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Toki Stingray
A.K.A. Neo Sailor Saturn
Age 16
Voice Actor Mizuki Nana
Relatives Mackie Stingray (father)
Tomoe Hotaru (mother)
Akaru Stingray (brother)
Series Bubblegum Crisis / Sailor Moon
Player Josh aka Lucian
  • Name: Toki Stingray
  • Age: 16
  • Sex: Female
  • Birthday: Jan 12
  • Parents: Mackie Stingray, Tomoe Hotaru
    • Place of Birth: Tokyo, Japan
    • Nationality: Japanese
    • Specialty: Electronics, electrical and computer engineering, business
    • Hobbies: Fashion
    • Likes: Swimming
    • Dislikes:
    • Favorite Food:
    • Least Favorite Food:
    • Favorite Music:
    • Favorite Sport:
    • Most Valuable Possessions:
    • Level of Education: High School
    • Seiyuu/Voice Actor: Mizuki Nana
  • Physical Stats
    • Height: 5'4"
    • Weight: 114
    • Eyes: Violet
    • Hair: Black
    • Special:


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Toki tends to be extremely shy and afraid of close contact with others. Her powers as Sailor Saturn lead her to feel overburdened by the responsibility, and alienated from others. Her two closest friends are Tsukino Sagiko, and her brother Akaru.


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Physical Skills:

  • Alertness: Incredible
  • Athletics: Good (Amazing as Sailor Saturn)
  • Stealth: Good

Social Skills:

  • Subterfuge: Incredible
  • Streetwise: Novice
  • Intimidation: Abyssmal (Incredible as Sailor Saturn)
  • Leadership: Good (Incredible as Sailor Saturn)
  • Expression: Novice
  • Etiquette: Incredible

Mental Skills:

  • Computers: Amazing
  • Investigation: Incredible
  • Medicine: Very Good
  • Law: Good
  • Politics: Good
  • Science: Amazing

Other Skills:

  • Driving: Very Good
  • Empathy: Incredible
  • Animal Ken: Novice

Special Abilities

  • Martial Arts Training - Glaive: Toki has received extensive training in using her weapon in combat.

Powers & Merits

  • Healing Touch: Toki can induce rapid regeneration in herself or others. Non-serious injuries can be healed in minutes. Minor injuries (deep but not-life-threatening cuts, minor broken bones) can heal in hours. Serious injuries can heal in days with repeated treatment. Toki must maintain physical, direct skin-to-skin contact with at least one hand in order to use this ability. She can use this ability whether or not she has transformed into Neo Sailor Saturn.
  • Sailor Senshi: Toki can transform into the Soldier of Silence, "Neo Sailor Saturn", goddess of Death and Rebirth. When transformed, she gains enhanced physical strength, agility, and endurance.
    • Silence Wall: Neo Sailor Saturn can create a magical barrier which is nearly completely impenetrable by physical, energy, or magical attacks or effects.
    • Silence Glaive: Saturn can summon the Silence Glaive, a magical weapon of incredible destructive power.
    • Silence Glaive Smash: Saturn can channel a tremendous amount of magical energy into her Glaive, creating a shockwave attack.
  • Loyalty (1): Toki is absolutely loyal to Tsukino Sagiko, who is not only her best friend, but is her princess.
  • Graceful (2): Toki carries a natural grace and elegance about her.
  • Lightning Calculator (1): Toki has a gift for numbers
  • Ability Affinity (1,1) "Computers, Science": Toki has an additional gift for computers and engineering
  • Local Ties (3) "Corporate": Through her aunt

Unique Items

  • Saturn Wand: Toki uses this item to transform into Neo Sailor Saturn
  • Silence Glaive: Saturn's signature weapon, the Silence Glaive is the harbinger of destruction.

Weaknesses & Flaws

  • Outsider (2): Like her mother, Toki has a tendency to be seen as an outcast among fellow students.
  • Shy (1): Toki is rather shy.
  • Dark Secret (1): Toki is afraid of revealing her healing ability to others