Azure Wizard

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Azure Wizard
A.K.A. Redacted
Age 27
Voice Actor Yao Kazuki
Relatives Secret
Series Slayers
Player Sparda
  • Name: Azure Wizard
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 27
  • Date of Birth: February 16th.
  • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.
  • Parents: Secret.
    • Nationality: Zephilian.
    • Speciality: Money Managing, Learning spells.
    • Hobbies: Theology, Mythology and Handguns.
    • Likes: Food, Studying, Money.
    • Dislikes: Sluts, Arrogant putzes, Idiots, Slugs.
    • Favorite Food: Any and All.
    • Least Favorite Food: this a joke?
    • Favorite Music: Classical.
    • Favorite Sport: Football.
    • Most Valuable Possession: Mother's Bandanna.
    • Level of Education: 15 Years of Home schooling, 3 Years of "Slayers" Lore.
  • Seiyuu: Yao Kazuki.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 500lbs
  • Eyes: Red.
  • Hair: Copper.
  • Special: Softenned Marble Skin, all blue, with rocky protuberances.


I have a picture.


Taciturn. Deadpan. Driven. Pragmatic. Self-Reliant. Tactical.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Very Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Amazing

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Occult: Amazing

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible
  • Empathy: Abysmal
  • Animal Ken: Very Good


Half Chimera - The Azure Wizard is a Chimera, which comes with many abilities. The abilities are as follows.[show details]


Demon's Blood Talismans - Can greatly increase his magical power and gather much, much more mana.
Mind Control Proof Headband - Protects against magical forms of Mind Control, and Mind Control devices.
Spellbooks - He destroyed the one with the True Laguna Blade Spell in it, but kept the others. All of them have lower level magic spells, and he has about 15 of them.

Vaj Armour - Unit Leader of the Vaj Armors. No drawbacks, all other abilities still useable.
[show details]

Secret Special Items

The Azure Wizard has four pieces out of seven of something. He got them off his uncle, who is now dead.


The Azure Wizard likes to be ready for all circumstances, and his equipment reflects this:

  • Head Gear - Wears his mother's bandanna, which counters magical mind control items and the line. It's used to tie his pony tail.
  • Weapons - The Azure Wizard carries the following weapons, for the following reasons.[show details]


Ambition: The Azure Wizard is very ambitious, and will do many things to increase his personal power, regardless of the cost. Because of this, he might be stronger every time someone meets him.
Invulnerability: The Azure Wizard has many defensive options, as such, it's very hard to hurt him. This might lead people to use powerful attacks right away, which could be a problem if he can't block them.
Wizard: The Azure Wizard is a magician. As such, preventing him from casting his spells would be a good way to combat him. If it works. Treat as a Boss Monster for Status Spells