Azure Wizard

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Azure Wizard
A.K.A. Redacted
Age 27
Voice Actor Yao Kazuki
Relatives Secret
Series Slayers
Player Sparda
  • Name: Azure Wizard
  • Sex: Male
  • Age: 27
  • Date of Birth: February 16th.
  • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan.
  • Parents: Secret.
    • Nationality: Zephilian.
    • Speciality: Money Managing, Learning spells.
    • Hobbies: Theology, Mythology and Handguns.
    • Likes: Food, Studying, Money.
    • Dislikes: Sluts, Arrogant putzes, Idiots, Slugs.
    • Favorite Food: Any and All.
    • Least Favorite Food: this a joke?
    • Favorite Music: Classical.
    • Favorite Sport: Football.
    • Most Valuable Possession: Mother's Bandanna.
    • Level of Education: 15 Years of Home schooling, 3 Years of "Slayers" Lore.
  • Seiyuu: Yao Kazuki.

Physical Stats

  • Height: 5'9"
  • Weight: 500lbs
  • Eyes: Red.
  • Hair: Copper.
  • Special: Softenned Marble Skin, all blue, with rocky protuberances.


I have a picture.


Taciturn. Deadpan. Driven. Pragmatic. Self-Reliant. Tactical.


Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Amazing
  • Athletics: Very Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Intimidation: Incredible
  • Leadership: Amazing

Mental Skills:

  • Investigation: Very Good
  • Occult: Amazing

Other Skills:

  • Survival: Incredible
  • Empathy: Abysmal
  • Animal Ken: Very Good


The Azure Wizard is a powerful spellcaster, who uses different types of magic to fight.

Shamanist Magic

Shamanistic magic (Japanese: 精霊魔法 Romaji: seirei mahō) does not draw power from a specific being or a group of beings, but rather from the basic elements that make up the world itself, the forces of nature.

Shamanistic magic is divided into five subcategories, according to the element each utilizes.

Fire Shamanism

Fire shamanistic magic (Japanese: 火の精霊魔法 Romaji: hi no seirei mahō), also fire magic (Japanese: 火魔法 Romaji: hi mahō), draws upon the element and spirits of fire naturally present in the world.
Most fire spells are of an offensive nature and cause significant physical (but not astral) damage. Because they are physical in nature, most cannot harm beings with mostly astral bodies, such as pure mazoku.

Burst Rond (baasuto rondo): The spell creates numerous balls of light near a target which burst, spreading flames. The spell is visually impressive, but the damage from the spell is negligible. Even a direct hit will only cause burns, making this a good spell to use as a diversion or to frighten enemies.

Fireball (faiaa booru): A ball of fire appears between the hands of the caster which can then be thrown. Upon contact with an object, the ball explodes, spreading flames. Caution is necessary when using this spell in enclosed area or forests because this spell affects a wide area. This is the most popular offensive spell. Lina uses variations of this spell such as making the ball of light appear in places other than between the hands, or making the ball of fire explode on the word "Break." Being able to cast this spell is one of the criteria for a full-fledged mage.
CHANT: "Oh, source of all power, light which burns beyond crimson, let thy power gather in my hand. FIREBALL!"

Flare Arrow (furea aroo): A spell which makes several fire arrows appear around the caster, and fly directly towards a target. The spell can be used to attack, or to make something catch on fire. The number of arrows that can be created depends on the caster's skill. Through careful arrangement, it is possible to make the arrows appear in places other than in front of the caster. This is the most basic offensive spell, but since the casting time is short, it is useful in combat.
CHANT: "Source of all power, crimson fire burning bright. FLARE ARROW!" (or) "East winds that blow / Have you as their source / Into my hands / Ignite all their force! / FLARE ARROW!"

Water Shamanism

Water shamanistic magic (Japanese: 水の精霊魔法 Romaji: mizu no seirei mahō), also water magic (Japanese: 水魔法 Romaji: mizu mahō), draws upon the element and spirits of water naturally present in the world.
Most water spells are of an unoffensive nature and are used primarily for freezing, summoning water, or other handy tricks. Because they are physical in nature, most cannot harm beings with mostly astral bodies, such as pure mazoku.

Aqua Breathe (akua buriizu): Makes it possible to breathe in water. Once this spell is cast, it lasts for a while so there is no need to concentrate in order to maintain the spell. This makes it possible to cast other spells in water. The downside is that the spell doesn't improve your movement in water and your equipment will get wet.

Aqua Create (akua kureito): Creates water.

Dark Mist (daaku misuto): Spell which fills the area with a dense black fog. In the black fog, even magically created light is completely absorbed. Once created, the fog remains even after the spellcaster stops concentrating

Demona Crystal (demona kurisutaru): Highly effective spell which makes icy fog appear out of the ground, which then suddenly freezes anything within. Since the fog appears out from the ground, only battle-scarred veteran adventurers can dodge this spell.
CHANT: "You who crosses between sky and earth, gently flowing water, gather in my hand and give me power: DEMONA CRYSTAL!"

Dust Chip (dasuto chippu): Spell which shoots out numerous small arrows of ice about the size of the tip of a fingernail. The actual damage dealt is minimal, but the arrows hurt a lot. A good spell to use when the goal is to weaken the opponent's will to fight.

Freeze Arrow (furiizu aroo): The spell makes several ice arrows appear near the caster and then fly towards the target; the ice counterpart of Flare Arrow. The arrows can also be used to restrict an opponent's movement by freezing the target's feet to the ground. Though this spell is similar to Flare Arrow, it does not cause things to catch on fire, so in areas where there are many combustible such as towns, this spell comes in handy.

Gray Buster (gurei basutaa): Lowers the temprature in a certain area, freezing living things within that area. Since the moisture in the air freezes and floats in the air, causing the diamond dust effect, this spell is extremely beautiful. Mages cast a variation of this spell within their cloaks, using this as an air conditioner during the summer.

Howl Freeze (hauru furiizu): The caster creates a powerful blizzard which deals frost damage to all targets within a certain area. The damage dealt will not be lethal, but it is extremely hard to avoid the spell. In addition, the frost makes it harder for those affected by the spell to move. The spell has visual impact and can be used to either hide from or to frighten enemies.

Icicle Lance (aishikuru ransu): Spear of ice which is thrown at target. Created by fusing together arrows created by Freeze Arrow. Unlike Flare Lance, this spell can be used in towns because it doesn't cause objects to catch on fire.

Ly Briem (raiburimu): A wave of freezing air shoots out from the extended hand of the caster; anything that is touched by the wave is frozen. Compared to Icicle Lance, which is also used against a single target, the range of this spell is short, but its effect is far more potent.

Sea Blast (shiiburasuto): Spell which causes a large wave to appear on the surface of water, which could easily capsize a mid-sized ship. The problem is, in order for this spell to work, the caster must have his/her hand placed on the surface of water. In addition, this spell only affects things on the surface and will have no effect against anything underneath the water.

Van Rehl (van reiru): Strings of ice spread out from the spellcaster's hand placed against a wall, along the ceiling, floor, and walls. The target(s) who are touched by these strings soon turn into statues of ice. This is one of the few large-area spells that can be used in passages.
CHANT: "Holy wind, wind which flows gently across the land, let all things be filled with your pure breath. VAN REHL!"

Vice Freeze (vaisu furiizu): The ice counterpart of Burst Flare; a ball of ice appears in the targeted area, which then bursts, covering the surrounding area in ice. This spell is the strongest ice magic.

Earth Shamanism

Earth shamanistic magic (Japanese: 地の精霊魔法 Romaji: chi no seirei mahō), also earth magic (Japanese: 地魔法 Romaji: chi mahō), draws upon the element and spirits of earth naturally present in the world.
Earth spells use Bephimos, the earth spirit, for power that is used to manipulate the ground. Because they are physical in nature, most cannot harm beings with mostly astral bodies, such as pure mazoku. They are also mostly ineffective against flying enemies. On the upside, they are relatively easy to control.

Bephis Bring (befisu buringu): By calling on the power of the earth spirit Bephimos, a tunnel is created through earth. It is possible to dig a tunnel horizontally, or to create a vertical tunnel and use it as a pit trap. However, as long as the target is made of earth, the spell works, but the spell has no effect against wooden boards or metal.

Blade Haut (bureedo hauto): A spell designed to supplement sword fighting. By swinging a sword, a shock wave is created along the ground, which then attacks a target. Even if the target tries to run away, the shock wave will continue following the target. A fighter-mage skilled with a sword should learn this spell.

Dil Brand (diru burando): With the caster at the center, this spell can blast anything upwards within a circular range of the ground, including dirt, rocks, or anyone inside. Since this spell's effects aren't lethal (though the resultant fall might be), it can be used to knock targets unconscious and capture them. In addition, the pillars of displaced dirt and rocks can be used to hide from or blind the target. There is a chance that nearby party members or hired help will also be blasted, but there's little chance they'll perish, so, in a way, there's no need to worry when casting this spell. Of course, there's no harm in exercising caution, either.

Dug Break (dagu bureiku): A spell which affects earth spirit magic or things like golems which have been created by earth magic. Shuts out the power of Bephimos (the earth spirit) in the area and returns things to their natural state. As a result, offensive earth spells are negated and golems become piles of dirt.

Dug Haut (dagu hauto): A powerful and effective spell in which numerous large stone spears rush out of the ground. This is done by gathering magical energy in a hand and slamming that hand against the ground, which causes the layers underneath the ground to shift. Since this spell also causes a small earthquake, any target whose feet are on the ground will have a hard time dodging this spell.
CHANT: "Earth below me, submit to my will! DUG HAUT!"

Dug Wave (dagu ueibu): Makes the earth below the target explode; the resultant shockwave deals damage to the target. Similar to Gray Bomb, but this spell can be used where there is no bare ground. As a result, the spell takes a little more time to cast.

Gray Bomb (gurei bomu): Makes the ground beneath a target explode, and deals damage to a target with the shockwave. Can only be used where there is open ground, but against humans it's relatively easy to control whether you want to kill the target or leave the target alive.

Mega Brand (mega burando): The damage from this spell doesn't differ significantly from that of Dill Brand, but the area of effect has increased, making it possible to attack even more targets. Since the amount of dirt which flies up has increased, the spell's ability to cloud the visibility of opponents has also increased. The increased area of effect also means that party members have a greater chance of being victims of this spell, but hesitation in battle usually means losing anyways.

Mega Vraimer (mega vuraima): Note: Calls on both Earth and Spirit Shamanism. Another of Naga's wonderful spell variants, this spell mixes spirit-shamanism with Vu Vraimer to create a humanoid golem with limited intelligence. However, the spirit's own intentions and desires can cause the caster to lose control of the golem.

Vlave Howl (vureibu hauru): Turns a certain area in the line of sight of the spell caster into a pool of magma. Since the spell is directional there is no need to worry about whatever is behind the spell-caster, though the spell does affect a large area so that the spellcaster should throw the spell far enough ahead so as not to be enveloped in the effect.
CHANT: "Infinite earth, mother who nurtures all life, let thy power gather in my hand! VLAVE HOWL!"

Vu Vraimer (vu vuraimaa): A spell which creates a rock golem out of stone walls and rocks lying in the area. The golem obeys the commands of the spell caster -- but only simple commands.

Air Shamanism

Air shamanistic magic (Japanese: 風の精霊魔法, Romaji: kaze no seirei mahō), also air magic (Japanese: 風魔法 Romaji: kaze mahō), draws upon the element and spirits of air naturally present in the world.
Air spells primarily manipulate air pressure surrounding the spell caster by creating vacuums or compressing air. Because they are physical in nature, most cannot harm beings with mostly astral bodies, such as pure mazoku.

Raywing (rei uingu): The caster gains the ability to fly by creating a shield of wind around him/herself. The caster can carry other people, but since the speed, diameter, and the maximum weight that can be carried all depend on the caster's skill, more weight means less speed. Unlike Levitation, the spell is harder to control, and requires a lot of concentration, so other spells can not be used at the same time. The caster can continue flying as long as he/she concentrates, and can end the spell by simply breaking concentration. The shield of wind also serves as a defensive shield. The shield can also protect the caster from all but the more powerful spells.

Windy Shield (windii shiirudo): Surrounds the spell-caster with a barrier of wind which defends the caster from all attacks. The most popular defensive spell. It is possible for several spell-casters to combine their shields to increase the defense of the barrier and it can be used against all offensive spells. The only problem is that concentration is necessary when this spell is cast, so other spells can not be cast while maintaining the shield.

Astral Shamanism

Astral shamanistic magic (Japanese: 精神の精霊魔法 Romaji: seishin no seirei mahō), also astral magic (Japanese: 精神魔法 Romaji: seishin mahō), is a branch of shamanistic magic which targets enemies who reside primarily on the astral side, such as mazoku. Since the effects of the spells are focused on the astral side, they are usually not very visible on the physical side.

Assha Dist (asshaa disuto): A spell designed to attack undead. Most undead creatures such as vampires will disintegrate on contact.

Astral Vine (asutoraru vain): A spell which enchants a sword, axe, or other weapon with magic. A weapon enchanted in this way makes it possible to deal damage to Mazoku and becomes as powerful as the Sword of Light. However, this enchantment is only temporary.

Bram Blazer (buramu bureizaa): This spell shoots out a shock wave of blue light directly at a target. This is a valuable spell which can deal damage both to a target's spirit and body. However, this spell is not practical when trying to capture a target for interrogation, since both the target's spirit and body would have to be healed.

Elmekia Flame (erumekia fureimu): Stronger version of Elmekia Lance. Instead of a lance, a pillar about as wide as a man's chest is shot out. It deals no physical damage, but since it attacks from the Astral Plane, it can easily destroy the spirit of a man.

Elmekia Lance (erumekia ransu): A spell which creates and fires a lance of light, which damages a target's spirit. This spell deals no physical damage, and even a direct hit only causes the target to fall unconscious for a period of time. A useful spell against spirit beings such as Mazoku.

Goz Vu Rou (gozu vu rou): A spell which summons a "shadow" which first deals damage to a target's spirit and then to the target's body. The shadow which appears on the ground heads for the target in a straight line and, upon contact, deals damage to the target's spirit from the Astral Plane. Since the shadow is "alive," it can not be dispelled by Lighting or other forms of light.

Ra Tilt (ra tiruto): The strongest spirit magic spell which envelops a target in blue-white light. This spell can only be used against a single target -- and only those that have spirits -- but its effect is absolute. The blue-white flame can destroy even a pure Mazoku with a single hit.
CHANT: "Source of all souls which dwell in eternal and infinite. Everlasting flame of blue, let the power hidden in my soul be called forth from the Infinite...RA-TILT!"

Shadow Snap (shadoo sunappu): A spell which holds a target by manipulating the Astral Plane through the knife pierced in the target's shadow. A target affected by this spell can do nothing except cast spells. However, in a place where there are no shadows or when for some reason the target's shadow temporarily disappears, the effects of the spell ends. So, by using spells such as Lighting and Fireball to temporarily erase your shadow, the effects of the spell can be negated.

Black Magic

Black magic (Japanese: 黒魔法 Romaji: kuro mahō)[1][2] spells draw power from mazoku, and are mostly offensive.

Two kinds of spells make up this category: incantations that rely on mazoku forces in general (a good example is Blast Ash) and spells that use the power of a specific being (such as Dragon Slave). The ones that draw upon specific mazoku are generally the most powerful. After the creation of the mazoku barrier during the Kōma War, and the subsequent prevalence of mazoku within it, black magic grew in popularity. Outside of the formerly barriered area, however, this type of magic is undeveloped, most likely because of a general absence of mazoku.

When a mazoku is destroyed, any spells that draw on their power will no longer work. The most notable example is Garv Flare, which stopped working after Chaos Dragon Garv's destruction.

Blast Ash (burasuto asshu): The caster makes a black void appear in a certain area, and anything alive or possessing a spirit is turned into ash. Inanimate objects such as the ground, buildings, and equipment are not affected; the spell has an effect of a relatively large area, making this one of the few black magic spells which can be used in cramped alleys and town squares.

Boost (buusuto): This spell triggers a magical item to release its power. Specifically, this spell is used to activate Lina's talismans in order to allow use of high-power attacks like Blast Bomb and the Laguna Blade.
CHANT: "Lord of the Darkness and the Four Worlds, I call upon you, grant me all the power that you possess!"

Dragu Slave (doragu sureibu): Spell which calls on the power of Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu, leader of the dark forces in the Slayers world. This is the strongest spell that humans can cast without a talisman of some kind; its effect is broad and destructive enough to level a city. The name was originally "Dragon Slayer" but as the legend was passed through the years, it became garbled into its current form, "Dragu-Slave."
CHANT: "Darkness from twilight, crimson from blood that flows; buried in the flow of time; in Thy great name, I pledge myself to darkness! Those who oppose us shall be destroyed by the power you and I possess! DRAGU SLAVE!!"
Original Japanese Chant: "Tasogare yori mo kuraki mono / chi no nagare yori akaki mono / toki no nagare ni uzumore shi / idai na nanji no na ni oite / ware, koko ni yami ni chikawan / warera ga mae ni tachi fusagari shi / subete no oroka naru mono ni / ware to nanji ga chikara mote / hitoshiku horobi o ataen koto o!"

Dynast Brass (dainasuto burasu): Just like Dynast Breath, this spell also calls on the power of Dynast Grauscherra. Lightning falls around the target in a pentagram, and then the lightning rushes towards the target. Caution is necessary when the target is too close to the spellcaster because there's a chance that the caster will also be caught within the pentagram.

Zelas Brid (zerasu buriddo): Calls on the power of Greater Beast Zelas-Metallium, one of the five lords of Ruby Eye Shabranigudu. A thin band of light, more powerul than Dynast Brass, moves in any direction the caster wills toward the target. The basic structure of this spell is similar to that of Balus Rod. This is a good example for showing how the power of the spell depends on how powerful a being is called upon.

White Magic

    • Flow Break (furou bureiku)

A spell which negates the effects of all spells within the area. Cannot be used during combat. Except for white magic, all spells take their strength from the energy created by altering the natural flow of energy; this spell negates other spells by returning the flow of energy to normal.

    • Lighting (raitingu)

The spell creates a ball of light which is about as bright as a street lamp. Normally the duration of this spell is 2~3 hours, but by shortening the duration the spell can be made brighter. A blinding flash of light, for example, can be made by decreasing the duration to a split-second.

CHANT: "Light which burns beyond crimson flame, let thy power gather in my hand! LIGHTING!"

    • Megido Flare (megido furea)

This is one of the anti-evil spells which has the effect of lessening feelings of evil intent and enmity. It can also dispell weak spirits who wish to do harm. Against normal living beings, the spell has a calming effect, but against the undead, the spell has a most un-calming damage effect.
CHANT: "You pitiful twisted creatures, not of this world... by the Light of Purity I possess, I bid thee, begone to the nexus of our two worlds! MEGIDO FLARE!"

    • Recovery (rikabarii)

The spell heals the wounds of a target by maximizing the target's ability to regenerate. However, the spell's healing energy comes from the target so when this spell is used against a severely wounded target, the wound might heal, but the target might die of extreme exhaustion. In addition, when this spell is cast on a diseased target, the number of bacteria and virii increase as well, worsening the disease.

CHANT: "Oh, blessed and humble hand of God, life and breath of Mother Earth, come before me and show your great compassion and deliver us: RECOVERY!"

    • Sleeping (suriipingu)

Makes creatures withing a certain area fall asleep. Those affected by this spell will stay asleep for about half a day, even if a dragon roars or a banshee screams. This spell is not taught at the Guilds because it can be used for criminal activities; it must be constructed by the would be caster.

Nightmare Magic

    • Laguna Blade (raguna bureedo)

This spell, an original creation of Lina Inverse, calls on the power of the Lord of Nightmares (Golden Demon Lord), which is much more powerful than Ruby-Eye Shabranigdu. Darkness is formed between the caster's hands, which is then shaped into the form of a blade or trowel shape. Since the spell drains a tremendous ammount of magic power, the spell can only be cast when the caster is in dire need, and only then for a brief moment. Since the sealing of the Giga Slave, this spell is Lina's strongest spell. After learning about the true nature of the Lord of Nightmares from the Clair-Bible, more power can be utilized, at the consequence of a shorter spell duration.

CHANT: "Lord of the Darkness and Four Worlds, I beseech thy fragments; by all of the power thou possesseth, grant the heavens' wrath to my hand; unleash the sword of dark, freezing nothingness; by our power, our combined might, let us walk as one along the path of destruction: LAGUNA BLADE!"

Original Japanese Chant: "Shikai no yami o suberu ou / nanji no kakera no enishi ni shitagai / nanjira subete no chikara mote / ware ni sarenaru chikara o atae yo / sora no imashime toki hanaterashi kohreru / kuroki utsuro no yaiba yo / waga chikara / waga mi to narite / tomo ni horobi no michi o ayaman... / RAGUNA BUREEDO!"


Half Chimera - Raziel was born of the union of a Chimera (Zelgadis), and a human (Lina). As such, he has lesser abilities from the powerful body his father had. The abilities are as follows.

  • Soft-Stone Body - Raziel's skin is soft stone, making him incredibly resistant to physical attacks. Blades are useless against him (unless they are magical in nature). In addition, low caliber (.22, .38, 9mm) bullets merely sting, and regular brawling attacks (punches, kicks) are like hitting a slab of marble. However, higher caliber weapons (AP rounds, machinegun fire, shotguns, etc) can cause serious pain or even damage. Superhuman strength or the equivalent (ki punches martial arts techniques) can also cause impressive damage, if they're strong enough.
  • Enhanced Strength - Lesser than his father's. Raziel can match highly trained fighters casually, and lift anything short of a car over his head (though he can flip them over) with enough effort. However, no equipment he wears can encumber him.
  • Enhanced Displacement - Also lesser. Raziel can get from one point to the next at incredible speeds, again with minimal effort, but can only do this in short bursts, and within line of sight.
  • Heightenned Senses - All of Raziel's senses are superhuman, including smell and taste, which allows him to track, hear and sense things the way a cat or dog could. Also has the '6th sense', which allows him to sense the life-forces of those in the area, including how powerful they are, and their nature. Unlike Zelgadis, Raziel was BORN with these, and has become a master of using them with ease.


Demon's Blood Talismans - Originally had two, his sister gave him the last ones he missed when she stopped being a spellcaster.
Mother's Headband - Protects against magical forms of Mind Control, and Mind Control devices.
Spellbooks - He destroyed the one with the True Laguna Blade Spell in it, but kept the others. All of them have lower level magic spells, and he has about 15 of them.

Vaj Armour - Unit Leader of the Vaj Armors. No drawbacks, all other abilities still useable.

  • Powers - Enchancement (Strength, Speed, Reflexes, Endurance);
  • Force Field Generation - If one Sphere is hit, it, and the others, are from now on immune from the same type of attacks in the future.
    • Number - Up to Three shields can be held at once.
    • Size - Up to 2 meters diameter.
    • Range - All of Japan.
    • Offensive Capabilities - Ramming and hitting.
    • Extras - Set on Automatic; Set to defend Other (Yukihana), when present;


The Azure Wizard likes to be ready for all circumstances, and his equipment reflects this:

  • Head Gear - Wears his mother's bandanna, which counters magical mind control items and the line. It's used to tie his pony tail.
  • Weapons - The Azure Wizard carries the following weapons, for the following reasons.
    • Bastard Sword - For combat against many opponents, and to complement his brute strength in fights against more skilled opponents.
    • Elven Long Sword: A point of pride, will usually use this blade to duel against opponents, or where skill and speed are more important than power. This blade is EXTREMELY well made.
    • Throwing Daggers - The Azure Wizard carries about 20 throwing daggers, distributed in his trench coat and hidden in his boots. These are mostly for the use of Shadow Snap.
    • Dagger: The Azure Wizard has two daggers to fight up close and personal, but these really are for extreme (lost all other weapons) circumstances.