Kazuko Ogami

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Kazuko Ogami
A.K.A. Kazuko The Cat
Age 17
Voice Actor Tsuru Hiromi
Relatives Kenji Ogami (Father)
Uriko Nonomura (Mother)
Mitsuko Nonomura (Grandmother)
Series Bloody Roar
Player Soul
  • Name: Kazuko Ogami
  • Age: 17
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: February 10th
  • Parents: Kenji Ogami & Uriko Nonomura
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Zoanthrope
    • Hobbies: Soccer
    • Likes: Playing games and riding her bike.
    • Dislikes: Being talked down to.
    • Favorite Food: Meats
    • Least Favorite Food: Tomatos
    • Favorite Music: Alternative/Pop
    • Favorite Sport: Soccer
    • Most Valuable Possessions: Motorcycle!
    • Level of Education: In Highschool (Online Courses)
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tsuru Hiromi (Ukyo Kuonji)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 117 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Brunette
    • Special: She shapeshifts into a were-cat.


She dresses in what you'd call traditional ninja gear, though she has a bit if armored flare with it as well. It's slightly loose fitting on her, as it fits her perfectly when she's in Beast Form.


Funloving and happy. That's Kazuko. Sometimes she's a bit too curious for her own good and full of unfounded bravado. She's also not very much of a vindictive girl by any means. She tries to get along with people, though her smugness might get her in trouble every now and then.


Kazuko has never really had a hard life. She grew up with very loving, if not estranged, parents. Her father was always the quiet type, but when they spent time together it was mostly to just push her ability in fighting more than she thought she could handle. Her mother, on the other hand, was fun loving and always took her out to explore areas and experience new things.
To put it simply, she's just lead the life of a martial artist that's never really fallen on hard times yet.


Physical Skills Social Skills Mental Skills Other Skills
  • Alertness: +2 (+3 in Beast Form)
  • Athletics: +2 (+3 in Beast Form)
  • Stealth: +3 (+4 in Beast Form)
  • Subterfuge: +1
  • Streetwise: +2
  • Intimidation: +2 (+4 in Beast Form)
  • Investigation: +2
  • Driving: +5
    • Motorcyles: +7 with Merit
  • Survival: +2
  • Animal Ken: +4

Special Abilities

  • Kung-fu (Kempo Kung Fu): This is a fighting style where one attacks with a quick series of combination strikes via punches and kicks. This is all about countering an attack and making a quick counter attack with an immediate follow up. This was taught to her by her mother.
  • Ninjutsu: This is a fighting style that she blends in with the Kempo. This style involves evasive maneuvers and moving quickly into the air and then back into the ground, causing a series of strikes either way. This was taught to her by her father.
  • Escape Technique: Learning from her father, she is able to slip out of bindings and cuffs (depending on their make and difficulty). She is also able to run to the max of her ability when it comes down to it.
  • Abort Attack: As all of her attacks are based on speed and agility, she is able to pull back from almost any of her attacks at a moments notice to avoid injury.

Powers & Merits


  • Beast Form: This is her most special ability to turn into a beast form. Like her mother, she seems to only turn into a cat-like beast, making her faster and stronger and way more agile than she is as a human. This does not match up to other Zoanthropes, but with her fast strikes she is able to make up for her lack of strength with sheer speer and agility.
    • This form gives her enhanced agility and speed, as well as the ability to dash up walls of most types.
  • Beast Drive: Corner Pocket: Kazuko learned this move specifically from her mother. For this to work, she has to be in Beast Form. She hops onto the opponent and rolls around the area, bouncing and slamming the opponent off of ANYTHING nearby, causing major damage and pain to the opponent without hurting herself. Once the attack finishes, she kicks off of them to send them flying away and lands on the ground, dizzy for a moment, returned back to human form.
  • Beast Drive: Double Inferno - Kazuko, learning this from her father, slashes his opponent then takes a ninjitsu pose, then seems to rotate around the opponent rapidly, releasing gouts of flame towards him/her, then stops, with two after images of her facing the opponent, and both dash in, and slash, leaving twin trails of fire. She returns to human form upon finishing this move.
  • Beast Drive: Magic Spear - Kazuko, having learned this from her father as well, drills the ground and hides in there. After a second, he appears right on where the opponent stands by upper drilling. Once she projects the opponent in the air, Kazuko reverts to his human form and slashes his opponents multiple times from different angle by teleporting. She finishes the attack by slamming his opponent to the ground.


  • Light Sleeper (1): You can function on very little sleep, and so are less likely to suffer penalties for losing sleep. You are also more likely to awaken quickly, and so may not get caught blindsided about something that may wake you up.
  • Nightsight (3): You can see in near-total darkness. You may, however, be sensitive to bright light, and sudden bright light may dazzle you for a turn or two.
  • Crack Driver (1): +2 To driving Motorcycle rolls.
  • Beast Affinity (2): She has some sort of special connection with the feline kingdom. Cats, tigers, lions. Just felines in general.
  • Danger Sense (3): "Oh no! My Spider Senses are tingling!" A successful Alertness roll, difficulty depending on the situation, will give you a timely sense of foreboding before something bad happens...

Items Of Note

  • Motorcycle: She has one hell of a sweet motorcycle.
  • Ninja Tools: Lockpicking Tools, Shuriken, Kunai, Smoke Bombs, Rope, Cats Claws.
  • Katanas: She has two katanas with her. One at her side and one on her back.
  • Ninja Blade: She has a ninja blade on her back.

Weaknesses & Flaws


  • Weak Beast Form: As her beast form is a lot like her mothers', it isn't the strongest beast form out there.
    She makes up for this in her sheer speed and agility.


  • Curiosity (2): Your incredible curiosity often overrides your common sense. Resisting temptation requires a successful Wits roll, difficulty depending on the situation.
  • Confused (2): You have a lot of trouble focusing and/or making sense of the world around you. All rolls when in a chaotic situation are at -2.
  • Hero Worship (1): Kazuma Mishima. -2 on rolls to resist his commands.
  • Overconfident (1): You think you can do everything even though you probably can't, and you try to prove your belief as often as possible.