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Stuff happened.

Current Goals

They want to do things.

Notable Members

These are the members of MyTHOS. They are a still growing organization, low in numbers, but the core constituency is formed of powerful BOW and skillful soldiers.
Anton Zmeyavich: Leader of MyTHOS, due to his presence and skills in battle, as well as his tactical acumen and ability to sway others.
Ivan Vladimirovich Durkov: Founder of MyTHOS and provider of most of the fortune therein. Ivan is a former SPETZNAZ colonel who worked with Anton.
The Sisters: Perfect genetic copies of one of the century's most valiant soldiers, the Sisters are loyal to Anton to the Death, and experts in subterfuge and stealth.

Bio-Organic Weapons:
Kraken: One of the most terrifying the last century, Kraken is also the biggest gun in MyTHOS's arsenal, and is used sparingly. It is irreplaceable.
Golem: The Golem is the most often used B.O.W. in MyTHOS's history, due to it's versatility and ease of deployment. It usually accompanies Ivan Durkov everywhere.
Grendel: Assassination squad in one B.O.W. package for MyTHOS, Grendel is used as often for espionage as it is for decimating an entire camp of soldiers.