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Higa profile2.png
A.K.A. "The Man of Fire", the Ho no Tami Chief
Age 20
Voice Actor Toshihiko Seki
Relatives None
Series Kami Kaze
  • Name: Higa Yu
  • Age: 20
  • Sex: Male
  • Likes: Order, strengthen the Kegai no Tami tribes, loyalty, creating a new future for the Kegai no Tami tribes
  • Dislikes: Distrust, waning loyalty, the viscious historical cycle of the Kegai no Tami tribe, anyone who stands in his way of his goals

Physical Stats

  • Height: 6'2"
  • Weight: 180lbs
  • Eyes: Blue
  • Hair: Medium Purple


A tall and proud man. He walks with an air of authority. His gaze demands people's attention.


He is the Man of Fire and one of the cursed descendants of the Kegai No Tami bent on freeing the 88 Beasts. Higa is leading the Kegai no Tami people for the great cause to bring about about a new future for the Kegai no Tami species. A very persuasive man, and this shows with the number of people swearing loyalty to him and his cause. He is cold-hearted and boastful of his strengths.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Incredible
  • Stealth (Sneaking! Breaking in, etc etc.): Amazing

Social Skills:

  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Subterfuge (Manipulation, Lying..): Incredible
  • Streetwise (How well you know the hood, man.): Incredible
  • Leadership (Stepping it up for a group.): Amazing
  • Expression: Incredible
  • Etiquette: Very Good
  • Performance: Incredible


Kegai no Tami:

  • Fragrance: All Kegai no Tami can detect and deploy special 'fragrances' into the air. VERY USEFUL, can be used for tracking, confusion, even putting regular humans to sleep in a 1 mile-radius.
  • Chief Wielder of the Flames: Extremely talented flame user, he can wield the destructive flames with ease.
  • Fire Seeds: A skill only seen by the Chief of the Fire clan, Higa can 'seed' the air with thousands of tiny little fire seeds. When touched by an individual, the seeds trigger into a chain reaction of explosions similar to firebombing that will incinerate everything in the area. Kamuro has managed to escape this once due to his Kami Kaze sword absorbing most of the fiery explosion (but still taking heavy damage in the process).
  • Telepathic Hypnosis: Able to enter the minds of others to communicate/interact with them and/or their memories.



  • Cursed: His bloodline is cursed with the hypnotic spell placed onto him and his wife's bloodline from the day when the 88 Beasts were sealed away from the world 1,000 years ago. It was only this year that the spell has triggered, and which is why Higa is actively pursuing the resurrection of the 88 Beasts.

