Kiryu Sabato Bio-Weapons

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Also Known As Onis and Orcs
Organization Type Demonic Grunts
Leadership Kiryu Sabato
Membership Ibuki, Tomoe, Bork, Byg, Big Gogo.
Associated With NOMAD
Related To

The Bio-Demons and genetically enhanced mutations that Kiryu Sabato uses as part of his forces with Antithesis.


Kiryu Sabato has been working for Edwin Black and NOMAD for quite some time, and when he joined Antithesis, he took his research samples, and set up a lab in their new headquarters.


The majority of Bio-Demons in Kiryu's employed were grown by him, but some of them were 'adapted' to join his service. He has limited numbers of stronger Bio-Demons, like Rakshasa-class beings (Oni and Orc), and most of the ones he has high numbers of are practically mindless. However, he makes sure to keep a few intelligent/powerful Orcs to lead war bands. More powerful demons are cost-and-material prohibitive, so they are only to be used in dire circumstances. He lets his named servants (Ibuki and Tomoe) control the majority of his forces, but the Rakshasa-class beings only obey Kiryu.

Known Members

Various Demons and Youkai form Kiryu Sabato's forces. The more powerful they are, the less he has, because they take much longer to make and fix into useable models. But some are mind-controlled originals, as well.

  • Oni: Oni tends to be powerful and intelligent, selling their services as masterful mercenaries or guards. Typically, Oni are human like of different size, with horns. High or middle ranking Oni can wear armor or noh (Shite) masks, that suppress or influence their emotions and calm their emotions. They also prefer more traditional weapons. While low ranking, Oni can almost be animalistic. The more powerful Oni can have powers even beyond that of a normal Taimanin and perform magic.
    • Rakshasa: They are a high ranking form of Oni in the Taimanin world, intelligent and not evil or animal like, acting very honorable. Known to fight for fighting’s sake, and as the Battle Arena cards imply, for their extreme speed.They are in power similar to a trained Taimanin and can counter even people like Asagi with their speed.
    • Valkyrie: They are a mono-gendered female species, which require other species to make offspring. Like other Oni women, they have children with male warriors of other races, whom they recognize as stronger than themselves. Naturally, men of such races are rare and therefore most of them remain virgins, since they are also called Warrior Maidens. The number of demon maidens is small, and only a few have been able to bear children in the last hundred years. They are too strong, and as a result, many of them die on the battlefield, instead of ever making a family.
    • Frost Demons: A male and female species of demons, with the strongest ice magic. Frost Demons are cold to the touch and suck out body heat, even involuntarily. In order to fight at full strength, Frost Demons require a cold environment, which can be deadly to other species. Given their horns, they might also be classified as an Oni subspecies, like Valkyries.
    • Ogres: Ogres can be physically similar to orcs but far stronger, aggressive and more simple in their thinking. They are a low ranking type of Oni that live in the Dark World with other Demons. Most often enslaved as guards or warriors in underground arenas because of the low level status. Ogres eat human flesh and are able to impregnate multiple other species.
      • Big Gogo: He is a simple-minded, wanting to rape his enemies or kill them. After losing his arm, he wants to own Sakura as a trophy and sex slave. Big Gogo doesn't think about the fact he is a slave as well.
    • Goblins: Goblins are a species of demons with animal-like intelligence. Used because of their high aggression and sexual drive as trainers, to break humans. They are considered a low rank of Oni.
  • Orcs: A low ranked species, even among the dwellers of the Dark World, even though they have superhuman strength, they tend to be cowards and servility, unless they are stronger. They are a mono-gendered, male-only species, that interbreeds with other humanoid demons or humans. Their semen and bodily fluids contain aphrodisiac ingredients, and they confine dredged females in their nests to tame them with the aphrodisiacs and use them as breeding tools, but consent is possible. It is common for people who look down on orcs to call them "reproductive monkeys". However, a lot of individual difference exists even among them and some even are experts with human electronics or very peace-loving. Sometimes and in only very rare cases, genetic traits of the mother are stronger, which creates half orcs that can be female this can happen with Taimanin.
    • Rakshasa Orcs: Are a tribe of ferocious warriors, who are said to be at the top of the orcs that live in the Dark World. They hunt on the open planes of the Dark World, attacking the roads, kidnapping and pillaging. Each one of them is a brutal and ferocious fighter, but they also excel at well-organized and cunning group combat. As a result, they usually act in units, and the orc who leads the unit is called an orc lord.
    • Black Orc Tribe: Criminal clan, which tries to remain under the radar and cooperates with groups like Nomad to gain influence.
      • Byg: An Orc of the Black Orc Tribe of the Dark World, that now acts in the Human World. It is unclear if he was born in the human world or not. Byg sells antiques and works for the Taimanin as an informant, having made a large sum of money in the Chaos Arena, by placing bets.
      • Bork: An assistant and handler who gathers subjects and 'food' for Kiryu Sabato. Acts like a servant.
  • Beastmen: They are considered a lower class of demons but are able to navigate in secret because they can appear human, thanks to their ability to transform. They seem to prefer to remain in a human-like or half animal state, when not fighting, but will transform into full animals if required in combat, as they otherwise are much weaker. Beastman are able to work in the human world as they can disguise themselves as normal humans without extra steps, unlike an orc or a Naga which also require a disguise spell. Their physical strength when transformed is intense, and their natural healing factor seems to be a higher one than other demons, as it is mentioned often. They have keen senses like an animal, but their transformation seems to be limited to mammals and a few birds.
    • Werewolves: A werewolf is a demon with a strong body and power, resembling a wolf or dog. They can transform into human form at will, and cannot be recognized as a werewolf at first glance. A very strong species with keen senses, able to move very fast and sense vibrations. They are able to transform in a more feral state of half-dog creature. The main tribe seems to have been diminished strongly. In addition, it is said that on the night of the full moon, their abilities are enhanced, and they gain a powerful regenerative ability that allows them to quickly recover from serious wounds. Only skilled Taimanin can fight a werewolf on a full moon.
    • Nekomata: Nekomata describes most of half cat creatures, born as cats originally or changed from human to cat. In their cat form, some will also be two tailed in some cases. Not all are able to transform into humans and remain as enlarged demonic cats.
    • Kamaitachi: Kamaitachi describes most of half-beast creatures that have control over winds. They are also known as dust devils.
    • Monkey Tribe: They are considered to be made up from Beastmen, which only hold members of the "monkey type" and even ordinary monkeys. They act as a group and have become a small but non-negligible force, but don't care for power. Furthermore, they are not regarded as dangerous and at worst are mischievous and fun-loving.
  • Minotaurs: A Very ferocious being with low-medium intelligence. Often found on the battlefield as a slave warrior of demons. Seems unable to switch forms and because of that not a Beastman. At some point in the past, some Minotaur find their way to Greece and were active in Crete, since the legend of the Minotaur exists.
  • Horsemen: They are not to be confused with normal Beastman or some hybrid beasts, that can change their form to other animals, horseman always remain horse-like beings. Lustful and able to reproduce with other humanoid races, they work in brothels as male prostitutes or slave soldiers or mercenaries of nobility. They are encountered a lot in Yomihara. In the Dark World itself, they form tribes not unlike Orc kidnapping people to kill or breed. They use caves and near forest areas, abandoned by the Elves as their hunting ground.



  • If they catch any girls they're going to have a good time.