Adela & Irmina

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Adela & Irmina
A.K.A. Testament of Carnamagos
Age Over 5,000
Voice Actor Omi Minami & Tomoko Kaneda
Relatives Master: Aria
Series Demonbane
Player Soul
Adela Irmina
  • Age: Over 5,000
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Protecting her master.
  • Dislikes: Direct confrontations.
  • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Omi Minami
    • (Hansel & Gretel from Black Lagoon)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'4"
    • Weight: 85 lbs
    • Eyes: Dark Blue
    • Hair: Black
  • Age: Over 5,000
  • Sex: Female
  • Likes: Fighting. Blood.
  • Dislikes: Being on the defensive.
  • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Tomoko Kaneda
    • (Gretel from Black Lagoon)
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 4'4"
    • Weight: 85 lbs
    • Eyes: Dark Red
    • Hair: Black


Adela: A small gothically dressed girl with a crimson ribbon in her hair.
Irmina: A small gothically dressed girl with a gray ribbon in her hair.


Adela: Timid. Evasive. Obsessively dedicated to her master.
Irmina: Angry. Crazy. Manipulative. Compulsive Liar. Obsessively dedicated to her master.


Adela Irmina
  • Alertness: Incredible (+4)
  • Athletics: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Abyssal (-1)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Expression: Very Good (+3)
  • Alertness: Good (+2)
  • Athletics: Incredible (+4)
  • Intimidation: Very Good (+3)
  • Occult: Amazing (+5)
  • Expression: Abyssal (-1)


Testament of Carnamagos
  • Grimoire: Adela is a Grimoire. She can turn into a book, and empower any device she is linked to. She also grants any magus or sorcerer additional power, increasing their capacities exponentially. Even a beginning sorcerer can challenge masters if empowered by Adela.
  • Bonding: Linked to the above. Adela can make a contract with any sorcerer who wishes to, increasing their magical power, adding her spells to theirs, and generally making them far more powerful.
  • Adela: Magical Immunity: She has an inherent immunity to magical attacks and status effects.
  • Irmina: Physical Immunity: She has an inherent immunity to physical attacks and damage.

Servant Mode

  • Magic: As a Grimoire, Adela is able to channel and generate immense amounts of magical energy. She can fly, generate barriers, and generate magical attacks, as well as summon familiars, conjure spirits and various other spells empowered by the Old Gods. (Her alignment with magic is Ice.)
  • Barrier: She is able to cast a barrier around herself or others for protection against magical attacks.
  • Adela: Dispel: She can remove harmful magical effects from herself and her allies.

Magius Mode

Upon forming a contract with a magus, she is able to merge with her sister and her magus, giving the magus an empowered magic and special abilities.
The testament of Carnamagos tapes on the appearance of black feathered seraphim wings on the magus.
Magius Form
  • Magius Armor: By fusing with their Grimoire, the sorcerer can take the Magius form, expanding their magical power and granting them the following abilities.
  • Magius Wing: Physical manifestation of the Flight spell.The Grimoire's pages turn into wings (and tail for balance) and can be used for complete flight.
  • Barrier: Magical barrier, which the sorcerer can use to deflect or resist incoming attacks, both magical and mundane.
  • Mana Blast: Simple but effective, an attack of pure magic. The sorcerer can fire these at low cost and with no casting required.
  • Scythe of Quachil Uttaus:
    • Death Slash - A Rapid slashing of the Scythe that sends out a slashing wave in an arc, possibly hitting multiples targets from afar.
    • Scythe Boomerang - Throwing the Scythe and having it come back.
    • Scythe Rain - Slashing the scythe causes mini scythes to appear and home in on the victims.
Magius Mode Spells
  • Antipode Attack: The sorcerer channels extreme heat and extreme cold in each hand, then blasts at a single target with one, then the other, with the sudden difference of temperature bypassing most defenses and causing fairly critical damage to any target. Due to the nature of the spell, unless a target is immune to both Fire And Ice, they will take damage due to the sudden shift in magical energies.
  • Antipode Shield: Casting a strong barrier, both elements of fire and ice imbued in it. The shield protects the sorceror from both magical and physical attacks. If an opponent were to come into striking range to hit the shield, they would be immediately inflicted with the Antipode Attack, the body part coming into contact with the shield feeling as if it were freezing and burning at the same time. The shield is about balance, requiring both elements to be channeled in equal strengths. The shield can be cast to only defend against one over the other if needed.
  • Reanimator: The pages from the Testament of Carnamagos fall down as the wings molt, then they turn into hands that will attempt to drag anything they grab into the ground ar the sorcerer's command, grasping at legs or arms in their vicinity with the coldness of the grave and the strength of the dead.
  • Remnants of Shatair: Creating and gathering dust in the area, washing over targets and impeding their sight and breathing, the dust can gather around the sorcerer's targets and attempt to immobilize and suffocate them, filling up any open hole in their body to keep them wrapped up in dust and eventually start dying, unless they use barriers or just get out of the dust area.
  • Treader of the Dust: The sorcerer can touch an opponent, and whatever part of them they touch begins to age and die, with the aging spreading across the whole body until death ensues. However, contact must be maintained, and the damage can be healed via magic. This power can affect undead and other supernaturals as well, but they may be able to regenerate via their own means.


  • Testament of Carnamagos: They ARE the Testament of Carnamagos.


  • Bonding: A Grimoire is quite powerful, but unless bonded, it is generally purposeless and inactive. Its power is also considerably limited compared to its full potential without a magus with them.
  • Half Complete: The Testament of Carnamagos is not complete without its other half.
  • Damageable: Since the Testament of Carnamagos is a Grimoire, taking damage to its pages can cause it to lose sources of magic and weaken its effectiveness.
  • Adela: Nervous Nature: Adela is not like her sister. She does not leap right into the battle unless she has something to prove.
  • Irmina: Hot Blooded: She is always ready for a fight, wanting to rip into anyone standing in her way.