Umino Urameshi

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Umino Urameshi
A.K.A. Doc
Age 19
Voice Actor Hiyama Nobuyuki
Relatives Sin Urameshi - brother

Yusuke Urameshi - father
Keiko Urameshi - mother

Series Yu Yu Hakusho
  • Name:Umino Urameshi
  • Age: 19
  • B-day:November 16
  • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
  • Parents: Yuusuke Urameshi, Keiko Kiwamura
  • Nationality: Japanese
  • Speciality: Medical Doctor
  • Hobbies: Studying, D&D and other RPGs, Ocult
  • Likes: studying, reading, his insect collection, super robots.
  • Dislikes: fighting, violence, ramen (his dad owns a ramen stand, so enough is enough.)
  • Favorite Food: carrots
  • Least Favorite Food: ramen
  • Favorite Music: bands like Kamelot and Rhapsody.
  • Favorite Sport: he hates sports, but if he had to play it'd be darts
  • Most Valuable Possession: his insect collection.
  • Level of Education: College graduate (PHD advanced studies in medicine and computers)
  • Seiyuu: Hiyama Nobuyuki

  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'10
    • Weight: 180
    • Eyes: purple
    • Hair: Dark dark dark dark green
    • Special: wears glasses, has fangs...well not like you can really see them since he rarely smiles.


has messy hairstyle and usually wears big bulky clothes and keeps to himself. He wears large glasses even though his vision is fine. Usually though you'll see him in a three piece suit because he feels that it makes him look sophisticated. When he DOES take his glasses off though he looks hawt.. (but he never will! AHAHAHAHA)


When you talk with this guy, he screams with nerd. NERD NERD NERD. He's quiet but when spoken to he'll either politely shun away or talk until you want him to shut up. He'll blab on about super robots, his insect collection, and what every date of every star trek convention across the world is. He utterly HATES violence..and at the first sight of it he'll run as fast as his legs can carry him. Of course..if he is totally cornered with no way out and absolutely HAS to's 'different'. He still hates it though.


Umino grew up in the super duper home of the Urameshi household on earth! even though he's a half-youkai. He has a very intelligent, supportive and kind hearted mother and a lazy butt dad (who is still very cool mind you). As a child Umino grew rather well, enjoying his parents and the freedom that came along with that, but also learning the principles of right, wrong, and responsability. Trained by his father in fighting since he could walk, he had an natural aptitude for battle although he hates it... though he still learns whatever he has to from his father, he never ever ever wants to use it. While going to school, he has earned a reputation of being a total nerd because of his studious and quiet personality. His interest in the occult and utter dorky fascination with super robots has made him an even bigger wierdo among his peers. It's a usual daily thing for him to get beaten to CRAP whenever he walks home from school because of this.

Though Yuusuke's scary reputation somewhat followed him at first, after a while they realized that Umino wouldn't fight back so he was an easy target as any. Also being beaten up at home by his father's training as helped him build an even bigger tolerance to pain (although he'll still go ow and oof when he gets beaten up.. he figures whoever it is beating on him will just go away after they're done. With his father it's another story..since he knows he WON'T he actually has to fight back...and haet haet haeeeeets it!)

The child learned most of his father's fighting skills.. since Yuusuke is a natural, not a technique really much to learn there! Ahaha! Anyway, Umino now feels it's time for him to move on.. an occult pilgrimage if you will. His mother objected, but Umino made many promises to go and visit her every day. After some time though due to personal issues with his love.. life.. Umino opted to pursue education in Germany. He studied there for three years and earned his doctorate and now wants to use his skills to help better the world. Joining an anti-terrorist division in the BSAA, Umino is now partnered up with Luca to help stop CRIME and EVIL.

Special Abilities, Skills and/or Powers

Half Youkai, trained in various street fighting and martial arts styles, as well as the basic reikouhadouken techniques, as described below. (although he never USES THEM he knows this crap)

Physical Attributes: Very impressive strength, Incredible (Yuusuke-ish) speed, and unbeleiveable endurance.


Urameshi no Tekken: Yuusuke's version of the Kachuu Tenshin Amaguriken. A rapid, wide multi punch technique. All his punches and kicks are thrown at enhanced speed, but he does have an advanced version of this attack AKA in the specials section.

Energy Channel: Umino can channel his youki into his punches, kicks, head butts and muscles, enchancing the overall strength, speed and damage of the attacks. Also, this allows him to hit certain things that otherwise would be unaffected (Ghosts, Demons, Angels, etc) of a spiritual nature.

Reikouhadoken Block: Can deflect, lesson, and even deviate incomming blows if they are of an energy nature. This allows him to hold his ground and basically shove (or even sometimes Swat) away energy attacks.

Sense Youki/Reiki: Can judge the nature of a person (Human, youkai, etc) and their average current power level but he usually pretends he can do this as a reward for his occult training.

Special Moves

1- Rei Gun: Yuusuke's trademark move. Umino can channel his Reiki into his hand, and gather it all in one spot (either his finger or his palm), and release it in a very powerful, concentrated blast of power. With all his practice, Sin can actually use it 4 times a day, but he has nowhere NEAR Yuusuke's level of ki or power. As such, the upper levels of the Rei Gun (Blowing up a freaking mountain easily) aren't available to him.

2- Shot Gun: Yuusuke's only other move. Umino can gather energy in his fist, to release it at full power, in multiple, area filling energy pellet blows, to hit multiple foes, or otherwise rapid attacks. A good all purpose move, but doesn't have the weild or power of the Rei Gun.

3- Shin Urameshi no Tekken: Applied use of the Iron Fist technique. Umino can concentrate all his speed and release a ridiculously fast punching flurry at an enemy, or, if close enough, a group. this is the attack I mentioned before in the techniques section ok!?

Items of Note

voodoo doll: although he would never wish harm on anyone, he keeps it as a sign of good luck and his representation of support for the occult.
laptop: State of the art and he's named it C3PO.

NPC(s) to go with char
