Tsuchida Midori

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Tsuchida Midori
A.K.A. Sailor Altair
Age 17
Voice Actor Hidaka Noriko
Relatives None
Series Sailor Moon
Player Brandon
  • Name: Tsuchida Midori
  • Age: 17

Sex: Female

  • Birthday: April 9
  • Parents: Unkown, Deceased
    • Place of Birth: Crystal Tokyo
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Being a jock
    • Hobbies: Parkour, Capoera, Dancing
    • Likes: Convenience Store cuisine, a good pair of running shoes
    • Dislikes: Restrictive clothing, being too sick to run
    • Favorite Food: Onigiri or Ramen, she can't decide
    • Least Favorite Food: Takoyaki
    • Favorite Music: Electronic
    • Favorite Sport: Anything involving Racing
    • Most Valuable Possessions: A tiny folding picture frame, her parents on one side, her and her brother on the other
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Hidaka Noriko
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'5"
    • Weight: 120 lbs
    • Eyes: Brown
    • Hair: Varies
    • Special: Dyes or bleaches her hair often; is naturally dark-red haired


Midori is lithe, well muscled and very thin. SHe is fond of clothes that are easy to move around in and favors shorts, cargo pants or sweat pants and t-shirts or underarmor type shirts. She will never wear shoes she can't run in. Her hair is mostly short, wild and changes color and shape every couple weeks. SHe is partial to wearing sweatbands on her wrists.


Midori is a gutsy kid, and likes to be active. She can be quite boistrous and carries an air about her that says 'I'm tough and nothing bothers me at all!' and is very comitted to always appearing to be good humored and strong. This covers for the fact that she is quite lonely and not particularly happy with her life at all. Friends make an excellent salve though, and she tries, sometimes too hard, to maintain friendships with the people she is fortunate enough to connect with.


Had a fairly normal upbringing, two parents and a little brother, up until she was ten years old. On her tenth birthday, her parents and brother were on their way to pick her up from a friend's house when they never showed up. It happened that on their way, they got into a horrendous car accident and passed away. Refusing to go to an orphanage, she took what money she could scrape up from her parents' bank accounts as well as what was left in their life insurance, and faked her way through being able to stay in her home undisturbed. However she quickly took to going out often, having too many painful memories in the house. She found herself a natural athlete and found a wonderful emotional outlet in exercise, finding Parkour, Capoeira and dancing to be very enjoyable. After a couple years, she got good enough to manage to get an under-the-table job as a courier to help support herself. From time to time she has also had to resort to stealing or courier work for illegal purposes, becomming good and being a sneak over time, something she is not proud of whatsoever. She fiercely protects the fact that she lives all alone, simply making excuses when people want to go to her house or meet her family.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Excellent
  • Athletics: Amazing
  • Stealth: Excellent

  • Social Skills:
  • Subterfuge: Novice
  • Streetwise: Amazing

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice

Special Abilities

Midori has been dedicatedly practicing Parkour, Capoera and sevearl forms of modern dance sinse she was ten.

Powers & Merits

  • Altair Power, Make Up: This is the ability that transforms Midori into Sailor Altair and gives her access to her other powers. A white rose and a red one also appear, the blossoms tucked into various places on her senshi uniform, their positions seeming to vary from time to time.

  • The Wicker Man: Spawns a normal human sized nonsentient minion made of branches and vines. THe Wicker Man can follow basic instructions and has decent physical strength, and average resistance to attacks (though being wood, he is weak to fire). Sailor Altair can summon up to three Wicker Men before her concentration is taxed too far.

  • Every Rose Has it's Thorn: She takes one of her roses, Axl or Slash, and forms it into a melee weapon to use in battle. Axl becomes a whip while Slash becomes a sword. This ability can transform one or both roses and neither of them have to actually be in her hand. When transformed, she can exert minor control over a transformed Axl or Slash if it's nearby but not in her hand.

  • Shelter From the Storm: THis ability generates a wall of branches or brambles from the ground to protect against attack. While generally only strong enough to whether a few attacks, this can provide a good moment to get one's barings or be a last minute save.

  • Meadows of Heaven: Sailor Altair's greatest attack, the local area is spontaneously overgrown with all manner of fantastic plantlife, all of which is bent to Altair's will for the duration of the attack, allowing her to do anything she wishes with the vegetation she creates. If she is personally attacked too much, she will lose control of her plants and the attack will be canceled. Among the things she can generate are vines, thorny vines, brambles, giant Venus Flytraps with the strength and intestinal fortitude to devour a person, trees whose branches and roots she can move at will, flowers and fungi with spores having various effects, such as sleeping, poison, itching, disorientation, hallucination or blindness.

Gall (2 pts)
Catlike Balance (2pts)
Time Sense (1 pt)

Unique Items

Altair Star Wand: Midori uses this to transform into Sailor Altair.
Axl and Slash: A pair everpresent roses that is always on Sailor Altair's person; always returning to her if she loses them, and are the focus of one of her attacks. Axl is red and Slash is white.

Items Of Note

Really nice shoes belying her generally cheap clothing.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Hates being out in nature with a firey passion

Dark Secret (1 pt): Does not want it public knowledge that she is Sailor Altair
Dark Secret (1 pt): Does not want her current living situation known
Nightmares (1 pt)

NPC(s) to go with char
