Enzo Sparda

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Enzo Sparda
Age 21
Voice Actor
Relatives a lot
Series Hellsing/DMC
Player Cinnie aka Gubaba
  • Name: Enzo Sparda
  • Age: 21
  • Sex: Male
  • Birthday:
  • Parents: Luca Sparda and Pris Harker
    • Place of Birth: Essex, UK
    • Nationality: ...honestly 'Murican.
    • Specialty: Paranormal Detective
    • Hobbies: Driving Fast Cars, Checking out Sweet Bellas, and eating horrible British food
    • Likes: The stuff that I listed as his hobbies
    • Dislikes: Stiff people and weebs like Julian. JK he likes weebs just fine.
    • Favorite Food: Lemon Scones ...and Pizza.
    • Least Favorite Food: Pineapple on Pizza.
    • Favorite Music: Metal and Trance.
    • Favorite Sport: ....everything I guess? Especially american football because it's a hooligan's sport.
    • Most Valuable Possessions: His devil arms and his fast carzzzz.
    • Level of Education: He finished college otherwise his mom would have killed him.
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor:
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 6'2
    • Weight: 190
    • Eyes: Sparda blue
    • Hair: white
    • Special: ....he has white hair. I think that's special.


I have pics and I'll probably draw some too. He dresses very sharp and classy. He likes being clean.


Dirty minded goofball, really. He's chill and laid back ... but isn't REALLY RUDE? Unless you give him a reason to. He's also worried his mom is going to beat him with a meterstick. She calls it a meter sick because she thinks the damn yanks have measurements all screwed up. THE REST OF THE WORLD USES METERS. But then Luca said he would show her a meter stick and she stopped arguing. the end.


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Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Very Good (+3)
  • Athletics: Amazing (+5)
  • Stealth: Very Good (+3)

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Good (+2)
  • Streetwise: Good (+2)
  • Intimidation: Incredible (+4)
  • Leadership:
  • Expression: Good (+2)
  • Etiquette: Very Good (+3)

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Novice (+1)
  • Investigation: Good (+2)
  • Occult: Very Good (+3)
  • Politics: Good (+2)
  • Medicine: Good (+2)
  • Technology: Very Good (+3)

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Incredible (+4)
  • Survival: Incredible (+4)
  • Empathy:
  • Languages: English, Italian, French, Russian, German, Japaneeeeeeeeese and Spanish.

Special Abilities

Special Techniques:

  • Wall Jump: Enzo's leg strength and training allow him to hop off a wall and either away from it or upwards to land on the side of a small wall, or just reach a high window.
  • High Time: Using his guns, and firing repeatedly with devil power, Enzo can stay aloft for a while from the recoil of the bullets, or juggle enemies in the air.
  • Gun Fu: Enzo can use his guns (or any other heavy guns) the way some people use nunchaku or knives, in hand to hand combat.
  • Air Hike: Enzo can hop off Devil Energy in mid air, essentially allowing him to double jump at will.
  • Enemy Step: Enzo can leap and flip off an enemy's body after a jump.

Hand to Hand Combat - Basic: Enzo was trained by his father (and mother) in basic combat tactics. Believe it or not, these are especially useful against zombies and other slow moving undead, and some are very useful against humans, too.

  • Jump Kick: Lunges forwards, off the ground, and plants his foot right into an opponent, to send him flying back. Great for crowd control.
  • Kick Back: Sudden thrust kick at the enemy's midsection, used to shove into any oncomers.
  • Football Tackle: Using his large frame, Enzo tackles an opponent (or many), to knock them to the ground, or away from lines of fire. He really likes this move. What a hooligan.
  • Judo Toss: Standard throw, used to flip an opponent over the shoulder, then twisting the weapon out of their hands. Used to either escape a hold, or take down an opponent without committing murder. He often says this move out loud when he does it.
  • Roundhouse Kick: A sudden, rapid kick using the full rotation of his body. Preferably used either after a jump, or to a surprised opponent.
  • Knee Drop: On a downed opponent (see Judo Toss), Enzo hops, then comes down with both knees on the target's chest or head, to KO or kill them.
  • Suplex: Grabbing an opponent from behind, then arching backwards to smash them head first into the ground. He might end this move with an 'oooooh yeah'.
  • Wall Kick: Running and jumping off a wall, to catch an opponent off guard, booting them -hard- as he uses the full momentum. Used for surprise attacks.
  • Face Crusher: Grabbing a target's head from behind, or much more difficult, the front, then pushing it as he drops to the ground, to use the full weight of both to -crush- it's head.

Hand to Hand Combat - Advanced: Enzo's CQC and MCMA training from his parents (mostly dad), complemented by his natural Stylishness, has produced some more potent techniques. He uses these against stronger and faster opponents, like devils or superhuman enemies.

Style Techniques:
Swordmaster Style: Enzo's decently developed ability. Every melee weapon has it's own sets of skills that Enzo could eventually unlock with practice.

  • Sparda - Fox Hunting: Spinning Sparda around one handed, Enzo can deflect bullets fired at him, matching up to the power of an assault rifle.
  • Sparda - Aerial Support: After jumping, Enzo and use the Sparda in a spinning and slashing frenzy to stay aloft while keeping an enemy close.

Trickster Style: Motions and reactions available to Enzo via reflexes and speed. This is Enzo's secondary area of expertise.

  • Dash: Sudden burst of speed, moving hyper fast for a short moment. He can do two rapid bursts, and can use this to dash over holes or water.
  • Wall Hike: Landing on a wall and using his reflexes, Luca can run along it for a moment, to the point of defying gravity.
  • Sky Star: In midair, Enzo can suddenly move in a dash of speed to avoid attacks or just reach an area ALMOST out of reach.

Gunslinger Style: Like his dad... this is Enzo's best technique set, and he uses this all the time, since he also loves guns so much.

  • Twosome Time: Spinning his guns like nunchaku, Enzo can fire at any targets on all sides of him at the same time. (Handguns)
  • Target Shooting: Enzo has mastered the use of his gun's recoil, using it to guide the path of his bullets into the opponent's leg, then the other, then the gut, chest and head. (Handguns)
  • Gun-Stinger: Enzo rushes forwards at high speed and shoves his gun into the opponents midsection, then unleashes a giant shot point blank. (Shotgun)
  • Shield Shot: Enzo knocks an enemy over, shoves his gun between the opponent's arm or in his bent gut, using them to pump the shotgun, and for cover, holding them in a CQC Hold and letting them soak up the bullets for him. (Shotgun)
  • Group Shot: Enzo fires a sudden volley of machinegun fire, and they all converge on a single spot on the opponent, at once, causing massive damage. These vary in shape. (Automatic Weapons)
  • Rising Chain: Enzo knocks the opponent into the air with his knee or leg, then opens fire with his weapon, holding the enemy up in the air, gunning them in half like a chainsaw or impaling them like a melee weapon (Automatic Weapons)
  • Trick Shot: Enzo can fire his bullets off hard surfaces and blockages or around obstacles to reach his target. (Rifles)
  • Sniper: Enzo can fire a bullet which will lock on and aim at the enemy, though it takes a moment to charge. (Rifles)
  • Cross Blast: Enzo can fire several rockets, causing the enemy to get impaled like a cross, then it blows up. (Rocket Launcher)
  • Juggler: Enzo fires a single grenade, knocking his target into the air, then shoots another just as he comes down, and repeats this

Powers & Merits

Lightning Devil: Enzo is actually ... WOW I DON'T EVEN KNOW.. WHATEVER part from Luca, making him incredibly resilient and viciously strong, but mostly, amazingly quick and sharp. his strength, reflexes and endurance are superhuman, and he can take immense amounts of punishment without slowing down. While he still takes 'damage', per se, he cannot suffer wounds, and can hold his breath for almost an hour under water, as the case may be.
Devil Power: Enzo's most often used power is that he can never run out of ammo. He can fire from any weapon, even broken ones, as often as he wants, as the bullets and other ammo are created by his own inner power. This lets him forgo reloading or the dead man's click, but does cause wear and tear on weapons as usual, which is why he maintains them so much.
Devil Trigger: Enzo transforms into a Devil, using his full power, which increases his strength, endurance, and especially speed far beyond his normal means, for a limited time. Devil Trigger also comes with the following benefits. He can turn for 3 minutes.
Elemental Attribute: Lightning. Enzo will take less damage in general but dish out a lot more, especially to enemies weak to lightning. His resistance to regular electricity will also be much higher (like he can run on a third rail or slide along electric power lines), and he can transport himself along electrical currents by turning into a lightning bolt.. frying both ends of his 'transport'.
Enhanced Ammo: Enzo's bullets become like mini lightning bolts, and fire just as fast.
Regeneration: Enzo's regeneration kicks in at full blast when in DT mode, and wounds will heal really fast, as well as regain lost vitality/life energy.
Devil Trigger Blast: Enzo can store his DT energy for about 2 minutes (and sacrificing that much of his DT time), then release all of it in a massive explosion around him, causing incredible damage to any nearby enemy, and leaving him in DT mode for one minute.
Desperate Devil Trigger/Majin: If Enzo is in the metaphorical 'red', and he's about to die, using Devil Trigger will make him turn into a 7' tall devil, complete with wings, sparkling aura and pwssh pwshh pwshh sound effects, doubling all the DT powers above and enhancing all his attacks by a large margin.


Ability Aptitude - Handguns: (1pt Merit) Enzo is a crack shot, and can hit anything with a handgun, due to practice, letting him shoot the one weak spot or the 1 in a million shot with alarming regularity to the point where it becomes the 1 in 100 shot.
Animal Magnetism: (1pt Merit) Enzo, the italian stallion, has a masculine and relaxed presence as well as a devilish grin and melt-your-heart blue eyes of a unique color. Confidence is the key.
Daredevil: (3pt Merit) Enzo is fearless, and while not the type to breach protocol on infiltrations, is likely to dive off choppers or bungee down a building to catch the bad guy.
Danger Sense: (3pt Merit) Enzo is unnaturally attuned to the world around him and can tell when a sucker punch is coming, so he covers the balls.
Gall: (2pt Merit) Enzo's bold attitude, confidence and sharp wit can be abrasive, but after a bit most warm up to it because it's honest and refreshing.

Unique Items

Sparda, the Dark Sword.

Sparda: The demon sword Sparda was originally wielded by the Dark Knight Sparda himself, but when he separated the Underworld from the human realm and put a seal on it to prevent it from consuming the Human World, he also sealed his demonic power inside his beloved sword in order to ensure the strength of the seal.
Elemental Attribute: Darkness
Sparda's Abilities:

  • Sparda Combo I - A quick 3-hit combo.
  • Sparda Combo II - Four-part combo which knocks back nearby foes before slashing down on those directly in front of you. Once the Sparda is awakened, the combo finishes with a forward thrust.
  • Sparda Combo III - Quickly stab the enemy with blinding speed creating enough momentum to blast them backward.
  • High Time - Swing the sword in an upward rising motion, bashing up enemies into the air. Continue holding Button ps4 circle to jump, and Button ps4 circle again to slash down.
  • Round Trip - Throw the sword like a boomerang.
  • Thrust Kick - Tri-level attack that ends by kicking the enemy into the air.
  • Stinger - With lightning speed, plunge the sword into enemies. Level 2 plunges the sword from an even further distance.
  • Flight - Become airborne and be capable of performing aerial attacks.
  • Vortex - Damage enemies with an intense spinning body attack.
  • Tracer - while flying Fire light energy balls.
  • Fireball - Shoot fireballs from the fists.
  • Fire Dragon - Emit a giant dragon. This attack will knock Enzo out of Devil Trigger mode.

Freedom and Justice: Enzo's personalized twin semi automatic magnums. Both guns are made to handle the use of a blade on their frame and every last piece of it has been reworked to the point where their tactical efficiency is well over 3 times the best military standards. One gun can be equipped with a supressor to dampen noise, and both guns have a matte black finish make it imperceptible even in deep cover situations where a gun would be a problem. The muzzle flash is also down from the supressor. Naturally.. Devil Power bullets cannot be fired silently, so if he's going to go full out, it's time to make some noise. Both guns are custom adjusted Desert Eagles, with aligned barrel and loader specially fit for rapid fire, and a slightly enlarged shell launching area, to prevent stovepiping.
NOTE: A normal person cannot dual wield these guns. They're not equipped with compensators or recoil reduction, and trying to fire both would cause massive wrist strain AND loss of accuracy. Enzo compensates with devil strength to hold them steady when firing.

Freedom: .50 Caliber Magnum, also known as a 'Handcannon', with the kind of recoil that would break a lesser man's wrist. Specially made suppressor can be used, but will still make noise in close up encounters, it's primary use of a suppressor is to keep people outside the area from hearing it. This gun is not meant to wound, it's meant to kill, or maim horribly at that. Nacht is matte black reinforced and devil empowered gunsteel, and can take direct hits from even axes without breaking. The gun's handle has been whittled down to incorporate a knife handle on it, in the case of upclose and personal fighting and the use of CQC being required. The grip is custom to Enzo's fingers, and this is including the knife ridge. The gun's barrel bottom has a railing mechanism for equipping a Laser Aiming Module or gun light, and has Bo-Mar rear sights for better target shooting.

Justice: .50 Caliber Magnum, also known as a 'Handcannon', with the same general specifications as THE OTHER gun. It cannot be equipped with a supressor. This gun's true power comes from when Enzo goes all out with the Twin Handcannon firing with unlimited ammo from devil power and will cause even supernatural entities to regret the day they were made. This gun is also made from the same devil empowerment as the other, so it can be used even in melee situations. The grip is also customized, but this one does not have the knife ridge. This gun's frame is reinforced on the inside, so it's even better at upclose and personal shooting than at long range, since it's meant to be used to block blades. It's main purpose though is to dual-wield with it's sister gun.

DSS Monster Orbs

One of the things that Pris wanted Enzo to do when joining hellsing was to learn from other great hunters and masters. One of them was the Graves family where Enzo fine-tuned his natural ability in harnessing devil arms.. and using alchemy and cards. Instead of using cards, Enzo is able to trigger, summon and manipulate certain attributes from his Devil Arm 'Scarmiglione' which is a medallion he wears. Whenever Enzo fights a monster, there is a chance that he can gain an attribute from it and save it into the Devil Arm.

Scarmiglione, the Claw Medallion.

Scarmiglione has the following monster orb attributes:

  • Cantata - Enzo can throw roses. He uses this to impress the ladiez. Freaking unlimited roses.
  • Fuoco - Summons a salamander that does a fire attack
  • Ghiaccio - Summons a Serpent that does an ice attack
  • Pianta - Summons a Mandragora which does a plant attack
  • Roccia - Summons a Golem which does an earth attack
  • Calcolo - Suimmons a Cockatrice which does stone damage and can petrify mooks.
  • Veleno - Summons a Manticore which can do poison damage
  • Vento - Summons a Griffin which does wind damage.
  • Fulmine - Summons a Thunderbird which does lightning damage
  • Santo - Summons a Unicorn rofl.. the only NON DAMAGING SUMMON. Enzo can freaking ride a unicorn.
  • Buio - Summons Cerebus.. and it does dark damage. He can ride this too.
  • Concerto - Doubles his weapons. So two swords or four guns. He likes using this with guns because more guns.
  • Andante - After Image projection (a shadowy form of Enzo appears a few paces ahead of him and attacks in tandem with Enzo).
  • Allegro - He goes even faster. SUPER FAST. He turns red when he does this.

Items Of Note

  • A bunch of guns.

Weaknesses & Flaws

Devil: Enzo is part devil. As such, Holy attacks and barriers wreak fair amounts of havoc on him. He can use special 'Holy Water' and other such weapons, but on his own he is very vulnerable to them if they're turned on him. Healing or not, Holy attacks will cause MASSIVE damage and the wounds will not heal easily, if at all, without help.

Compulsive Speech: (1pt Flaw) Enzo has a very hard time not voicing his opinions.
Overconfident: (1pt Flaw) Enzo is convinced he, alone, is all that's needed for most operations, and while he appreciated radio support, physical support can go elsewhere while he does the man's work.
Otherworldly Taint: (2pt Flaw) Enzo has the eyes of Sparda. Anyone with even cursory knowledge of the Legend of Sparda (which is fairly well known) can tell.
Group Emnity - Devils: (2pt Flaw) Other devils assume the Son of Sparda is out to get them. Whenever he has to deal with a being from Hell, Enzo elicits general scorn, distrust, and often outright fear. For example, he's not welcome at Rodin's bar just like his DAD.

NPC(s) to go with char

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