knowledge.

Unique Items

(Madougu, magical weapons or other unique or special weapons, as well as all techniques related to them, as without it technically the character is NOT able to use these abilities.)
Ruby Pendant - This pendant is actually bound to the spirit, Beatriz, whom Mireya first helped to "hunt." Beatriz is a protective spirit, though decides when she wants to protect Mireya. When she does, she forms an ethereal bubble around her, which only softens the blow of physical attacks, but will completly absorb anything non-physical. Once that happens, Beatriz needs time to recover before she can form another bubble (approx 10m game-time, 30m rl-time), if she does it again. Beatriz can also make herself known to others, in a humanoid form, if she so chooses.

Holy Water (10 vials) - Water imbued with holy energy.

Mini Silver Crosses (3) - Pocket-sized crosses made from pure silver. Often used as a binding agent, they can occasionally have other uses.

Liquid Fire (1 flask) - Kept in a small, heavy-duty flask, it starts off liquid, but when set aflame, it becomes more potent than napalm. Used in case of emergency.

Other odds and ends that aren't typically carried on her are back at her apartment, in Modena, Italy.

Items Of Note

Stun Gun and Handgun, for the human element.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Curiosity (2): Her incredible curiosity often overrides her common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation.

Soft-hearted (1): She can't stand to witness suffering, and if she does, all her rolls are at -2 penalty for the next hour.

Graceless (2): She always looks awkward, no matter what she's doing. -2 Penalty when trying to make an impression.

Low Self-Image (2): Stemming from her childhood, Mireya suffers from low self-esteem. Any social rolls (where she needs to be assertive or sure of herself) have a -2 penalty.

NPC(s) to go with char

Beatriz - Wife to an Innkeeper over 100 years ago. Her husband went to war, and she was in charge of the inn, while raising their three children. A band of mauraders kept harrassing them, and one night, she fought back with her husband's rifle.. ended up killing a couple of them, but they got her back a few nights later.. literally, and with a knife. She is now a ghost who protects those who keep her close to their heart (primarily, those who possess the red ruby.)