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A.K.A. "Restless"
Age Approximately 16. Pandora's day/night cycles as well as its seasons are a strange thing, but he's about 16 or so, in more normal terms.
Voice Actor
Relatives 'Mad' Moxxi
Series Borderlands
Player Steve_Restless
  • Name: Steve
  • Age:
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: Feb 4th
  • Parents: Moxxi and Unknown.
    • Place of Birth: Deep Fathoms, Pandora.
    • Nationality: Pandoran
    • Specialty: Scavenger and Gunslinger
    • Hobbies: Tinkering, Drinking, Lechery, Scavenging, Gambling
    • Likes: Women, Technology, Guns, Games
    • Dislikes: Spiderants, Cheaters
    • Favorite Food: Fried Rakk
    • Least Favorite Food: Cactus
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Weapons, Toolkit
    • Level of Education: No formal education
    • Voice Actor: Brett Weaver
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 175lb
    • Eyes: Blue
    • Hair: dark blonde


Tallest member of his family, Steve is tanned from long hours scavenging for parts and keeps his hair real short. He's often seen wearing polarized goggles to protect his eyesight from sandstorms and harsh sunlight.


Steve is friendly, clever but not book smart, a jovial drinker and a shrewd gambler. He's happy to help out, loves to tinker and build and had to learn to defend himself to survive. He's got a strong sense of justice and has difficulty accepting an authority that hasn't proven themselves. He's not looking to cause trouble, but he's not going to hold back if someone else wants to bring it.


Steve's mom, "Mad" Moxxi is the proprietress of both a popular pandoran bar out in the deep fathoms region, as well as the adjacent combat arena. His other siblings left their mother's house when Steve was young, and with her succession of different husbands coming and going, it frequently fell on steve to keep the bar and stadium running and to mind the bar while his mom oversaw the fights. His best friend growing up was a CLP4-TP Robot he repaired himself to assist him in working on the arena and the bar. When he eventually left home, he left the claptrap(robot) behind to help keep things going in his place. He lived for a time with his brother, Scooter, who taught him more about working on machines and computers, and when the crimson lance came to pandora and began causing trouble for his mother, he came back to cause trouble for them. Ultimately he was overshadowed by the efforts of the Vault Hunters in this regard, but he managed to take some rather choice weaponry from the mercenaries.


(These include all learned skills, as well as a relative rating from Abyssmal to Amazing. The character's level of mastery in something that can be taught or at least rated by other people follows the scale: Abyssmal, Novice, Good, Very Good, Incredible, Amazing)

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness - Good, when the whole planet's out to kill you or worse, you need to be aware of your surroundings.
  • Athletics - Good, not so much in terms of sports, but its a prerequisite to pandoran survival
  • Stealth - Abysmal, Steve is as subtle as a claymore mine detonating in a china shop.

Social Skills:

  • Etiquette - Abysmal. He comes from a literal crapsack world full of mutants, psychos, bandits, and all sorts of indigenous life that sees humans as a crunchy snack.

Mental Skills:

  • Computers - Good, Unfamiliar with personal computers as we know them, but accustomed to repairing their electronics and using the rugged computer equipment that manages to stay operational on pandora.
  • Law - Abysmal. The entire concept of authority that extends beyond the barrel of one's gun is a little alien to him.
  • Science - Very Good - insofar as tinkering is a science. He's better at adapting existing parts, than fabricating brand new things. a little ducttape, some cable ties, a bit of solder, and the time to figure it out, and he'll be able to patch virtually anything back together

Other Skills:

  • Survival (as in wilderness) - Very Good. He Survived. On Pandora.

Special Abilities

(These are skills, things that can be learned or trained, like martial arts techniques, Jutsu or magic spells. Abilities that are outside the norm of regular humans, but only because they have not had access to them.)
Much like batman, Steve is a fairly standard human, whose skills and gadgets make the difference.

Powers & Merits

(Unique, or hereditary, in-born powers, whether due to genetics or magic, things that can't be taught to others or simply gifted to this person from an outside force. Powers based on weapons should go in the Items. Merits can also go here.)
A natural tinkerer, it seems to run in the blood. His older brother, Scooter is responsible for a lot of the available transportation on pandora, running the Catch a Ride system that allows users to materialize a runner on demand. Steve's bent leans less towards the automotive, and more to a general propensity for making broken things work again. Which is fortunate, as pandora was covered in broken things, and people breaking more of them every day.

Unique Items

(These are Steve's best guns, the prizes of his collection, and the more unique pieces of gear he has. More common guns will go in the next section.)

  • S&S Munitions AR29.3 "Glorious Draco" Incindiary Support Machine Gun - Highly Effective v.s. Flesh, with a chance to light enemies on fire, the Draco is a real firebreather. With a high capacity magazine capable of holding 124 rounds and a scope on top, the Draco is one of Steve's favorite weapons. Slogan: Dragon Fire!
  • S&S Munitions PPZ370.3 "Liquid Orion" Shock Sniper Rifle - Highly effective v.s. Shields(defensive fields), with a chance to electrocute enemies, the Orion's specialty is its high rate of fire for a sniper rifle, its high chance of shock effect and the tendancy for its ammunition to fragment into 3 shots upon contact with hard surfaces. Slogan: A Hunter Lives Amongst the Stars.
  • S&S Munitions ZPR630 "Fatal Crux" Explosive Combat shotgun - its rounds have a chance to cause explosions, and it fires in a cross-shaped pattern, the Fatal Crux is good against undead and armored targets. Slogan: Cross their Heart, Hope they Die.
  • Tediore ZPR1100-A "Terrible Carnage" Caustic Shotgun - Firing Sabot Rounds, rather than multiple pellets, the Terrible Carnage's projectiles have a chance of producing a corrosive effect upon impact, the Terrible Carnage is good against armored targets.
  • Vladof Support Gunner Class Mod - Uses technology similar to the digistruct module to produce ammunition for weapons carried by Steve and his teammates, this class modification unit also increases the ammunition storage capacity of his active weapons and provides targeting information to assist him and his teammates.
  • Torgue TEK22 "Steel Anarchy" - Firing four shot bursts at a positively insane rate of fire, the Steel Anarchy is a saturation fire weapon, designed for close-range, high-volume of gunfire.
  • Transfusion Grenade - Saps the strength/health of an enemy to replenish the user

Items Of Note

  • Dahl Corporation Backpack and Digistruct system - both a mundane backpack, capable of physically holding things as well as a thin electronic module that serves as the hard inner wall of the backpack (against the wearer's back). This electronic system allows the digital storage of various weapons, items and tools. It is not reccomended that living or edible things be entered into inventory. Steve's storage deck is capable of carrying up to 42 items, as well as the four equpped as live weapons, one shield, one grenade modifier and one "Class Module" It also allows for the carrying of ammunition for the user's weapons.
  • Dahl Corporation Echo Communications system and Heads Up Display - Providing the weaerer with compass and map information as well as tying into the wearer's Storage Deck system for management purposes.
  • Tediore Balanced Healing Shield - a mid-level defensive shield, the unit's real virtue is its fast acting nanomachine based healing system. Capable of replenishing the user's health from otherwise gruesome wounds, and hopefully protecting them from such in the first place, such a shield is essential to survival in a world like pandora.
  • Dahl Desert Wildcat Submachine Gun - High Rate of Fire, Mundane Projectiles
  • Tediore Deathly Stomper Combat Rifle - Burst Fire, Small Magazine
  • Jakobs Bloody Justice Revolver - What's a desert wasteland without a six-gun? Remember. If it took more than one shot, you weren't using a Jakobs.
  • Maliwan Volcano - Fire Sniper with a high chance of ignition.
  • Atlas Corporation Flawless Gunsmith's Toolkit - a broad selection of high quality tools for repairing guns.
  • Dahl Corporation Greasemonkey Automotive Toolkit - a wide selection of durable tools for repairing vehicles.
  • Maliwan Surgeon Electronics Toolkit - a core selection of precice tools for working with electronics.
  • Dahl Grizzly Heavy-Duty Breaker Bar - Both tool and weapon, the breaker bar is both an essential salvager's tool and its tough enough to use for melee combat
  • Atlas Ozone Electronic Arc Torch

Weaknesses & Flaws

Flaws can go here. Balance is key! Flaws:

  • Black and White (1) - He comes from a planet thats essentially the wild west. He tends to see things in a fairly simplistic sort of worldview. Friend or Enemy. Trying to eat you v.s. Not Trying to Eat you.
  • Addiction (1) - Alcohol. His mom runs a bar and a blood sport colliseum, It wasn't exactly hard to get his hands on a drink growing up. He's developed a bit of a habit. a planet like this, he's not the only one.
  • Addiction (No Extra Points) - Various stimulants. Being a dedicated tinkerer and geek, sleep often took a backseat to working on a project. he's grown accustomed to various stimulants. Plain caffeine will do, but he's prone to try other options as they present themselves.
  • Hard of Hearing (1) - Rednecks like blowing stuff up. Explosives and Eardrums aren't the best of friends.