Shinma Meizanken Ryuu

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Shinma Meizanken Ryuu - God and Devil Shadow Cutting Blade Style, is a fighting style developed by Uchiha Aoi, with Uzumaki Kawako and Hoshigaki Fukamei. It is an avanced Kenjutsu Style, considered a murderous fighting art.


The Sword is a weapon, and should be used as such. Defense, protecting others, enforcing a goal, all of this is secondary to the true nature of the blade. A style is not a dance, it isn't a beautiful and graceful yet deadly display, it is a means to fight, kill and win.
To practice this style means putting yourself above others, becoming either a god, deciding who lives and who dies, or a devil, murdering all those who stand in your way. There is no 'Light' or 'Dark' path, how you use the style depends on your own personality and beliefs, but to choose to use this Sword, you must be willing to consider yourself the god of death.
The main foci of Shinma Meizanken Ryuu are Speed, Precision, Set Ups and Sure Kill Strikes.
Battoujutsu is the primary focus of the style. Quickdraw attacks.
Hachiman strikes are secondary. Rapid movement and instant kill strikes.
Omoikane are tertiary. One on one combat techniques.


Shinma Meizanken Ryuu exists for one purpose. To win. The strikes are precise and deadly. The focus's purpose is to maximize the practitioner's speed to the point where he can move in and slay many before they have time to react. All the special techniques of the style are based entirely on slaying any and all opponents in the user's path. There is no disarming, no submission, and no incapacitating technique. All are meant to kill.


Shinma Meizanken Ryuu is based entirely on speed, precision and strategy. The user must first have a strong base in any other kenjutsu style, preferably all the basic training should come from a different style, such as Zanji Shinjinken Ryuu, Jigen Ryuu or any other specific or family style. The beginning stances, the primaries of Iaijutsu are to be learned from another school or family style.
Once the basics are learned, the student can start Shinma Meizanken Ryuu training. The first lesson is to give the student a rabbit. Tell them to take care of the animal for a whole week while keeping up with their basic training. The teacher should only come to check on the rabbit once a day or every two days, to make sure the student isn't slacking off. He is not to tell the student why he's taking care of this animal. Human nature will take care of the rest, and before the week is done, the rabbit will probably be the closest thing to the student.
After the week is done, the teacher tells the student to slay the rabbit. If the student strikes immediately, he's to be dismissed from further training, as he's too dangerous to learn this style. If the student can't do it, he's to be dismissed, as he lacks the necessary qualities to survive a fight using this style. At the teacher's discretion, the amount of time the student needs before being able to kill the rabbit is the deciding factor on whether or not they can study the style.
Killing the rabbit means the student is able and willing to choose who lives and who dies. It lets him know how to turn off that human side and be a weapon for a moment, and that is what he will need to train. At this point, the student should start training wearing heavy weights, focussing on a multitude of targets in intensely counterproductive situations, such as in heavy rain, through a waterfall, or running on uneven terrain.
After, the student should reach a high enough speed and precision, and note that both of these should be studied at the same time, not one or the other. If the student cannot show impressive progress in both areas, or without sacrificing one for the other (High speed, sloppy strikes, or slower speed for increased accuracy), then he should be dismissed immediately, or given one more chance, no more.
If the student performs admirably, the teacher is encouraged to play a game of shogi, go or chess with the student, without showing them the board, so they focus on visualising the battlefield from an overhead angle, remembering the position of every target and thinking of a strategy a few moves ahead. Indeed, no student who cannot outperform his teacher at one of those games (or force a draw), should not be taught the advanced final techniques.
When the required speed and precision is attained, the student should start focusing on the forms of the style, primarily Battoujutsu and Hachiman strikes, while always striving to increase his own speed and precision. (See below for details) Alternating between these two would be the best way to train, but at this point, specialization should follow, with more of an emphasis on Battoujutsu.
The teacher should focus three days of the week to Battoujutsu, two days to Hachiman, and one to Omoikane. The last day would be the student's choice, or he can rest.

Battoujutsu Training

The student should ceaselessly practing quickdrawing his sword and sheating it, until it becomes as natural and rapid as breathing or blinking, no matter how implausible, this SHOULD be the goal, to miss the draw out and sheathing if one blinks. Once the progress in this area has been acceptable, the student should then focus on his precision. Attempting to hit a target with the very tip of the blade over and over, never cutting more than a very slight groove in the post would be the best idea, as the student will come to know the exact length of his blade, and be able to know when the opponent is in striking range.
At this point the teacher should become more active, and throwing sticks, stones, and eventually, shuriken or daggers at the student, encouraging him to use the battoujutsu to knock them out of the air, while never attacking from the same angle, to get them used to following an opponent's movement. Advanced training would be to strike down two, three, or more projectiles from any angle with battoujutsu.
The final step towards proper training would be for the master to plant a blade right at the student's ankle. If he so much as moves from his position, he will cut into his own foot, as the master moves and throws weapons relentlessly, then ends with a rapid Hachiman strike. The student's purpose is to block all these attacks without moving, then intercept the incoming attack, without killing the teacher. Getting hit by the projectiles is acceptable so long as the damage is minimal and doesn't force the student to slow down due to eventual blood loss or limb damage, so long as he can block the teacher's final attack.
Starting then, the student can start practicing the advanced techniques of Battoujutsu, as detailed below, to maximize his fighting potential and killing ability.

Hachiman Training

Unlike Battoujutsu training, Hachiman is a natural extension of the basic training of the style. Focusing primarily on speed and rapid strikes, these techniques should be based entirely on defeating an opponent by moving faster than them, closing the distance and slaying them while focussing on the next target. (Hence the earlier relation to strategy games)
The teacher should take some time to show his student the best ways to use the Hachiman techniques. These however, are based on quick thinking and quicker action, so the student should develop his own familiarity with them at his own pace, using them when outnumbered and focussing on clearing an area as fast and efficiently as possible. When describing the path, the teacher should in fact, name the third fastest path he can foresee, to let the student figure his own faster path if he can.
The teacher should put the student in a location with many stationary targets, then show him the quickest path to slash them all. The student should then follow this path as rapidly as possible. The student should repeat this every training session, with the teacher placing the targets further and further apart, and insisting the student keeps his time the same, or at least similar (More than 7 seconds from the previous attempt should be unacceptable).
The final steps of the training would be to have the targets bearign blades, even if stationary, for no other reason than adding a level of risk to an unwary student. Moreover, they should be placed in a completely different order, so the student should have to make his own judgment about the order of the strikes. If he can perform the series without taking hits that would slow him down, and fit within the time limit, then the student is ready to use Hachiman strikes in battle.

Omoikane Training

Less intensive than the other techniques, as the Omoikane techniques are based on one on one combat. Less of a focus, these techniques are to be learned individually, unlike the other aspects of the style, which are trained generally, these techniques are learned as per the student's preference. He should focus on mastering them all individually instead of as a whole.
High jumping and strong striking training are the cornerstone of these techniques. Intercepting aerial opponents or coming down from above to slay them in a single strike, or releasing all of the sword strike's blow into the ground from a standing position, each trained in the teacher's own time.


Battoujutsu Rank: C
All types of Battoujitsu techniques requires a sheath katana in the obi(belt), also Battoujistu is always performed by putting your left foot out when the individual makes the initial strike. This is the general Battoujutsu technique where one draws his sword from a sheath stance in one strike, putting his left foot out during the initial strike. Hopefully the one strike connects or the individual is completly exposed unless they use some form of the Fuujin technique.
Konohanasakuya-hime - Princess of The Tallest Mount Rank: B
The second form of Battoujutsu. Konohanasakuya-hime is similar to the first Battoujutsu technique except from the point where the first strike is finished. After the initial strike the individual would take his saya and strike in a similar fashion as the Battoujutsu. This makes it a double Battoujutsu.
Oohoyamatsumi - Ruler of All Mountains Rank: B
Excatly the same as the but all the blows are directed to the head or neck.
Ookami - Great Spirit Rank: C
This technique starts off as a regular Battoujutsu but instead of unsheathing the katana to strike, the individual would strike using the saya. When the opponent blocks the indivdual would keep the force of the saya on the blocked weapon so that the opponent is trapped blocking while the indivdual unsheaths his katana and strikes the exposed opponent.
Uke Mochi - Divinity of Repugnant Food Rank: C
This is when an individual keeps his hand steady at his saya then twisting their hips to the right. Using this force the individual would spring the katana from the saya like an arrow, so that the hilt hits the opponent in between the eyes or on the wrist disarming the opponent.

Ame no Koyame - First in Charge of Divine Affairs Rank: D
A volley of rapid speed attacks at many points of the body.
Ninigi no Mikoto - Great Ancestor of Emperors Rank: C
This technique is usually used as counterattack. This is when the individual spins around so that the back of his opponent is facing him. The individual would then take his katana and spin around in a backhand fashion putting his weight behind the blow to the opponents head.
Toyotama-Hime - Mother of Dragons. Rank: B
This technique is for masters at Shinma Meizanken Ryuu users. The individual lunges towards his opponent and during the lunge he would be air borne thus doing a full spin then connecting their katana through the opponents body. The drawback to this technique is that the chances of landing are extremely difficult that is why only masters of Shinma Meizanken Ryuu can do this technique.
Hissatsu Waza - Amatsu-Mikazuchi - Sure Kill Technique, God of Evil Stars Rank: A
Using full speed, and using as close as possible to absolute lack of emotion, the user blurs around the area at a speed only a Three Tomoe'd Sharingan can follow, then instantly slashes through an opponent as he moves, not even slowing down to do so. Moving everywhere at once prevents the opponent from hearing or being sure from where the strike will come, unless they're faster than him.

Fuujin - God of the Wind Rank: C
Fuujin is a direct air to ground strike where the indiviual jumps high into the air then puts all his force is the landing on the opponent shoulder or head. It's a extremely powerful technique since the person is putting his weight and force coupled with the landing from an extreme height.
Raijin - God of Thunder Rank: C
A different version of Fuujin. The difference is that this one is definetly meant for killing. The user would point his blade straight down so that the tip of the katana is facing down. Also the user would be in a straight down position in his landing this move would cut right through an opponent from the skull.
Tenjin - God of the Skies Rank: C
This technique is Shinma Meizanken Ryuu's only projectile move. A technique where the indivual brings his Katana straight toward the ground shooting hundreads, or thousands of tiny bits of rocks at his opponent. If the person is really skilled he/she could drag the katana across the ground still shooting rocks and dirt at the opponent, also if he/she is extremely skilled they could lift the opponent from the ground using this technique.
Ryujin - God of Dragons Rank: C
A uppercut type move. The user places his other hand just beneath the blunt edge of the blade then jumps towards the opponent in a diagonal upwards position. This is when the user directs where he wants to hit the opponent usually the neck or the chin is targeted.

Shichi Fukujin Waza: A series of Omoikane techniques based on overwhelming and outmanuvering one's opponents, most of these techniques start with the judicious use of Benzaiten to get into position to strike the opponents or set up the followup attacks, after using Ebisu to get it to work.
Ebisu - Body of the Leech Rank: E
Controlling one's breathing and the slightest muscle movement to relieve all tension, lowering one's presence as the user does. Once this is achieved, the other techniques can follow.
Benzaiten - Movement Flowing Grace Rank: D
Loosenning all of the user's muscles to move as if on water, or ice skating with minimal effort, moving in hard to predict ways, to move with silence and stealth into position behind or near an opponent.
Daikokuten - Great Bounty of Heaven Rank: D
After moving into position with the Benzaiten, the user rapidly snaps the saya of his blade at the opponent's ankles and heels, trying to break them or at least immobilize the enemy, before, or as, they draw their blade.
Bishamonten - Heavenly Warrior's Presence Rank: C
A standalone technique, or it can be used with any of the Shichi Fukujin techniques. The user swings the still sheathed sword at an angle, using the full weight of the sword, then -yanks- the saya off the blade and strikes at the opponent, either aiming for their head, shoulder, or chest. The purpose is to gather so much force that even if blocked, the sword will either go through, or shatter whatever armour or weapon is in the way. Effectively, it turns the sword into more of an axe. The user's sword's survival is optional.
Fukuroukuji - Divine Providence and Wisdom Rank C
A counterattack technique, where the user moves with Benzaiten, getting in dangerously close to the opponent, usually just into the enemy's weapon's range, to limit their movement. When the opponent attacks, the user will then BARELY dodge due to the target's limited motion, then moves in with a stab or a slash, depending on the weapon.
Juroujin - Godly Longevity Rank: C
Combination Attack using Benzaiten. The user moves back and forth around the opponent, to tire and frustrate them, then using the rapid flowing movement to slide in suddenly, twisting as they slash to hit at the chest, legs and stomach levels with a rapid motion. The name is darkly ironic.
Hotei - Laughing Jizou Rank: D
The ONLY technique of Shinma Meizanken Ryuu which isn't meant to kill, the user of Hotei makes themselves a target for opponents, taunting them and staying just short of the enemy's range, motionning for them to attack him, setting them up for either Fukuroukuji or Juroujin.

Shinma Meizanken Ryuu Ougi, Orochinagi - God and Devil Shadow Cutting Blade Succession Technique, Eight Headed Snake Cutter Type: Succession Technique. Rank: S
Holding his sword outwards in front of him, going against every other stance in his style, the master steps forwards and slashes out at all 9 weak spots on a human body, the head, neck, solar plexus, gut, crotch, both shoulders and both sides of the waist, in a single strike. However, this is done from a two person length maximum.