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Metahuman Tactical Hazardous Operations Squad
Also Known As MyTHOS
Organization Type Private Military Company
Leadership Anton Zmeyavich
Membership Ivan Durkov, The Sisters, Dozens more.
Associated With Umbrella (formerly)
Related To Resident Evil, Metal Gear

The Metathuman Tactical Hazardous Operations Squad, also known as MyTHOS, is a Private Military Company founded in recent years under the name of former SPETZNAZ Commander Ivan Vladimirovich Durkov. It has grown in capacity and accomplished many missions flawlessly, but they have never been contracted by official governments due to their uses of Bio Organic Weapons, which are still greatly illegal due to all risks associated with their use.


After the fall of several important PMCs in recent years, the business was still booming for them, mostly for use by terrorist cells and insurgents. Former SPETZNAZ commander Ivan Durkov contacted one of his best former soldiers, Anton Zmeyavich, and together they began their own PMC, called MyTHOS. However, the caliber of their soldiers and their actual pull was less than they had wanted, so they turned to using some of Ivan's family's money and resources, which are those of a former military leader of the Umbrella Corporation.
Once Bio-Organic Weapons became part of MyTHOS's tactics, their name appeared on every black market organization's list. They were imminently successful in taking over an entire island resort, and in containing other failed uses of B.O.W.s with surprising efficiency. However, this has darkened their reputation, and now only terrorists and truly diabolical individuals are willing to hire them.

Current Goals

MyTHOS Soldier Team.
MyTHOS's current goals include upgrading their productivity as soldiers of fortune and as B.O.W. containment specialists. As such, they are attempting to use other forms of B.O.W. to add to their ranks and possibly cause other outbreaks so they will have to contain them themselves. Durkov's goals mostly involve upgrading their profits and arsenal to make them a match for any full scale PMC and outranking any mercenary organization on the planet, which is actually well under way.

Anton's goals for the company are much darker. He wants the world to collapse on itself in the wake of mass scale warfare. A never ending battle between humans and B.O.W.s, one where only the strongest of soldiers will make it out alive. The Sisters are blindly loyal to Anton, and even Durkov could see the benefits in this, due to Zmeyavich's incredible charisma and presence.. and the fact they trust him to actually pull this off. But he wants to start small, like a city or a part of Africa.

Notable Members

These are the members of MyTHOS. They are a still growing organization, low in numbers, but the core constituency is formed of powerful BOW and skillful soldiers.
Anton Zmeyavich: Leader of MyTHOS, due to his presence and skills in battle, as well as his tactical acumen and ability to sway others.
Ivan Vladimirovich Durkov: Founder of MyTHOS and provider of most of the fortune therein. Ivan is a former SPETZNAZ colonel who worked with Anton.
The Sisters: Perfect genetic copies of one of the century's most valiant soldiers, the Sisters are loyal to Anton to the Death, and experts in subterfuge and stealth.
Hank Krauser: Former US Army Ranger, dishonorably discharged, and the genetic product of a human B.O.W., accepted augmentations to work with MyTHOS.

Bio-Organic Weapons:
Kraken: One of the most terrifying the last century, Kraken is also the biggest gun in MyTHOS's arsenal, and is used sparingly. It is irreplaceable.
Golem: The Golem is the most often used B.O.W. in MyTHOS's history, due to it's versatility and ease of deployment. It usually accompanies Ivan Durkov everywhere.
Grendel: Assassination squad in one B.O.W. package for MyTHOS, Grendel is used as often for espionage as it is for decimating an entire camp of soldiers.

Soldiers: A less often used but still necessary part of MyTHOS larger scale operations, there are several soldiers working for Anton, some out of loyalty, some out of fear, some out of money, but all out of respect. They are equipped with the best gear for the job, and usually operate in sneaking suits and/or biohazard containment suits.