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A.K.A. Black Mage C05A1
Age Unknown
Voice Actor Chihara Minori
Relatives Black Waltz
Series Final Fantasy IX
Player Soul
  • Name: Mana
  • Age: Manufactured
  • Sex: Female?
  • Likes: ...?
  • Dislikes: Having obstacles in her way.
  • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Chihara Minori (Nagato Yuki from Haruhi)

Physical Stats

  • Height: 4'8"
  • Weight: 90 lbs.
  • Eyes: Orange
  • Hair: Ash gray.


Mana looks like a girl in her late teens, possibly early twenties. She has short ash gray hair with green eyes. She wears unusual clothing, donning a black pointed hat at all times. Her skin is unusually pale, almost matching her hair.


She lacks what one would call human morality. She doesn't understand the concept of right and wrong as others do, and simply follows her orders without any remorse or second guessing.


  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Novice (+1)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)


  • Break: Petrifies the target.
  • Demi: Reduses health of a single target or a group of people. Makes them feel a bit weak and sickly.
  • Flight: Being a spellcaster, she is capable of flying without the use of wings like the Black Waltz seem to need.
  • Sleep: Puts the target to sleep.
  • Self Destruct: If she ever gets to the point where she is badly damaged and possibly dying, she can trigger her magical core to detonate to try to take out her would-be killer.
  • Thundara: Casts a moderate thunder attack.
  • Trance Mode: Mana's black outfit turns white and her body begins glowing and flashing subtley in different colors. Her mana is temporarily boosted for a few rounds and her attacks are upgraded to the next tier, with the possibility of casting it twice in a row.
    • Thundaga: The strongest version of the thunder attack.


  • Aerora Materia: Materia to allow Mana to cast a moderate wind attack on her enemies.
    • Aeroga: Trance mode allows her to cast the highest level version of Aero.
  • Drain Materia: Materia that steal's target health to recover own.


  • Construct: Since she is a manufactured spellcaster, she does not quite think the way humans do. This can be to her advantage as well as disadvantage.
  • Fire: She is weak to the fire element.