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Drake of Mist
Temporary Picture But Accurate Look
A.K.A. The Twilight Knight
Age 26
Voice Actor Doug Erholtz
Relatives Rydia of Mist, Mother
 ?????, Father.
Series Final Fantasy 4 + ???
Player Frank
  • Name: Drake
  • Age: 26
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday: July 20th
  • Parents: Rydia and ?????
    • Place of Birth: The Feymarch
    • Nationality: Mist Village and the Feymarch
    • Likes: Adventure and Ladies.
    • Dislikes: Not knowing.
    • Favorite Food: Sundaes
    • Least Favorite Food: Fried Octopus
    • Favorite Sport: Climbing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Mother's ornament.
    • Level of Education: Homeschooled in the Feymarch.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Doug Erholtz
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2"
    • Weight: 20lbs
    • Eyes: Purple-Blue
    • Hair: White
    • Special: Eyes are noticeably more blue in the right angle and when wielding his Deathbringer.


A handsome, athletically built young man, clad in stylish Red Mage clothes.He has very pretty features, and wears his clothes loosely and fashionably. At his neck he wears his mother's jewel ornament, and at his waist is her Dancing Dagger. He carries his swords at his belt and his back at all times, usually covering them up with the cape if he needs to.


Good hearted young man but prone to brooding about his parentage (specifically, his father), and a little guilt-ridden due to his past as a Dark Knight. Tends to get swept up in the prospect of adventure and action in his life and ignore his troubles when he can use his abilities for enjoyment or the cause of Light. Quick-witted and confident otherwise, and defensive of his friends. In the presence of beautiful women, tends to get flirty and more boastful.


Drake was born of the union of Rydia of Mist and a father who's shrouded in mystery, while she was whisked off to another world. She found out she was pregnant when she traveled back home, and took the child to the Feymarch to help raise him among her friends. Surrounded by the Eidolons, Drake learned all he needed to know, and soon started to want to adventure outside this odd realm.
To become an adventurer, Drake started learning the Dark Blade from his mother's Eidolon, Odin, who used to be King Baron and a Dark Knight himself, the man who had trained King Cecil into the Dark Knight he was as a Captain of the Red Wings. To do that, he had to prove himself and help retrieve the Eidolons not affiliated with the Feymarch to him. Drake took exceptionally easily to the Dark Blade, which was a little confusing for the other Eidolons, but it set him on the path to what was really in his mind: Adventure.
This encouraged him to try to change his ways and learn the ultimate White Magic Spell, Ultima. A Spell known to be used only by the King and Queen of Baron, together.. this became his new goal. He had no access to Mount Ordeals, so he had to change his own focus from Dark Knight to learn White Magic and try to build himself into a Red Mage, as the first step towards his new career.


Drake as a Dark Knight, FF Style.

Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good.
  • Athletics: Very Good.
  • Stealth: Novice.

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good.
  • Streetwise: Abysmal
  • Intimidation: Very Good.
  • Leadership: Good.
  • Expression: Good
  • Etiquette: Very Good.
  • Performance: Novice

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Abysmal
  • Investigation: Good.
  • Occult: Very Good.
  • Politics: Good.

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Abysmal
  • Survival: Very Good.
  • Empathy: Good.
  • Animal Ken: Good.

Special Abilities

Red Mage: On his way to becoming a Twilight Knight, Drake has become like a Red Mage. When he started studying White Magic, Drake has mixed his spells and sword techniques into a hybrid style like the Red Mage's, and has been trying to master this job's ultimate skill, Dualcasting, so he can use both spells to cast Ultima. However, he isn't quite there yet.

The Crimson Blade, The Mystic's Rapier.

The Red Mage can use Black and White Magic, as well as most swords. Drake has been mostly focussing on his White Magic spells, and has been content to keep with his Dark Knight spells as Black Magic.

Black Magic:

  • Aero, Aera
  • Blizzard, Blizzara
  • Poison
  • Drain

White Magic:

  • Cure, Cura
  • Protect
  • Shell
  • Libra
  • Haste
  • Poisona

Limit Breaks: Being a former Dark Knight, Drake has powerful limit breaks available to him if he nears death in battle. These are mostly physical based and make full use of his powers and skills as a warrior and a Red Mage.
Godpseed Crush: Drake calls upon his former skills as a Dark Knight, and then stabs into the ground with the Muramasa, forming a magical dark blade from under his target and impaling them with dark energy, causing massive spiritual damage and locking them in place as Drake blurs forwards and slashes once for multiple hits, then releases them.
Swashbuckling Slash: A more Red Mage inspired Limit Break, Drake draws the Crimson Blade, kisses the blade, tosses his hat into the air, then rushes forwards in a sudden burst of speed, slashing many times upon impact, rapier-style, then flickers past the target and flicks the blood off and sheathes the sword as the hat lands back on his head, at the exact same time.
Rogues of the Feymarch: Drake calls forth on his Summoner blood to call forth the Lesser Eidolons. Mindflayer appears and stuns all enemies facing Drake, then Cockatrice appears to petrify them, before Bomb self-destructs to hit all of them for Fire-type damage, before Goblin appears and Punches all targets. (The Petrify status is not applied to them, it just locks them in place for the rest of the Limit Break).

Powers & Merits

Dark Affinity: For some reason, Drake is unnaturally attuned to the Dark element. This enhances all of his Dark Blade abilities and techniques.
Extraordinary Physical Abilities: Possibly due to his parentage, Drake is just plain STRONG. He's exceptionally healthy, ever gets sick, and is extraordinarily resilient, agile and strong, even back when he was just a boy. Several suspicions of who or what his father may be have arisen from this.

Gall: (2pts) Drake does not hold his tongue well, but has a strong and dashing presence.
Danger Sense: (3pts) Drake is never caught off guard.
Clear Sighted: (3pts) Drake's natural tuning to Eidolons and sharp senses keep him from falling into illusions and traps.
Animal Magnetism: (1pt) Drake is just naturally striking which helps with his swashbuckling demeanor.
Concentration: (1pt) Drake is very hard to distract, which lets him focus and cast spells even when dodging around.

Unique Items

Deathbringer, the Dark Blade.
Muramasa, the lost Katana.

Deathbringer: A Dark Blade, the Deathbringer is one of the more powerful Dark Knight Swords, discarded on Mount Ordeals by the former Dark Knight, Cecil. Drake traveled to the top of the mountain once, and upon coming back down had picked up the Deathbringer. Drake no longer uses his weapon outside of his Limit Break, but he hasn't had a chance to give it back to either of it's owners.
Muramasa: An exceptionally powerful katana, of the same make as the Masamune and Murasame, which increases the wielder's speed and agility, and has exceptional reach. Drake uses this in his right hand.
Crimson Blade: A well made rapier which increases the wielder's magic power and mana reserves. Made specifically for Red Mages, this sword was sought out by Drake when he moved away from being a Dark Knight. While there are more powerful weapons out there, Drake hasn't found any of them and this suits him just fine. He uses this in his left hand.

Items Of Note

Mother's Ornament: Rydia's head ornament, a memento of his mother, kept as a pendant. It has special significance to him but that's it.
Armour: Crimson Vest, Feathered Hat
Accessory: Elven Mantle.
Weapons: Crimson Blade, Muramasa, Deathbringer.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Dark Affinity: Light or Holy aligned attacks cause extra damage to Drake, for reasons he's not sure of, and bother him.

Ulterior Motive - Ultima: (2pts) Drake wants to learn Ultima, and if he finds a way to get the spell, he'll start wanting to find a way to learn it.
Curiousity - Father: (2pts) Drake wants to meet his father, whom he suspects is Golbez. He's wrong.
Overconfident: (1pt) Drake is very much aware of his natural skills and is a show off, which can cost him. He's developped this recently.

NPC(s) to go with char

Goblin, Mindflayer, Cockatrice and Bomb, sort of.